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BUSWEISER sells out


Throbbing Member
Sam Adams is now the LARGEST American brewer.... :D

And yes, try them all. So many good beers and ales out there for the American consumer.


lives on planet 4:20
if done in moderation....that is the main point....but as we know...few people can do something in moderation

where all the problems arise....problems with alcohol, tobacco, food, cannabis, drugs, etc....etc....etc


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
upNORTH said:
so i take it mccain might be more funded that our kinda pal obama, man i am so pissed about the new yorker

A leinies man huh? Nothing like a good bottle of squaw piss. lol/JK. I was born and raised on it myself. Fuck anhowserbush!!!!


nycdfan042 said:
.and i think your a pussy wanna be american bitch if you drink anything less than coors, or miller lite.

Miller is owned by SAB.....south african breweries

The Uncola

As the American economy continues to disintegrate, soon nothing will be left that is American owned. Star Bucks has closed a significant portion of their stores as the luxuries like driving solo to work are quickly becoming too steep to afford. The middle class is dying. John McSame has vowed to Veto Every Beer!!!


The Voice of Reason
southflorida said:
if done in moderation....that is the main point....but as we know...few people can do something in moderation

where all the problems arise....problems with alcohol, tobacco, food, cannabis, drugs, etc....etc....etc
But the problem is then the person, not the substance...
I drink roughly 3-6 beers per week, and not all the same day...
Luckily my overindulgent vice is one which is not very harmful... It'd take a whole lot of pot to have a negative impact on one's health...


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Bacchus said:
Sam Adams is now the LARGEST American brewer.... :D

And yes, try them all. So many good beers and ales out there for the American consumer.
Who owns Coors?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
A look over at Wikpedia revealed that Coors merged with the Canadian brewer Molsen several years back, still a North american owned company I guess, although Coors is now working in close cooperation with South African Breweries who now owns Miller, apparently in a effort to better compete with Anheiser-Busch.

So Sam Adams may now have the largest production of any US owned brewery...... if Miller hadn't bought Henery Weinhards several years back, it may have been, but Miller basicly ruined it the day they shut down brewing in Portland.

Rood Spook

Grat3fulh3ad said:
I don't know that I've ever had a good belgian beer, however...

I give you Duvel,imo the champagne of all beers.8.5% of nectar from the gods,truly 1st class beer that happens to be Belgian.http://www.duvelusa.com/
Also,and not because I live next to em,theres the brewery Ommegang...http://www.ommegang.com/ very good belgian beers coming from these guys,there Hennepin is the shit,but all of there line is also quite good.
Whats Budweiser????? :rasta:


nycdfan042 said:
OH MY GOD!! what are red knecks across america going to do?? Here they go workin in the factory and now they got the balls to fuck with their beer? Im sure everyone would have no problems ditching their american budweiser and switching it for a nice belgian recipe. I personally like yuengling...and i think your a pussy wanna be american bitch if you drink anything less than coors, or miller lite. Ive drank a stella artois and it tasted like european PISS...id rather drink natty ice which is what most real AMERICANS will be drinking once those fruity belgians take over budweiser!! Here is another piece of america selling out to a global market...pretty soon american will have a small TM next to it :cuss: all APPLE PIES will be made in france from now on too

Umm first of all FUCK BUDWEISER, you do realize they contribute millions every year to keep marijuana illegal right?


Third; Natty ice is made by the same company that makes budweiser.

Anheiser-busch (sp) was sold, not just budweiser i thought?

Either way man, come down, smoke a bowl and have a beer.... can you please grab me a Yuengling too? I'd prob. stab someone for one right now, nice hot day, take it out to the lake....

mmmmm beer


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Bud Sells...

Bud Sells...

Chamba said:
"yuengling"...lol that sounds just like a Chinese name

while Bud is not one of my fave beers, I've actually drank a few of them this year,,,Bud is a good choice for drinking on hot Summer days..or for fast guzzling....with it's medium alcohol content, sweet, light tasting, doesn't bloat you or sit heavy in your stomach, with big bubbles has a good burp co-efficient and so is ideal with fast food, bar-b-q's etc..drink it fast and cold in a tall glass.
I have 30 years experience in the beer and wine sales industry, including Budweiser, and I think Chamba has a close to correct observation. Todays Bud and Bud Light are developed with drinkability and taste for the widest market in mind. They were never trying to capture small segments of quality beer consumers like many of us posting here. Millions were spent on taste testing and product developement, but also millions on advertising. If you have ever seen the time and money spent on one TV commercial you would find it hard to believe that there was any left over for developing a quality product.....but they were very commited to quality ingrediants and above average brewing standards. Of all the beverage products I sold Bud remained number one for just those reasons. Could you imagine growing a strain of Cannabis and enough of it for all of the consumers Bud has, then having them all satisfied at the end of the day? It's takes a great commitment and great company. Nice thread and good conversation everyone....DD



stoned agin ...
mccain's wifes family dont own bud, but her dad was one of / the biggest distributors in the US. she probably owns stock in the company tho, so she made out OK ... that woman's rollin in dough.

kinda funny because anheiser busch was known to protect the budweiser name viciously, interesting story on how they first tried to bribe then intimidate the czech town to stop using the budweiser name for their local beer. they took the "bribes" then told em to go to hell LOL :rasta:


Pull my finger
Grat3fulh3ad said:
Sorry... I've drunk plenty of beers in the US and abroad, and american budweiser, coors, and stella are all piss... Some of the best beers are european... A draught heineken in holland beats the hell out of the bottled stuff they serve us here... If you're a real beer drinker there are plenty of DAMN fine micro-brews from one end of the country(USA) to the other... Way more fullness of flavor than the majority of the corporate American beer market offers...


thank god for turbodog and newcastle. bud has always given me a headache. most americans smoke dirtweed too. not i.


Active member
screw Budweiser, their beer sucks ass anyway. Yuengling is king in America, i have an empty keg sittin outside from last night. man it was sooo good, can't beat fresh keg beer.
...this could be very bad for beer producers in the u.s...now that the big boys are "gone" so is our buying power for malt and hops...there is a huge shortage of malt and hops right now...so much so that bidding wars are going on...and there are 0 new accounts being accepted....all hops and malt will soon be sold by contract...lets hope the lets hope the craftbeer movement is strong enough to withstand this....can you imagine the advertising dollars now going out of the country? or the shipping and distribution problems that could pop up if the belgians decide to stop delivering beer for the other breweries...


Active member
Rood Spook said:
I give you Duvel,imo the champagne of all beers.8.5% of nectar from the gods,truly 1st class beer that happens to be Belgian.http://www.duvelusa.com/
Also,and not because I live next to em,theres the brewery Ommegang...http://www.ommegang.com/ very good belgian beers coming from these guys,there Hennepin is the shit,but all of there line is also quite good.
Whats Budweiser????? :rasta:

spot on right here.


sorry dale, that makes no sense.

consolidation of major firms makes monopolys. a monopoly is preferred from a producers standpoint in the conditions you just mentioned, i.e. not accepting new accounts.

this should solidify positions of inbev products in the worldwide marketplace, nothing more, nothing less.

Dr. Buzz

A look over at Wikpedia revealed that Coors merged with the Canadian brewer Molsen several years back, still a North american owned company I guess, although Coors is now working in close cooperation with South African Breweries who now owns Miller, apparently in a effort to better compete with Anheiser-Busch.

So Sam Adams may now have the largest production of any US owned brewery...... if Miller hadn't bought Henery Weinhards several years back, it may have been, but Miller basicly ruined it the day they shut down brewing in Portland.

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I'm a huge Henry Wienhard's fan. I agree completely, once Miller bought it the beer went to shit. I remember back in collage we used to buy Wienhards cheaper than bud or coors. I loved that grassy pale ale.

I must be one of the few that likes Bud. I think it has it's place like keggers on the beach or mowing the lawn. I have enjoyed many a bud in my lifetme.