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bulb spacing for vertical grow


if you were going to set up an 11' x 13' room with vertical lights and 4-6 plants per light, what would be the optimal spacing and amount of lights? The tentative plan is two rows of lights, each row set 36" out from the side walls and 40" from the back wall.

Another idea is 5 thousand watt bulbs, with four arranged equidistant from another like the corners of a square and then a fifth bulb in the center of the room.

Thanks for input and ideas while i cruise the archives here and see what i can find to help.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
In a room that size you could do 4 1000 watt HPS. You could probably fit five, but with a vertical grow you need more space than a regular grow as the plants will have to be positioned around the bulbs. I find around 6 feet between bulbs to be good (just an estimate as I have never measured - usually just done by eye). Then just center the four bulbs in the middle of the room. With the four bulbs in a square pattern it is sometimes a little tricky to water the interior plants, but this utilizes the cross light from the bulbs very well. Hope this helps and good luck.



Tom 'Green' Thumb
If your asking me, no I do not use any reflectors - just bare bulbs. I find situating the plants around the vertical bulb gives the plants better light coverage and uses almost all the light. I have done it other ways, but find this is for me the most productive way yield wise. Really it depends on the grow room if this is the way to go. You need a little more space, and watering can be a little tricky.


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