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My plants are infested (somewhat) with budworm. What do i do to combat these little bastards?
Spray with BT.... bacillus thurengis (sp.)

Pick them off every day.

Keep those cabbage butterflies away from your plants, the white ones.

Accept a 5-10% loss........
I'd guess you are near some agricultural fields with lots of butterflies?
I never saw a budworm when I was growing in the NorCal mountains.
They are a problem in the Central Valley of California.


Thanks for the reply, I have recently sprayed my plants that are in early flower, the others have been harvested.

All in all lost about 1/2 of my harvest to budworm damage. Anything that was infested was clipped off the plant and thrown away.

A side note for anyone who reads this post... TRY BTI AND BTK two types of bacillus thurgensis.


I use the kuristaki BT with great success. The only bud worms I've seen this year have been tiny dried out little dead bastards clinging to stems.

I treat heavily though.


Bent Member
do what they said above plus put cedar chips around the trunk. also go to a 99 cent store or dollar store and buy mothballs and some panty hose fill up the hose with the moth balls and tie a couple to your plants depending on size.

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