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but it's natural!!



IMHO thats not true.

banana peel soaked in diesel fuel - anything soaked in diesel fuel is bad...banana peel or otherwise.

have you ever met anybody addicted to poppy tea or coca tea? tell me that doesn't fuck your life up...

synthetic pills are no worse than a poppy tea...its still the same chemical compound you're ingesting!!! It just hasn't been EXTRACTED. Actually, natural teas can be WORSE for you because they have a larger alkaloid profile (see opium).

if you drink coca tea, you are high on cocaine. if you drink opium tea, you are high on morphine - and a ton of other opiates. Just because it was taken from a leaf and not a plastic baggy doesn't make it any less addictive.

im not tryin to hate on users here, I've done my share of psychedelics and teas (theyre fun but WATCH OUT!!)

Like texsativa, the things that make all the products you mentioned dangerous is that they are processed and not meant to be taken. In other words when we puff cannabis or hash we aren't altering it or ingesting it before it needs to be ingested.

When you ingest opium you are literally ingesting the toxic sap that the plant uses to keep people/animals from eating it before it flowers. Look at how it's harvested. You cut the pod before it flowers, wait for the sap to dry, then scrape it off the pod. Very different from eating a mushroom that has grown to maturity and has been found to not be toxic like Amanita muscaria mushroom or ingesting something that has been manipulated to release a chemical to get high or dull pain like opium.

I've never heard of people being addicted to coca tea like someone addicted to cocaine. Maybe they like to drink it all day like regular tea but not lose they're home or friends because they needed to get high off of coca tea. Plus you are not just high on cocaine, that constitutes about 0.5% of the active ingredient in the plant. Whereas a product of coca past is 40-50% of cocaine and that is a lower grade product so to compare the two is ridiculous. It's the whole plant nutrients that work with each other that give the affects and may be why it isn't addictive like the cocaine chemical by itself.

I think when someone of intelligence says something is natural they mean that it hasn't been manipulated and through the thousands of years mankind and animals have a history of what is ok to consume and what is toxic to consume for us but not for another animal, not that anything is ok because it comes from the ground if that was the case everyone would be eating poison ivy or Jamaicans would be eating ackee before it's ready to be harvested but they know from the history of people communicating the knowledge of how poisonous it is to eat before it reaches maturity.

We have history to guide us on what to eat and how to eat it for the most part of the everyday things we consume while pharmaceuticals are new and we don't have this knowledge, in fact the knowledge we do have we see how much problems they cause but due to big corporations ability to buy your beliefs through doctors and making things look nice we still believe the lie for the most part and the lack of proper knowledge being given on how to consume plants such as eating them with nuts/seeds to extract the fat soluble nutrients makes consuming plants a lot of the time lackluster. This is why smoking cannabis is so well known instead of eating it.

Another thing to remember is when you eat a toxic plant a lot of the times you get sick and learn not to touch it again or at least do it in another way because of how potent it is like tobacco BUT when it comes to man made drugs this isn't the case. You may not feel anything negative until it's time to get off of it like alcohol or pain pills or it wears off like meth or coke and then you feel it's sting and in most cases it's hard to get off in the first place. Can't think of anything natural that does this.

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