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C-SPAN Debate...Legalizing Marijuana...8:15 PM...West Coast Time...Tonight

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Just a heads up, there is a televised debate on C-SPAN in a few minutes about legalizing weed. Debate is happening in Colorado. This debate actually took place a week or so ago I believe. Going to be on Channel 24 in Portland on Comcast.

EDIT: the cspan television broadcast had the sound all fucky, don't bother watching that even if they rebroadcast it. Watch it on the cspan website, here is the link to it:


Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Damn! The sound is fucked up. I got mine on full blast can barely hear the dude talking.


Freedom Fighter
Is anybody else having an issue with the sound level?? All other channels are fine, but I have the volume WAY up to hear it...I know it is going to blast me at some point!! lol
I guess they are keeping this "Quiet"!! lol

turtle farmer

cant hear it here in nor cal either
I missed an hour....its coming on again at 12:05,I'll DVR it.
thanx for the heads up

Sour Deez

im definitely gonna blow the speakers switching to another channel to quick..

volume is usually on 15, its on 95...


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
I gave up and recorded it hoping to do something later. Anyone find it on another channel?

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Yeah, I stopped waiting for the sound to fix itself after about 30 minutes. Went online and found it on C-SPAN's website. It was definitely interesting, dude from the Drug Policy Alliance or whatever, he was fucking incredibly great. The congressman was on the right side, but he was a pretty big douche. The LEO's were typical, except the DEA twit was such a big asshole. Great Oogly Googly help us if that guy ever gets in a powerful position in government.

Here is the link to the online video:


Man, one guy from the audience who asked a question at the end....man was he baked!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I came home from dinner to find my DVR was in process of recording this. Sound was effed, so it must've gone out nationally that way. (I smell a conspiracy! :))

Thanks for the link!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just finished watching the whole debate.

This link should be mandatory viewing for everybody involved with our cause. The arguments (as well as the rebuttals) used on both sides should be memorized by all of us.
Just watched the link. I found it to be quite entertaining. The usual spouting of bullshit from the opposition. Anybody who watched this debate and still feels that Marijuana is bad and should be illegal has a few screws lose in my honest opinion, otherwise they are so brainwashed by the gov that they have no idea.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I have a feeling that if you try to watch it from the TV broadcast its not going to have decent sound quality. Even the recording from the cspan website had kinda crappy sound quality. I think it may have been amateur hour at the school where the debate took place. Seemed like the small sound issues that were on the website vid were amplified on the TV broadcast.

Just watch it online.


The funny thing is even with the screwed up sound, its probably the highest ratings c span got all year!

Guest 88950

i watched it, f'd up sound and all and it was dvr'd.

the dea guy admitted that Cannabis was the largest source of income and if that money stream dried up then they cartels could not maintain the power b/c no money.

he then said that the violence would continue then blamed the colonial spaniards for Mexico's violent tendicies and then associated the rape of female immigrants to the violence surrounding drug smuggling.......what an association. they have nor more valid arguments so they associate horrible crimes to Cannabis, regardles of how unrelated they are.

the Mexican American that slammed the dea idiot for his comments was awsome

Colorado Attny Gen used Meth addicts opinion of legalization as to why he opposes it. he asked meth addicts if legalization was a good thing and they said NO therefore it must not be a good idea...........reaching is an understatment.

since when does ANY leo or prosecutor believe meth addicts or drug users.

sadly very few were in attendance and i believe this will go unnoticed by the masses.

a shining light is that the opposition to a sensable drug policy, in open forum or debate, are looking less and less credible as every valid argument they have is being easily shown incorrect and forcing them to make more outlandish associations between horrible violent crimes and Cannabis in an attempt to continue prohibition.

the end of prohibition is near.....jmo


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Yeah I watched some later on with the sound cranked. I will watch the link later. The basic argument is still flawed. They are starting from the position that this is a schedule 1 drug and therefor even if ever legalized, we have to be vewry vewry careful...

Well, I look at it from the opposite perspective. You obviously have never had any proof that it deserved a sched1 classification. The real way to analyze it would be to start from scratch. Here is a plant. We have studies showing its use. Do YOU have ANYTHING that demonstrates that it SHOULD be schedule 1?????

They want us to prove a negative first, always impossible.

I hate even giving credence to these monkeys and this "issue" sometimes. We are supposed to shut our brains down and quit thinking anytime marijuana comes up.

I also love the argument that if we take marijuana away from the cartels, they will just find something else like kidnapping (actually qouted in the vid) to replace it. So we might as well just leave marijuana where it is?

Trying to convince sockpuppets that other sockpuppets are sockpuppets....


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Oh, and sorry to those of you from Colorado. That state DA is obviously not a straight shooter (I doubt he is dumb enough to believe the things he says...). You guys need to put that guys head on the chopping block next election....

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