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Busted! But you get to Go to DisneyLand!



Spokane convict granted Disneyland detour with family.


Spokane convict granted Disneyland detour with family

A Spokane man busted in a federal marijuana sting and looking at a prison sentence had one request: He wanted to go to Disneyland. He got his wish. He leaves this weekend for Southern California, two weeks before a judge will be asked to approve a plea deal that calls for him to spend five years behind bars.

By Meghann M. Cuniff

The Spokesman-Review


SPOKANE — A Spokane man busted in a federal marijuana sting and looking at a prison sentence had one request: He wanted to go to Disneyland.

He got his wish.

Scott Nicholas Cassell, 29, leaves this weekend for Southern California, two weeks before a judge will be asked to approve a plea deal that calls for him to spend five years behind bars.

U.S. Magistrate Cynthia Imbrogno granted a motion late last month for Cassell to travel to the Magic Kingdom for a week with his mother, wife and 6-year-old daughter.

"What he's doing is good for him and good for the family," said Cassell's lawyer, David Miller. "His young daughter can't be around her dad for a while; how sad is that? This will put a good memory in the memory bank."

Full Story

Well think what you want this reflects our views on Cannabis! No longer the Evil that requires Solitary confinement for 10 years to purge the Devil out of the Man.. He is Safe to be around children and Family.

Lets get registered! Let's Vote and Let's get ready for True freedom in 2012 by organizing!


I think it's called Compassion. I know we don't see it that often when it comes to Cannabis especially in Texas and Oklahoma but it's in Civilized Spokane.

Ahhh it feels like Apple Pie to me.. America can't be far behind.

Space Ghost

dude it's Washington, we're cool here, including some judges...

Space Ghost

how can someone snitch if they have no idea that you're growing, rule #1, rule #1, rule #1. And I have never heard of anyone(that I know, or people they know, ect...) getting busted with this law, we value privacy and personal liberty, at least on this side of the cascades, but I'm glad to see a judge on the east side value family over minor "drug" offenses.


Active member
Why is this out of the ordinary? People out on bail are allowed to request to travel outside city limits, happens all the time. The judge decides how much of a flight risk they are.

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