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Busted in Belgium.......(well nearly)...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....It took a while.....maybe 15 minutes or so before one of the customs cops got out of the small van and then a bigger older cop with a handle bar moustache got out too and came over to my car....The big old cop said 'Is it O.K. if I ride with you sir?'......'Sir!'....now this was getting strange.....I had never been refered to as 'Sir' before by any police....I said 'Sure.......hop in'.......then he gave me the key to the cars ignition again once he had sat himself in one of the back seats....'So whats going on' I said.....'Where do you want me to go now?'......The cop told me that we were to go to a Police station in a place called Veurne because they wanted to make an inventory of my seeds for it appeared that they might be confiscated and I might be detained ...

...Ah...what a bummer, my tunnel crossing to England was booked for around noon in 2 hours and I wondered if I was ever going to make it.......

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I aint even been to bed yet, and I need a couple of hours shut-eye!
C'mon man :whip: I wanna go to bed. :biglaugh: .
Seriousl;y though, what next???

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Ye m8, I was just thinking the same thing.
Did you get my PM HOG m8??
Well Gypsy, Im goonna have to check this outin a few hours, I need a little kip, lol, I know, 7am, is not a healthy time to go to bed, but SFW, lol.
Goodnight all.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The old cop in the back of the Jag did'nt say much ....I was asking him questions about the legality of cannabis seeds in Belgium and he did'nt seem to know if they were legal or not....He just told me that it was up to 'The Prosecutor' whether or not I would be charged.....

Soon I was following the Renault along some back roads wondering if they were going to lock me up once we made it to the Police Station.......I hate being detained.....freaks me out a bit so I took a few deep breaths as we pulled into what turned out to be the Police Station parking lot......

The swathy cop in the van motioned for me to pull over into a certain spot and I parked my car and got out.......Then was asked to follow them towards a small set of stairs that we climbed into the Police station which was naturally full of cops.....


**......The thought of Burt Reynolds in 'Smokey and the Bandit' crossed my mind.......**

Smokey and the bandit is one of my favourite movies from since i was a kid Gypsy, but your car bust stories have me biting my nails here man...


Active member
Well, I do not have much to do, so I am gonna make some ganja brownies with Reese Cups and check this one out! *Reclining the Lazy Boy* Let's see how this story ends!?!?!?!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
As I walked into this Belgian Police Station I was searched and my mobile phone was taken away from me as they asked me if I had any weapons....'Sorry I have no weapons' I said........

One of the cops motioned for me to go towards a room that opened out on the foyer that we were standing in .....there was a reinforced glass window and as I entered this room I could see a key in the lock......So I was going to be locked in here it seemed......locked into some sort of waiting/detention room with nothing but a large metal table and a wooden bench in it....oh....and a wall heater that heated the place to quite a high temperature.....phew!...it was warm in here....and I was not sure how long I was going to have to stay here as I heard the key turn in the lock....locking me in this room...I was surely incarcerated now.......

After a few minutes some plain clothed policeman came and told me that I was under arrest and what was to happen....Aparently the local prosecutor had some sort of problem with the fact that I was taking cannabis seeds from my shop in Holland to my shop in England and wanted me to make some sort of statement.....They asked me if I spoke French or Dutch well enough to make a statement in those languages and I told them that if I was to make a statement then it would have to be in English since this was my Mother tongue and I could not understand French nor Dutch sufficiently well enough....

So I had to wait for a translator to show up so that he could translate my English words into Dutch which all of these guys seemed to speak........and this took quite some time.....I had to wait over 2 hours......

At first I paced and paced back and forth in this detention room....I could see some activity thru the reinforced glass as cops came and went about their business.......then I decided to take my coat off because of the heat in the room and lie down on the bench with my head on my coat to try and sleep....I could feel that with all the excitement my heart rate was up and I made a concerted effort to try and calm down by going over some ideas in my head away from my current situation and this worked......eventually I fell into a light sleep but was woken by some cop entering the room with a cheese sandwich....a bannana and a bottle of Volvic mineral water for me......I guess that it was lunch time....


Oh my :eek: what a story , bub bub bub , ahhh , cough cough

well 1 thing i hope for , is that in the future this story does'nt have a sequel



Bubblegum Specialist
No Good deed goes unpunished Gypsy. I hope you make it home safe soon. BOG

Yes, the Dukes of hazzard were real and I met Boss Hog one night down south in my truck but that's another story...

Please Continue Gypsy... :D

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Please, ur not nicked now r u???? C'mon, finish it, i went to bed at 8 am, and this aint progressed, lol.
Seriously though, What happened pal...r u out, hope u r, I hipoe u aint got problemns man.


Active member
The Gypsy Nirvana reality show.....

The Gypsy Nirvana reality show.....

hey, where's Jeff Probst? :biglaugh:

is this where seedsdirect gets closed down and the new shops open up?...no that wouldn't happen...

at least you weren't smoking/ carrying any weed at the time...it seems people get busted in the car like this all the time-traffic ticket turns into drug bust.

oh well, good luck!!!


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
You ever been at the top of a scenic look-out (mountain) and then you noticed that they had one of those binoculars, you know, the one’s that you have to put a quarter in see way down in the valleys and every were else………..man what I wish this thread was like that!!! Were is the slot in this thread? So I can put my quarter in and get this thing going again, man this thread is better than most novels that I’ve read.

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