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bugs eating my seedlings

Smokey Mcbong

New member
if anyone reads this i need help ive been using neem oil i sprayed the plants in the morning and in the evening went out to check on them and saw total devistation the bugs had COMPLETELY DESTROYED three of four small rks's and two of three thai's does anyone know what bugs would cause such devistation on plants that had been sprayed with neem oil


Damn bugs are bad this year , bugs and slugs are out thick .

I have to second using the window screen wire around seedlings
and young plants (small clear cups over seedlings in early spring) .

Try the window screen wire around / over them Smokey .


Damn bugs are bad this year , bugs and slugs are out thick .

I have to second using the window screen wire around seedlings
and young plants (small clear cups over seedlings in early spring) .

Try the window screen wire around / over them Smokey .

Tell me about it. I've never put so much input into just preserving my plants not to get eaten. I've lost around 200 10inch plants. Good genetics to. Anyway ... looks like protection measures are finally producing some results. I've protected seedlings with fine wire screens. Lots of work but results are slowly showing up. Oh ... if plants grew beyond screen they were eaten away. Hehe. Wild life loves cannabis. :)


i had some seedlings that were eaten by bugs can anyone tell me about any natural pesticides that i could use perferably for free:cry:(the perfect emoticon to get my feelings across as i only have one germinated seed, not even sprouted, of that variety left)

Neem meal spread generously around the base of the seedlings. I've been having a REAL problem with my beans, lost ALL my cowpeas (caupis in Spanish) and most of my sunflowers. I spread Neem on and around the bases of mah beans and they've been chew-free ever since. I can't believe I didn't think of it!

Also, this year has been the Year of the Lesson of Mulch. I now know DO NOT use it anywhere in a bed with seedlings, even a raised bed, even feet away.


Rice hulls, wood chips, whatever I have to work with. The mulch hides the bugs that eat the seedlings and kill them before they have an opportunity to really get growing.