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Buliding 8x8 room With Poly Whats the best way to make a door?


Ok I am framing out a 8x8 room and then wrapping each wall with poly then I will put it together. Any ideas on making a door that is airtight? I was thinking a tarp zip up kit running vertically on ecah side of the door and then a velcro strip running horizontail across the bottom of the door frame to connect the bottom. Any thoughts or ideas on doing this or a better way to do it. Any Tips when building a POLY room? Thanks Guys


use velcro and the zipper, use one door with the zipper attached and another door with the velcro or just use velco


I Always get 5-6 lbs,usually closer to six lbs out of my 8 by 8 with 3 1K vertizontals,but then again I'm nearly a god


I Always get 5-6 lbs,usually closer to six lbs out of my 8 by 8 with 3 1K vertizontals,but then again I'm nearly a god

when you get into that small space do you leave your ego outside?:)

but speaking seriously,3x1000w=3000w //6lbs= +/- 3000g so it is close to 1g/w so not such a outstanding yield, concerning that there are some people who pump it up to 1,5or even 2 g/w ;) but...very nice anyway.


I could probably get 2.5 grams watt off something like bigbud lol.I dont do anything too special 3 1K verts for 50 watts sq/ft a propane burner regulated by a co2 controller(a must) 12,000 BTU window AC and a 45 pint dehumidifier.Wherever I can get a plant in that room it gets adequete light which you have to have using co2.I was growing blockhead getting these results which isnt known as agreat yielder.I would normally get 1/4 pound or a little more per plant.24 plant max or the man comes and whacks your pee pee with a big stick.Perpetual grows are a thing of the past for me anymore

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