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Buying soil for indoor winter grows


Rabbi Reefer

What would you suggest for an indoor grower who will need soil in the middle of December? The garden center at Home Depot will be PACKED with folks buying xmas trees....how do you explain the potting soil!?


would they ask you?say its for a new eco friendly traditional potted Christmas trees, or for your greenhouse plants perhaps?


To Have More ... Desire Less
buy ahead of time and sit on what U need all winter long......
and if they ask.........phuck'em......NOT there bizniz......they want ask...
and actually........ re-potting indoor houseplants is often done in winter while the plants are dormant....

Rabbi Reefer

I appreciate the replies, but you CAN understand how it kind of stands out.

I once saw a guy at Lowes who was OBVIOUSLY buying for a future grow.
In his cart he had buckets, ducts, CFL bulbs, pump, etc....total moron!


They probably won't ask. But I do like to always have an answer just in case. Sometimes I'll even volunteer an answer if I can tell they're wondering.

Why not say its a base for your compost pile?


if they ask,or your inclined to tell anyone about why your buying dirt in december..tell em your growing/transplanting poinsettias.
There is nothing weird, strange or out of the ordinary about buying potting soil in the middle of December. Just go in, buy your stuff and leave. You'll look suspicious if you start to act or seem as though you are up to something

I buy gardening materials all year round. If people ask, I tell them I'm getting ready to plant some winter crops in a cold frame that will harvest in the Spring.

joe fresh

Active member
yeah i went to home depot and baught 30 bales of promix a month ago, it was cold and raining like shit, the asked why i needed so much and why so late in the season,

i told him i was fixing up my land this year so that in the spring whenthe ground unfreezes the soil starts to activate and gets "hot"....basicly i told him it was just easier for me that way.....

but next time i will have to drive a few towns over to a hydro store that carries promix all year long, as my home depot does not have any in the middle of winter when snow is everywhere....

Rabbi Reefer

It's always good to have answers ready.....You never know what an overly friendly clerk may ask you. Don't raise suspicion, have a simple cover story and answers ready.


Active member
tell em you grow your own christmas trees LOL i am lucky in so cal you can garden all year so nobody gives a shit. damn i got to start my snow peas

Rabbi Reefer

There is a store near me that is selling potting soil for $2.00 a bag...not sure how good it is, but I'll take a look.

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