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Buying gold/silver as a secure investment

I'm not sure if this is the right place but I've recently been investing in gold and silver and wonder if anyone else here does. I like it because it's the only way I know to invest money without any papertrail whatsoever. I can walk into any pawn shop/coin dealer, pay cash for it and walk out without even showing an id. Anyone else do this? Seems like a good idea if you have a safe or a really good hiding place.


ICMag Donor
Always remember that the selling price of metals isn't always the same as the buying price !!

Rice is another sound investment (comparing prices now and 12 months back) as are perspective antiques.



gambling with foodprices is never a sound investment. sry, but it only causes foodshortage in those parts of the world that we western people dont care about.


apmex will get you about the best price you can find. Good luck, I know some people that doubled money on investments like that, keep an eye on palladium if it drops again


New member
Its good as long as the economy does not turn around, as it stands the economy is so dodgy at the moment it seems a sound investment; some even predicting gold to hit $5,000.

Antique jewelry is not a bad idea neither, if you have the time and smarts to learn it can be more sound than base metals, also easier to put more cash into something very small. Numismatic coins is another option, something you would need to spend some time on though too.

Especially if you are in the US all better than holding US$'s, can wipe your ass with it in a few years :laughing:

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
^Actually compared to the Euro the USD has gone up in value the past couple of days, and has been increasing steadily since August 29th.


New member
^Actually compared to the Euro the USD has gone up in value the past couple of days, and has been increasing steadily since August 29th.

Yeah now they are getting caught up in all the dept crisis, god knows how deep it all goes, Greece has been totally screwed over by the big banks.

Bitcoins might also be a decent currency down the track, the FED has already tried to single them out because they are scared shitless something like it might catch on.


Well-known member
China has recently announced they are beefing up their gold reserves. The US is inflating the dollar, which they are the largest holder of.

In the long run they would like to see the dollar replaced as the sovern (sp) currency, by the yuan, backed by gold. They are miles away from this, but the yuan is scheduled to float (no longer fixed exchange rates) in 2015.

In a nutshell China is turning what they consider to be worth less each day asset to one they have more faith in. Unfortunaly (or fortunatly) China has far more dollars than the available supply of gold. Thus the price will continue to rise as investors head to the only appreciating asset. Gold.


I would like to point out that the same rich bankers and royal families that control the federal reserve, or "paper money", also completely control gold and silver, it is actually through gold and silver that everything else is manipulated.

Along time ago they intentionally crashed the use of gold and silver, in order to usher in the federal reserve system, so that they could use strictly paper. At that time it was even illegal to own any gold whatsoever. People would be fined $10,000 dollars and jailed for ten years for possessing gold, so everyone turned in their gold. The gold that was collected was then sent to England to pay off debt.

Believe it or not, it is now the same royal families and bankers, that want to crash the federal reserve, and go back, to gold and silver. This is the reason all we hear about today GOLD & SILVER. It is being promoted non stop even in the smallest niches of society, and is the same reason everyone is promoting the end of the federal reserve.

This is being orchestrated, they are going to crash the federal reserve, blame the people, while re-organizing under gold and silver. In the mean time, when the federal reserve crashes, which it will, the price of everything in the world will go up 4x or 10x, leaving us in a permanent depression.

So please understand, there is a plan. Once you understand this, all of the gold and silver hype starts to make a little more sense. It is no wonder all of richest people in the world are promoting gold and silver. The warning signs are up.


I love my life

I will agree with you that the powers that be manipulate gold and silver prices; however they certainly don't control that market. People like those on this thread buy gold and silver for cash and NEVER sell it to fraudsters. Instead we use it in the free / unregulated markets to trade with one another.

The reason gold and silver talk is strong with the peons like me is because paper money sucks and seeing fuel prices up 400% in a decade (compared to paper). But in silver terms gas has gone way DOWN in the last decade. Ten years ago you could get 3gals for one ounce of silver. Today you get TEN gals of gas for the same ounce of silver.

Fuck them and their paper money.



Active member
id rather invest in guns and ammo....at least when SHTF i can use that to defend myself against the hoards of looters...i cant throw gold coins at people..

Space Case

Well-known member
Buying gold/silver as a secure investment

Some say gold is in a bubble, but hard to say. Silver i more stable but also less appreciation. Honestly, with the coming apocalypse...I'd be stocking usable resources, nonperishables, seeds, grains, wheat, rice, flower. You can't eat gold.


I love my life
Brother can you spare a dime?

You've always been able to eat with silver, the same can't be said for paper money.




Gold & silver are at record high's if you invested in gold when it was $300.00 an ounce this would be a perfect time to sell & make a killing!

Buying right now hard to say, maybe making sure you can live without being Chinese !!!!!!!!!!!!!:plant grow:


Active member
Gold & silver are at record high's if you invested in gold when it was $300.00 an ounce this would be a perfect time to sell & make a killing!

Buying right now hard to say, maybe making sure you can live without being Chinese !!!!!!!!!!!!!:plant grow:

Everyday I think about this. around 05/06 I think it was around 280oz, I remember joking with a friend how weed was worth its weight in gold. I tried to go buy up alot with a substantial amount of money on advice of a friend but they needed papers and all kinds of info.. was a big hassle so I ended up leaving. Everytime I read about the price of gold I just have such such great regret. Maybe its not too late? lol. I feel defeated to pay 1900$ now when I tried to get a shitload at $280 years back :(

I should have known to do it slower and smaller, coins, something, but I was like fuck it. Never give up people!!!
I think silver might be a better bet for me personally. Lower value per ounce will make it easier to use as currency if paper money goes out of favor.


New member
Everyday I think about this. around 05/06 I think it was around 280oz, I remember joking with a friend how weed was worth its weight in gold. I tried to go buy up alot with a substantial amount of money on advice of a friend but they needed irs papers and all kinds of info.. was a big hassle so I ended up leaving. Everytime I read about the price of gold I just have such such great regret. Maybe its not too late? lol. I feel defeated to pay 1900$ now when I tried to get a shitload at $280 years back :(

I should have known to do it slower and smaller, coins, something, but I was like fuck it. Never give up people!!!

Yeah that sucks mate, all you would have had to do is go to pawn shops, jewelers or even auctions and buy any kind of high carat pieces; a lot of jewelry is simply priced at scrap, rises and falls with it, same with many bullion coins.

As long as economies stay unstable gold and silver is still a fine investment.

I would like to point out that the same rich bankers and royal families that control the federal reserve, or "paper money", also completely control gold and silver, it is actually through gold and silver that everything else is manipulated.

They might have some control over it but they do not have endless powers, especially when many countries are wanting to store up their gold reserves and even asking for their reserves back from storage. Hugo Chaves just recently has requested about 11 billion worth back from the bank of England. This screws with the banks because they have everyone else's gold on their books and then are forced to cover it when people ask for it physically.

This is part of the point of the whole silver liberation army concept by Max Keiser, getting the public to buy physical (not on paper) silver forces banks like JP Morgan, who he believes have massive shorts on silver on their books, forces them to cover the position and screws with them.


Everyone hates what the banks are doing, here is a way, just by buying one ounce on ethical grounds, to take some of the power back; would be awesome if it catches on to see what happens.