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Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks

best thing I can say about that MM is thank God that pic's not moving.......

she aint no Maria!
Stoner LOOOOOOOOL!! you killed me... Thought i would switch shit up a bit narr meeeeen!

arrr sheeet!

Super Baked... LMAO yeah mang - someone hit her up with a GIF!

Join with me, do the Fungus knat clap.... clap clap - clap clap!


henrycavill.jpg Henry Cavill bump


Fat J

Wow... was feelin pretty high, but that pumpkin ass is a buzkill... harshin my buzz man. More ISO oil, stat!



I hold El Roacho's
Fat J > Wow... was feelin pretty high, but that pumpkin ass is a buzkill... harshin my buzz man. More ISO oil, stat!


:laughing: I had to throw in a wrench I was to blazed and laughed my ass off after I added that pic.

TrichyTrichy > RoachClip! EWWW :spank:

:whistling: Um poof it's gone :D

bump puff puff pass ~~ ~


Kiss My Ring
Sitting here seething as I drink my poison
How much better life will be
Without me in it.

My recollections of the times
That brought us to this point
The arguments were just feeble
Please pass me back the joint.

From an alcoholics view
Each day is not new
You certainly suffer from this too
Without admitting that it’s true.

How much better life will be
Without me in it

Quaffing the last of the brew
I pondered quietly as I drew
And swallowed hard because I knew
You had treated me like the flu.

Why I didn’t run I cannot swear
Most times I was not Where?!
What of the times I woke with you not there?
Would you now say that that was fair?

I’ve been with you for thirty-five
Thirty two of which I’ve had to strive to meet your expectations,
Now you have the nerve to deny me Relations?
In the guise of tiredness, backache, or fatigue
I’m gone, I’m out of here, I’m joining a bowling league!
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