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By Far THE BEST Rooting Gel, Dip, Powder I Have Ever Used!!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I was at Home Depot today, and wanted to pick some of this up after reading this thread. I couldn't find it, so I asked for help and the saleslady was walking around trying to find it. She was kind of mumbling in frustration, and when I asked her what she said, she said "We can't keep this stuff in the store since the pot growers found out about it." Pretty funny, I thought!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I was at Home Depot today, and wanted to pick some of this up after reading this thread. I couldn't find it, so I asked for help and the saleslady was walking around trying to find it. She was kind of mumbling in frustration, and when I asked her what she said, she said "We can't keep this stuff in the store since the pot growers found out about it." Pretty funny, I thought!

now THATS fucking funny!


Active member
Dude got alot of negative rep in his thread for it but I stopped using cloning hormones after reading it.


I had used clonex first but found alot of my stems went to mush with it. I then discovered the Greenlight product. Worked well and price was a bargain. After reading that thread I went and checked out both my bottles.

Clonex "not intended for use on food crop sites"
RooTing Hormone "Do not use on plants that are to be used for food or feed.

I will agree you will get much faster root times with it and even the smoke doesn't seem bad or anything but??? Well you know I love my tincture, or an occasional graze on the salad leaves. After reading that "Go buy a Juicer for fan leaves" article I think I might be sold on the edible route for the additional benefits and concentrations it brings.

Plain water has worked for me both in coco and in areo with it I've seen roots in as little as 5 days and with the blueberry even in areo it was minimum of 3 weeks so I think it can be strain depended as well as water source dependent. My areo results sped up a few days after reading the "trick to cloning add chlorine" thread.

Cloning can be tough especially the first few attempts. The main point is finding a method that works for you. I just wanted to add this to the thread so that people not reading the fine print would have more in depth knowledge of the products they may use.

The one that really suprised me was planting some single leaf set trim pieces in the moonshine mix inside my bloom room. I really didn't expect much more than some fresh leaf decay. I ended up with roots.:plant grow:


There are FOUR lights!
Indole-3-Butyric Acid (046701) Fact Sheet
Related Information

Regulating Biopesticides
Active Ingredient Index

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Technical Document (PDF)
(60 pp, 1.1 MB about PDF)

Issued: 8/1/00

On This Page

Description of the Active Ingredient
Use Sites, Target Pests, and Application Methods
Assessing Risks to Human Health
Assessing Risks to the Environment
Regulatory Information
Registrant Information
Additional Contact Information


Indole-3-butyric acid enhances the growth and development of food crops and ornamentals when applied to soil, cuttings, or leaves. Because it is similar in structure to naturally occurring substances and is used in tiny amounts, this plant growth regulator poses no known risks to humans or the environment.

Description of the Active Ingredient

Indole-3-butyric acid is a substance that is closely related in structure and function to a natural growth regulator found in plants. Indole-3-butyric acid is used on many crops and ornamentals to promote growth and development of roots, flowers and fruits, and to increase crop yields. Growers find it more effective and efficient than its natural counterpart because plants cannot break it down as quickly. No harm to humans or the environment is expected to result from use of indole-3-butyric acid.
Use Sites, Target Pests, and Application Methods
Use Sites: Many food and feed crops; ornamental turf and nursery plants

Uses: Growth enhancer to increase both yield and quality.

Application Methods: Applied to soil or plants as spray. Also used as a dip for cuttings.
Assessing Risks to Human Health

With the exception of certain workers, no harm is expected from use of indole-3-butyric acid. The active ingredient is not toxic to humans or other mammals. Furthermore, indole-3-butyric acid is effective at very low concentrations--often several orders of magnitude below 1%. It is applied at very low rates compared with most other pesticides. In animals, indole-3-butyric acid is rapidly broken down to a closely related, harmless chemical that occurs naturally in living organisms.

Eye irritation to certain workers is EPA' s only health concern for products containing indole-3-butyric acid. For products that may cause eye irritation, workers (such as mixers and applicators) are required to use protective eyewear, such as goggles, face shield, or safety glasses.
Assessing Risks to the Environment

No risks to the environment are expected from use of this active ingredient because 1) it does not harm animals or plants in the tiny amounts used, 2) it acts as a plant growth enhancer, 3) it does not persist in the environment, 4) it is closely related to naturally occurring substances.
Regulatory Information

Products containing indole-3-butyric acid were initially registered (licensed for sale and distribution) in 1960 for use on ornamental plant cuttings and transplants. As part of EPA' s ongoing review to ensure that pesticide products meet current standards, the chemical was reviewed and found eligible for reregistration in 1992. As of May 2000, there were more than 40 products containing indole-3-butyric acid as an active ingredient.
Registrant Information

Many companies have registered pesticide products that contain indole-3-butyric acid.
Additional Contact Information

Ombudsman, Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (7511P)
Office of Pesticide Programs
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20460

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original article here - http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/biopesticides/ingredients/factsheets/factsheet_046701.htm


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So why does no one use Olivia's cloning gel? Is it crap ?? I use it seems to work OK..
I never bother with cloning gel; seems to work just the same without it.
But who knows, I haven't seen any scientific study but maybe it makes clones root two days quicker. If that was the case it wouldn't be enough to make me bother to use it.
Just my ten cents worth.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Lately its just been a glass of water. When I was using rapid rooters I would use Olivia's. I dont know if it helped rooting it seemed to work..


I never bother with cloning gel; seems to work just the same without it.
But who knows, I haven't seen any scientific study but maybe it makes clones root two days quicker. If that was the case it wouldn't be enough to make me bother to use it.
Just my ten cents worth.
more advice not worth .02..imho of course..

you guys check for yourselves but this fuckstain ain't 'right' imho of course


A few years back I was using Clonex I think and decided to do a side by side with 4 clones with filtered water and clonex in rockwool cubes.. then put 4 just in a open cup of my regular hard city tap water... all 8 rooted albeit the 4 not in rooting hormone did take mayb a day longer.. but Id say if you have time dont bother with all that stuff


High Class Grass
Man..iba is no longer allowed here..someone send me a bottle dammit..

Stay Safe


KrunchBubble, Thanks for this Tip, I've been using rockwool for many years, (17 years) and the past 18 months my success rates using Olivias and Clonex have fallen to 10-50% success rate.

So i ran out to HD, bought me a bottle of this stuff, took several cuttings that were 5 weeks into flower. put them into peat pellets, and sure as shit, 5 days later (I wasn't expecting them so soon) the first roots popped out (didn't even use a heating mat) by day 7, they were fully rooted. and day 11 i had them in soil. in all my many years of cloning and growing i have never had roots show so early. my previous best time was 14 days.

I've since returned and stocked up on several more bottles of this stuff.
i use root burst powder from supernatural brand...shit is the BOMB. been using it for years, and i have 100% almost everytime...talking batched of 500+ at a clip.

Main active ingredient: 4-Indole-3 butyric acid = 0.8%

I've heard a LOT about Rootburst - usually the root growth is described as "freakish" lol. Anyone else use it?