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ICMag Donor
Still looking at it from the wrong perspective.

IF...cannabis wasn't illegal - then there would be no issue with calling out an electrician and having them wire up the grow.

The same pretense that you use about a fire - is the same bull crap they have used for decades against cannabis itself. It attracts undesirable people. It promotes violence. It finances organized crime. It destroys communities. Stray bullets will kill the children. Won't someone think of the children!!!!

If you suspect someone you know of ___________ call your local blah blah blah...

AND ALL OF IT - is a result of PROHIBITION.

Is the wiring dangerous - yes - obviously. Is that a MORAL issue - I personally don't see it as such. They can't arrest members of Wall Street for stealing BILLIONS yet I'm supposed to some how muster up the moral energy to care about this guy stealing some electricity to grow...what...cannabis. Nah. No more than I care about people in India climbing poles to wire in illegal A/C units.

I see your correlation about burning down the neighborhood and mass death to LITERALLY have the same rationale and legitimacy as my bullets flying and killing the children quip above.

This news reel is a perfect example of what NOT TO DO if you personally value your safety and freedom...nothing more.



well not entirely true frank, people are tight arses , and only the good ones would do the right thing calling a electrician sadly more than likey the guys that did this set up would still do what they did . so even if it was legal there is always dodgy guys out there saving a dollar.

there will always be bad guys giving good guys bad reputation . wether cannabis is legal or not .

and yeah your completely right its a more what not to do if you value others safety and your own . theres a bigger picture than just making money the fastest most cost effective way you know how. i think you put this whole thread into perspective with your last comment
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Xray Kimono

I think that the setup and implementation was DUMB and DANGEROUS. But I also think that we need to let natural selection take her course sometimes...

Nobody deserves to be locked up unless they are in violation of another persons/beings equal rights... Especially not for a plant.

When getting into the theft of the electric.... Pfff... There is plenty of electricity to go around and the theft is in response to the necessity of personal safety via stealth... Again, it was not implemeted well or intelligently.


cant re Member
Still looking at it from the wrong perspective.

IF...cannabis wasn't illegal - then there would be no issue with calling out an electrician and having them wire up the grow.

i find myself agreeing with you more man disagreeing but what you said here simply isn't true, you are supposing that because its legal people will call an electrician and not cut corners?
you know that aint true.

people will keep reptiles, fish perfectly legally and still endanger people with dodgy electrics.
we need to draw a pretty clear line, that some one doing that, despite what the cause, is in the wrong.
its hypocritical to say because they were growing weed, its ok.

legal or not, people would still do dodgy shit, because those people by nature have no common sense.

for example I double check and triple check all my electrics daily. purely because I couldn't live with myself for causing someone else harm. id do that whether I was doing something legal or not. so yes I guess its a moral issue. agree.. would legality lead to regulation for the home grower? not sure, and if it did some idiots would still ignore it.


cant re Member
ok the set up is dodgy as all hell, how did this turn into risking neighbours lives ? siftedunity, this isn't directed at you its the concessis of the posts i,m reading i,m directing this at. not you .

it said outskirts of sydney , who says it was,nt a home on acreage ? without a neighbour near by at all ? this if any of you know Australia is the PREFERRED location for these sort of grows and industrial estates .(yes some "crime gangs" do it in suburbia )

and i can tell you one thing if people lived near by and were in danger from a house fire, it,d be in the article . i can assure you off that knowing the press and police .

now i,m not for them doing it the way they did it in anyway shape or form . but rambling on with what if this and what if that is bs . you need all the facts . that you simply don't have . the facts are there really bad electricians and they could have caught fire to there house . was that going to endanger anyones lives who knows

i,m just playing devils advocate here,

ya if he had no neighbours then really its himself or his house which could be damaged which is fine, its on his head so be it. its the people who will do that shit in the middle of a row of houses/appartments that worries me.


cant re Member
id also like to add, that if growing cannabis is associated with other crime (eg stealing power), its gonna be very hard to make it legal or accepted in society. I don't think growing should be synonymous with crime. people who steal power to grow are criminals.


^^ well if you put it like that , any off us that are growing where its not legal are criminals in the laws eye,s . i,m not saying stealing power is right . devils advacnt again .

i love a good debate , what can i say :) who are we to judge ,

i have pointed out earlier it would be impossible to grow any sizeable amount without stealing power . there simply suppling a demand in australia and lining there own pockets at the same time . but there is still a demand to supply people that can't grow there own . in a way it helps those people that want too smoke weed who couldn't possibly get it any other way, not to mention the demand has gone up even more now its coming out how it can help people with illness,s . now there,s all walks of life looking to try a new medicine that could possibly help.

and once australia follows suit with america the better off everyone will be .still won't stop criminals being criminals . people are still committing all sorts of crime even though its legal in some states of US . hold up, theft , killing ( was the only the other week 3 rippers got shot dead n the US) you think people stealing power is going to hold back legalisation ??

people don't want cannabis to be associated with crime , too bad it always will be . and that you can thank the governments for..... what do you think life would have been like if they simply accepted it and let it be the peoples choice , do you think there would be any crime associated with it then ....no. if fact there would be no market at all , hold little value if anything . but yet they want to control plant numbers and keep the market going now they realise theres a dollar to be made .

and its obvious these people paying the price now , there been caught . and they will go to jail for many years for supplying a plant we all love and there shitty electrician skills .

i should also add i,m kool with everyones opinions on this subject . my axe to grind is with no one HERE .......
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Active member
Dunno how it works in Australia, but in the US the power companies aren't rats per se. They don't look for high consumption to report it to the cops. OTOH, if the cops ask about a particular property they'll hand over the billing information. They don't care what you do with electricity so long as you pay the bills.

They're also vigilant about power theft because it costs them money. Once they identify a power thief they go to the cops to bust the miscreants regardless of what is being done with the power.

From reading here, it appears that more than a few otherwise airtight operations have gone down over stealing power. There was no other reason to bust them.

Their power setup was a nightmare, an accident waiting to happen. It seems clear to me that remote ballasts are not really suitable for larger operations. All the reasons for modular lighting in industrial applications apply to large grows as well.

It's interesting to note how prohibition & tight regulation shapes our thinking. If Cannabis were truly legal, it'd be grown outdoors like everything else. Cheap, too- really cheap. Indoor growing under lights would become a relic of the past.


Well-known member
ya if he had no neighbours then really its himself or his house which could be damaged which is fine, its on his head so be it. its the people who will do that shit in the middle of a row of houses/appartments that worries me.

thing is, firemen get killed fighting fires. it might NOT just be him and/or his house that gets scorched...electic fires are a BITCH to knock down...


Dunno how it works in Australia, but in the US the power companies aren't rats per se. They don't look for high consumption to report it to the cops. OTOH, if the cops ask about a particular property they'll hand over the billing information. They don't care what you do with electricity so long as you pay the bills.

They're also vigilant about power theft because it costs them money. Once they identify a power thief they go to the cops to bust the miscreants regardless of what is being done with the power.

From reading here, it appears that more than a few otherwise airtight operations have gone down over stealing power. There was no other reason to bust them.

Their power setup was a nightmare, an accident waiting to happen. It seems clear to me that remote ballasts are not really suitable for larger operations. All the reasons for modular lighting in industrial applications apply to large grows as well.

It's interesting to note how prohibition & tight regulation shapes our thinking. If Cannabis were truly legal, it'd be grown outdoors like everything else. Cheap, too- really cheap. Indoor growing under lights would become a relic of the past.

i believe in australia , that the power company actually reports unusual usage of power to the authorities .

yes if cannabis was truly legal it would be grown outdoors there would be no money in it to keep the lights on, not to mention they would have found the benefits of it decades before now. and god knows how much suffering of some people could have been avoided without prescription pills .

and shotty people stealing power hahaha
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Ripped since 1965
If Cannabis were truly legal, it'd be grown outdoors like everything else. Cheap, too- really cheap. Indoor growing under lights would become a relic of the past.

That's the problem with making blanket statements, the blanket never covers everyone. It's truly legal in Alaska, Is everyone running around naked planting seeds outdoors? Fuck no and they never will, it's cold and no dark in the summers. It's indoor growing forever here, or at least until this global warming is reality- burn more fossil fuels people- please:biggrin:


Active member
That's the problem with making blanket statements, the blanket never covers everyone. It's truly legal in Alaska, Is everyone running around naked planting seeds outdoors? Fuck no and they never will, it's cold and no dark in the summers. It's indoor growing forever here, or at least until this global warming is reality- burn more fossil fuels people- please:biggrin:

If cannabis were truly legal it'd be imported from the lower 48. It'd be cheaper than growing it yourself under lights.

Is Matanuska thunderfuck not an out door strain?


Ripped since 1965
If cannabis were truly legal it'd be imported from the lower 48. It'd be cheaper than growing it yourself under lights.

Is Matanuska thunderfuck not an out door strain?

It is imported from cali and bc. Even a beginner indoor grower can grow better stuff than that outdoor stuff from down there.:biggrin:Sells for the same price as the indoor grown. Electric is cheap up here compared to down there. This place has a long history of indoor growing because of the climate. There are more people growing indoors every year by a lot. The hydo shops are killing it.
There are no outdoor strains that were made here. Tell me how you get these plants to bloom with 20-24 hours of daylight in the summer and fall. Too cold for corn to grow in this state, that should tell you the climate. Matanuska Thunderfuck was a scam name used to sell weed on the street here. Ya know stuff sells better with a cool name.:tiphat: Now you all down there are being scammed by breeders saying they have a strain that never existed:tiphat: I've been here since the early 70s, right in the Matanuska valley. I'll sell ya all the Matanuska Thunderfuck you want, ya got cash:biggrin:


Active member
It reads like they were stealing power, always a bad idea. "Using electricity without authority" Once the power company figured it out, they were sitting ducks.

If you use that amount of power yes. I was once told that electricity lines always have a certain degree of loss, so if you can keep it small enough the loss is quasi undetectable. Don't know how much that would be though.
I guess if you keep it under 5000w it might be safe.


there ya go, good humour.:biggrin:

we haven't even started with the humour yet, wait till they all see a untidy electrical job . they don't realise this is AAA+ for australian standards . :)

work health and safety approved . they prob didn't look close enough at the pic see a bucket of water in the corner just incase there was a fire.


Active member
LoL I never said they should be busted for pot. They should be busted for the hazards and crimes they are comitting

Can you please tell us how one grows indoors without power. About those guys growing for others: you can't expect everybody to take the time and become a master grower.
About stealing power if it was legal they shouldn't have to steal it, because than they could be honest about their bills.

St. Phatty

Active member
I was going to say - '

Actually, it's only a danger if the cords were running hot and were used beyond capacity.

If each of those cords was for a 600 watt ... that's pretty safe.

BUT - I take it back.

That mess makes it hard to manage ANYTHING. Even if it was 600 watts per cord.