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Busted In North Korea Of Europe (Nazi Sweden)


New member
one less casualty in the drug war

one less casualty in the drug war

Congratulations! may you be happy and prosperous in your new country, and always remember: Don't let the man bring you down!

This B-Rip is for you guys! :bongsmi:
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Active member
Awesome, ya made it. Good luck ,find some work, don't grow for abit get settled and write your book. :wave:


I never expected to see that post. You gave me a big smile, thank you for inspiring yourself and others. How did you manage to do that? Don't they check at the airport? You don't need to answer but ı'm curious in case it happened to me:D
Congradulations my friend. I bet you will adapt to the warmer weather in no time.


i know its too late, but i just wanted to say i agree with everything joe grower said except about asking for money from your family.

take the banks' money, take the CC companies' money, its all insured. sell your car and your possessions, fine. but dont steal money from your family. if you have to ask, be honest about what youre doing.

to the swedes: im glad you made it out, and i hope you have a great new start in the new year :)


New member
Swedish mate,
you'd need a new citizenship as you don't deserve to be hung up for marijuana growing in your nazi-Sweden home country. How can we accept such laws?


wow is this for real?

or are you taking a vacation? it seems a bit extreme to flee what might turn in to a suspended sentence with any luck. even if you get 2 years you will be out in 16 months. you might even be allowed to serve in a open prison where people go out to work every day at their jobs? or don't you have these kind of programs in Sweden?

anyway all the best to you man...:wave


pure dynamite
nice for you...
btw... did you earned some money there or you only spent them till now?

Punani JAck

wow, I am amazed and overjoyed to hear your story swefarmers. Men like you are rare these days. You have made the right choice I am certain. Most would not be brave enough to have made that same choice. It is hard to leave home no matter how awful it may have been. Who knows... Maybe you are supposed to be in Cambodia for a reason...

Space Toker

Active member
Stoned2Death, I must say I started reading your post and thought it was pure insanity, and by the end it made a lot of sense! As someone else said, WORD!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Kul att höra Swefarmers! Cambodia, I still have bumps in my ass from that country, man I hate 18 hour non-stop nightmare bussrides.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Lets do a little math. If you harvested 600 plants with a minimum yield of 1.5oz per plant, that's 56.25 lbs. Dude i just find it hard to believe that's personal. Were you planning on buying a deep freeze to store that for long term lol?

Space Toker

Active member
yeah but personal quantity or not, I feel for them, anyone busted is still a brother or sister of the herb or however you want to look at it, they are the victims of insane and anal laws and deserve our support.


I didnt know norhtern european countries were so bad when it comes to MJ laws,makes the state I live in look a little better lol.How about spain?That would really be he only european country I'd like to visit anyway.


Canna Coco grower
Hey Swefarmers, haven't heard from ya in a while?? You still in Cambodia? whats happening with the charges against you in Sweden?
