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Buttcrust and his Glass Slipper


New member
I lurk here alot. I love to check out other people's grows and look at different techniques and unique strains. This is my first grow picture I have ever posted. Going to start to get involved more on the forums. 14 yrs experience in growing. I have tried every grow enviroment, from soil to hyro to outdoor except LEDs. LEDs has come a long way lately but they are not quite there in technology and price.

I'm in the middle of a Glass Slipper grow. Two seeds and out of the 2 I lucked out with this wonderful female. Vegged under 400w HPS for 3 weeks and this is day 10 of flowering. Showed sex at day 7, the male showed sex at day 5. First time I've grown this strain. Smoked it and it's wonderful.

Specifics of grow -

*Ordinary potting soil with, 20 percent perilite, 10 percent chicken crap, and 5 percent worm castings.

*Miracle grow 10-30-10 nutes, I have been using Miracle Grow for several years now. I have had no problems whatsoever with this wonderful product. For all those who has a bad thing to say about miracle grow, please, show me the data on it.

*Ordinary tap water, I let it sit out for 48 hours for chlorine to evaporate. PH is spot on.

That's about all.

Hey guys, MJ is very easy to grow. I think too many people overthink it too much. Water and light will get the job done.

Oh, I was on rollitup for a long time. Too many know-it-alls over there. I like this forum. Good job icmag.

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