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Busted at London UK Airport


Blue Dot

I bet there is a customs agent toking on some Bullrider as we speak! I bet they were motivated to confiscate your weed cause it looked so good. So they let you go so they didn't have to turn it in.... heehee.

I agree completely. Why else would they have let Marco go?

Marco, I hope you don't believe you were an exception (being let go) because of your exemption or really anything other then the fact they they liked the smell of your goods and knew they couldn't pass it around if they had to book it into evidence.


Genetic Resource Management
Grateful- After I posted my brain kept gnawing away at the question and seems to be telling me the treaty I am thinking of is the Single Convention Treaty, but again I could be wrong on that one.

Marco- I do realize you too are an activist, as I am. We do however take different approaches in our activism. I have been following along with your seed case, although most tof the information I have received ios from our mutual friends. My question to them was in regards to your import/export license. Who issued the license, and for what is it exactly... Cannabis seed? Or is it just a regular license to import goods? Is there a limit as to the allowable importation quantities? If it is via health Canada and again under Section 56 (cannabis seed is considered 'marihuana' according to the statute), my understanding from the documents I have read is that even the 'license to possess Cannabis seed' is only valid for the number of seeds that would grow into plants, as specified under the specific exemption- ie for you 49 (?) plants... thus 49 seeds.

Obviously, as there has been with every other step and document Health Canada has prepared in their delineation of the specific regulations with respect to Medicinal Cannabis, there are myriad problems with this.... the most obvious being that 49 seeds will not yield 49 female plants, since PPS's seeds are not gynocious in nature. Neither will the females from said 49 seeds yield 49 medicinally suitable plants, given the genetic heterogeneity of their seed stock.

Is there a trial date set for the case? I take it will be heard in Toronto?

I wish you luck, I will be following along.....

I would suggest any 'legally approved' Cannabis users that need to travel with meds look into obtaining a prescription for Sativex from GW pharm, or Marinol/Cesamet etc as these will obviously keep you out of trouble when traveling across international borders.

I personally believe that everyone should be able to travel with Cannabis with impunity, not just 'approved med' -users. I have a condition for which Cannabis is helpful, and was one of the first recognized medicinal uses for Cannabis (Glaucoma), but I have not been able to get a doctor to sign off on an exemption... which in and of itself shows the ludicrous nature of our exemption process. I too have to rely on friends when I travel.

Re: your items being scanned- I think it is more likely that your bags were brought to the customs agents attention by a dog or electronic sniffer.

I would also suggest flying direct to Amsterdan next time. I have crossed customs in Schipol with plant products, seeds, etc, and not once was I stopped for questioning.... they put my bag right through the scanner and let me on my way. I also know others who have gone through Schipol with boxes of clones.


Guest 88950

Marco, i applaud you for standing up for our right to travel with medical cannabis.

as a medical cannabis user in fla they put you under the jail for this and i take around 5 flights a year and i have to be w/o my meds the entire time im gone. its a bitch to have bad spasms b/c pharmaceuticals dont work and im too scared to challenge the law and carry my meds.

thank you

Marco Renda

Active member
Grateful- After I posted my brain kept gnawing away at the question and seems to be telling me the treaty I am thinking of is the Single Convention Treaty, but again I could be wrong on that one.

Marco- I do realize you too are an activist, as I am. We do however take different approaches in our activism. I have been following along with your seed case, although most tof the information I have received ios from our mutual friends. My question to them was in regards to your import/export license. Who issued the license, and for what is it exactly... Cannabis seed? Or is it just a regular license to import goods? Is there a limit as to the allowable importation quantities? If it is via health Canada and again under Section 56 (cannabis seed is considered 'marihuana' according to the statute), my understanding from the documents I have read is that even the 'license to possess Cannabis seed' is only valid for the number of seeds that would grow into plants, as specified under the specific exemption- ie for you 49 (?) plants... thus 49 seeds.

Obviously, as there has been with every other step and document Health Canada has prepared in their delineation of the specific regulations with respect to Medicinal Cannabis, there are myriad problems with this.... the most obvious being that 49 seeds will not yield 49 female plants, since PPS's seeds are not gynocious in nature. Neither will the females from said 49 seeds yield 49 medicinally suitable plants, given the genetic heterogeneity of their seed stock.

Is there a trial date set for the case? I take it will be heard in Toronto?

I wish you luck, I will be following along.....

I would suggest any 'legally approved' Cannabis users that need to travel with meds look into obtaining a prescription for Sativex from GW pharm, or Marinol/Cesamet etc as these will obviously keep you out of trouble when traveling across international borders.

I personally believe that everyone should be able to travel with Cannabis with impunity, not just 'approved med' -users. I have a condition for which Cannabis is helpful, and was one of the first recognized medicinal uses for Cannabis (Glaucoma), but I have not been able to get a doctor to sign off on an exemption... which in and of itself shows the ludicrous nature of our exemption process. I too have to rely on friends when I travel.

Re: your items being scanned- I think it is more likely that your bags were brought to the customs agents attention by a dog or electronic sniffer.

I would also suggest flying direct to Amsterdan next time. I have crossed customs in Schipol with plant products, seeds, etc, and not once was I stopped for questioning.... they put my bag right through the scanner and let me on my way. I also know others who have gone through Schipol with boxes of clones.


The BIN # is registered to Medical Marijuana Seeds Wholesaler and was issued by Customs & Revenue Canada. It specifically states MARIJUANA SEEDS on the permit. We distribute seeds to retail outlets through out Canada in order for patients to have access to quality genetics.

From what my lawyer Leora Shemesh has told me is that our case is to go before a judge in December or January in Toronto. I believe that Alan Young is also going to be part of my legal team when we go to court. We not only have Customs but expert witnesses as well as patients who have purchased the seeds that are offered by Health Canada. As you know they only have 1 strain available and that strain isn't effective for the majority of those who purchased it.

Take Care and Peace


Active member
Happy to hear you stayed out of jail, because their will always be more meds, and unlike marc emery I would hate to hear you were in jail. but I am sad to hear you didnt plan on entering Marco's Mango in the competition; I miss that strain! Hope your magazine is doing well, I know you get entirely to early and go to bed late...

WDCF wave:


Active member
dude, why wouldnt you just fly from pearson to schipol direct. theres a flight every thursday. i doubt the dutch would have any beef with ya. yer lucky the screws didnt screw you. jails are hurtin in england, best to get the entry stright to a'dam so you wont need a "meds" story. i met a guy from holland who tried to take 250G of morrocan hash to london and they gave him 7 years for smuggling. mind you no med card, but jeezus, 7 efin years. be a good lad and just ship it with a photocopy of yer papes to a residential address, d
Damn well look to the bright side it could have been alot worse.
but in the long run your all good your friend has got you covered and you will have a blast in Amsterdam.