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c99 cabinet grow


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Hi all. thought I'd start a little thread here on the crop I've got going. It's a c99 cross I've been smoking for several years. Started with some Joey Weed f2's and made seeds from the second crop that I've been using for the last 3 years. The last 2 crops I've grown outside but decided to go back into the cabinet this year. The box is 2'x3' and I've got a 400W HPS and a MH conversion bulb. I've got a 200 cmf axial fan but I get a 10 deg rise so that would say I'm really only getting about 125 cfm.

I started out with 12 seeds and they all popped. I vegged 18/6 them under the MH for about 4-1/2 weeks, took cuttings and flipped to 12/12.
this is a photo at day 5 of 12/12
They started showing preflowers a couple days later and in the next week 12 became 6. I took the males and set them outside to wait for them to pop so I can gather some pollen and make a few seeds again. Once the males were out of the way I set a screen and started training.
this is a photo today at 25 days of 12/12
The screen has filled out real nice and got some nice buds forming. It's c99 so they are not going to be those bigass colas but they will fill in down the road.
this one is looking the best at this point. mother candidate?
I've got the clones going down in another chamber box and got 100% survival. Rapid rooters, a dome and heat mat - it's just like magic.
clones at 26 days
Put them in 4" pots last week and everyone is showing new growth. Not much to do now except wait. That's always the hard part but I've got about a month to go.


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Well yesterday was their 4 week birthday so I took some better photos with the light off. The screen is filling out real well. There's definately 2 mother candidates. One is making bigger buds but the other looks like they may be frostier. Might be a hard choice, but the plan is to not decide until after the cure/dry is done so I can evaluate yield and stone.
6 SF of baby buds
#10 is budding out all the way down to the screen
#11 might be showing more trichs at this point
Should be fun! I'll subscribe.

Should be fun! I'll subscribe.

How do you feel the new seeds compare to the original seeds you started with?
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They seem to be pretty close to the original. Actually with the first crop I got loose buds but I'm sure I screwed up. But there are different phenos in the 6 girls I've got going. Like I said 2 are more compact and are looking like they'll may have better yield and stone. The others are just a bit more strechy.


Thanks ToG. :)
I just got some new beans - C99 and a C99 crossed with something else. Cant wait to grow um out :D


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interesting mutant I noticed today - there is a bud growing out of a fan leaf. Never saw that one before!
wierd, eh?


Yo Homie! U've wonderful strain... Cindy99 is one of my favourite ganja.
Good Luck bro!


Active member
33 days 12/12. shoulda called this Confused Genetics Grow. It's become obvious to me at this point there is more than one strain in there. Looks like a couple plants may be offspring of a BCBD Blue Buddha I grew. Don't know, that might be the plant I seeded last year and tossed the seeds in the same jar. The C99 I recall is smaller, thinner bud, does that seem right? Most the plants are looking like that but a couple are definately lean more to the indica side and one is looking more sativa, but thought this could be a c99 pheno?
This is the 3 different directions things are headed:
my favorite is #11, forming thick frosty buds full of those knarly little indica leaves.
#10 is forming long colas full of those single sativa spears. Maybe not as frosty as #11 but good trich production.
#3 is forming smaller buds with larger internode spaces.

It's all good, though. They're looking real heathy, got couple of good mother candidates and I'm looking forward to a decent harvest.


Active member
interesting mutant I noticed today - there is a bud growing out of a fan leaf. Never saw that one before!
wierd, eh?

The wierd continues. I noticed new one today on the same plant (see #10 above) and the other one is growing. It seems to be a leaf that started out in the bud, then decided to head out and be a fan leaf but was already in the "I'm part of the bud" mode. That plant is looking real promising.


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The screen is 2x4 fencing left over from, oddly enough a fencing project. Used some wood scraps for a frame and drilled them to thread the fencing through. Works perfect and it's even green vinyl coated. The screen is green even before it fills up.


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Today is 5 weeks of 12/12. All are still really healthy looking and the 2 favorites are starting to fatten up. the others seem to be lagging in fattness but like I said, there's different strains so I'm thinking they're just doing their thing. Right now I'm just using PBP Bloom alone but thinking of throwing some molasses into the mix to help fatten them up, any thoughts? Haven't tried that before but from my reading, a lot of people swear by it and it can't hurt, right?
The screen is filled to the max
#11 is looking good
#10 if filling out nicely too. You can see another of those fan leaf buds on the left
group shot of some of the #10 colas
and the mutant fan leaf bud on #10
Naw bro can't hurt at all only help. Naturally it's a chelate. It makes hard to absorb & slow moving nutrients, like iron, easier to except by the plant. And it's also a mild source of Iron, Cal, & Mag it self. I say go for it bro & literally watch them swell!;)


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6 weeks 12/12. Not seeing much growth going on. They are getting a bit fatter but not as much as I hoped. I added mollasses but had to throw it out today, it was getting scummy on the top of the res and smelled a bit off. I ripped out the drip system cause I wasn't happy with the uniformity set up a new system with tromph blumat auto watering controllers. They monitor each pot and water accordingly. I also added a layer of sand as a cap to control fungus gnats.

I've got a lot of vertical that won't be needed on this grow. The scrog method has kept everything low and filled out the square footage although I didn't set the screen until after getting the males out so might do better setting it earlier with clones. Also thinking I might want to try a sog with short veg since I've got all this vertical space in the box.
#11 #12 #10 #4
Hoping for at least .5g/watt, looks achievable at this point even though there are a couple with pretty wimpy buds...


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7 weeks 12/12

7 weeks 12/12

into the final week with these ladies. Everyone's starting to fill out pretty nicely except #2 (on the far left) which still has pretty wimpy buds.
cabinet at 49 days - pretty crowded in there

#10 really looks ready now, the trichs are about 40% amber. But I have to be out of town for a week so they're not going to get chopped until next Tuesday. Hope that's not pushing it too far. Interesting that it is the first one done since it seemed to be the most sativa dominate. I'm definately interested in this one for a mother - very compact, dense buds, good trich production and an early finisher. Can't wait to try her out.
#10 at 49 days - solid bud down to the screen

the others are all at about the same place with mostly cloudy trichs so another week won't be a problem for them. #4 was sending out some foxtails but they've filled out pretty well. It also started showing nanners but don't see any seeds anywhere.
#11 at 49 days
#4 & #12 at 49 days
#4 at 49 days

Had some interesting issues come up with the cuttings, they've started to show pistals and I'm worried they're starting to form buds. Put them on 24/0 to try and reverse 'em. Have a thread over on the infirmary forum if anyone has any thoughts. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2667926#post2667926

anxious to see what kinda weight I get, we'll see in the next couple of weeks


Looking great bro!
I love having it crowded and it looks so nice but working in there can be tough I bet.

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