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BudShot Club : Grower for Real


Hello !

We live in weird times people , not everyone is who they seem to be on the net and therefor I.C mag ...
You've heard about people pretending their sons was dead in Irak hoping for sympathy buds from fellow ICmager , people trying to scam seeds , people registered who don't grow or might be stealing pics from other sites ( think about that ! ) ,the guys you don't know but should trust because they're from the old Overgrow days,and also problably a few cops....Jeez!!

Two days ago i got bullied with mutiple negative reputation in the "Music" forum ( i know that'll teach to even go there in the first place ) by two people : one was a girl who joined in feb.2010 , has 1000 posts (!!!) and more positive rep. than Gypsy Nirvana(!!!) and only 5 pics of seedlings !!! the other guy (they were buddies... )lots of posts , lot of pos.rep. and no pics either !!!

They're All Fake !!!

How can i be sure i've got a real grower in front of me , you ask?

Here enters The BudShot Club :

The Club would be very simple to get in for a real grower with something like this :

Just write budshot club on a piece of paper, your username and the date so we know it's for real and take a picture in front of your blooming plants.

I know the Buds on these Maple Leaf Indicas are not really big so i'll make up for it with very recent previous grow pics( if i'm to be the first member i should show a good example ;) ) so here goes ( you can see it's same place and setup and all from this year ) :

That's some F13 from Dj short ( yielding more than 200Gr. )

That's some Salmon Creek Big Bud from Hill Temple Collective .

Some more M.L.I from sensi seeds .

That's it !!!

If it interests people we would have to find a stamp of some sort for the members .any opinion welcome!

If you fear for your safety you can use a proxy with JonDonym (works free with firefox and a the add Jondofox )

I'm not sure it's the best categorie for this thread so if the Moderator knows a better place feel free !!!

Thanks for watching:thank you:


OverGrow Refugee
i have encountered a bunch of "fakers" here at ICMAG too maharaji...great loooking plants nice work..yea some people have like over 1000 posts and and they joined like a month ago and have lots of +Karma, BUT DON"T GROW...I know man have run into it lots here
There are a lot of posers here, just wishing they could grow



spreadin da love
Well seeing as its a weed site that could be why there are non growers. But nice work man


Hello everyone!Really appreciate all your comments!

. Thanks guys ! glad to see the idea bouncing !
teddybud : thanks man and just to be clear : i have no real problem with people twho don't grow, i've seen people stating they were here to learn before doing the big jump and that's FINE as long as you keep your place in the foodchain of Cannabis Knowledge IMHO.Loudmouths who use IC as a mix between facebook and Youtube are out of place here IMO...even if they're not "scammers" or whatever...Otherwise HighTimes.com must have a nice weed chit-chat forum for schwag lovers and it should be used instead of this site...

I'll post some new pics of the Maple leaf Indica soon ( got problems transferring them at the moment...)
BTW i use the biobizz line : Bio-grow/bloom ,bioheaven,rootjuice and recently with the MLI the topmax stuff(we'll see if it does something! ) in soil with one 600W and one 400W. and that's it ,no complicated system or tricks up my sleeves,simple simple simple!!!it works best that way;)Whether this club takes off or not there is a need for a "Verified"system of some sort...so let's make it happen!!!

Chefboy , Teddybud: you seem to be the perfect examples of respectable members of IC , growers who share pics along the years and build up a legitimate rep. for it! guys i'm glad this thread rings a bell for you!!!

OG guerilla COOL!!! i'll check for your pic man!

Big Cheers everyone!!!:tiphat:

Edit : i checked all your album pics guys and i'm happy to see that we are all the same kind of growers here and that's really cool!:)

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i'm with ya homie!
this site is about GROWERS.
not the faggy yummybud types who just come here to blog.
you all know who you are.
suck it posers!


Sharing Is Caring!
Yeah ppl whining about thay havent smoked for weeks and when you send some buds (sharing is caring) the same ppl post pics of your bud along with heaps of hash and bags full of buds.....that has been accuired with the same m.o. pisses me off....i am not a commercial grower and do not have loads of buds in stock, just quality stuff that has been grown with much care and love!!!! so start growing your own or stop begging!!!!!!!!!!

a pissed of toker


well people sending buds is a nice thing to do because there are people who could use them but real med people like me and others with short times to live probably wouldnt ask for shit in the first place out of respect and pride whether i had buds or not which i dont lol or people who dont live in a med areas i couldnt take buds from members period good med seeds would be nice as a gift (lol just kidding but there just seeds period) for a med patient but geez asking and looking for hand outs should be a warning sign right off the bat and people should be ashamed off them selves and really look at them selves and ask what kind of person am i doing so you all know who you are im going to join and poost as soon as i have some nice flowers i just flipped 12 /12 but im rambling and feeling sick from these damn pill meds god i hate them so much but good news for my area they are having a bill to pass meds for my state soon hopefully im around to see it but great news for the rest of the people who are suffering here now


oh and i just wanted to say fuck the cops on here go find some real busts like killers robbers crack dealers rappers and shit not the sick in pain possibly dying people alone even the common smoker who doesnt want to fund street chumps and terrorists FUCK THE POLICE AND DEA and if you wanna come to my house ill show you my hairy ballless sac bitchs lol


@maharaji.. dude to have ur rep fucked with and to be bullied and ridiculed by poser fuckers who dont grow,..well to speak for myself, would make my blood boil,.. id love nothing more to take these ppl out onto the street and beat them down hard in front of a crowd.. i especially hate not to be taken seriously bcos ive been a member for less then woteva time it would take for one to be considered a 'legit' grower,.. do ppl think weve joined the day we started growing haha.. Is that the reason wen ppl are new, others steer clear of ones posts/threads like u have the plague?!.. i wish evryone would treat ppl on 'post value', and if ur spreading bad info, then be treated accordingly
i dunno man this subject really sours my balls, and my balls are usually sweet..
That plus my brother plain refused to smoke with me tonight, i rolled his blunt and everything,..prick


OGguerilla = That's what i'm talking about!!!nice pics man!!!

Well you can now proudly say to all your family , friends and coworkers you are the historical n° 2 member of the "Budshot Club" ;) !!!:tiphat:
Success , fame and lots of girls are now yours ( it goes with the territory lol )

i should find a logo to give to members...

The Coota and Jackskellington : hi guys!
you know i don't even know what a non-grower can find here...i know that before i started growing and was just buying outside gear it would not have even crossed my mind to come to this type of site...What can you have to say?!?but i dunno....

And Coota i don't know if getting neg rep is being ridiculed...and actually i think i shut them up good(as you can't make up plants you don't grow...)...but anyways...

Jackskellington, i know photoshop can do stunning things that's for sure...but i think/guess/hope that "raw" pictures like mine and OGguerilla would be pretty hard to fake ...and the pic system would leave the most fakers at large because i don't know about you guys but i don't know shoot about photoshop or any soft of that kind...and much less how to fake a pic...


edit : The 2 maple leaf gave 220gr combined!pics are taken but still have troubles switching them to my computer...just pollinated my F13 cut with SAGE pollen , and i got 1 SWT3, 1 OGK x Blue Sat. and 1SAGE for females right now beginnig flowering so ...goods things to come...Soon!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Anyone gets a solicitation about sending someone meds please report it to the mods.


Digging the grave ?

Digging the grave ?

Babbabud : you left me a negative rep. comment saying :i don't approve of this post...you have a 2010 join date ....hang around its easy to tell the posers from the real growers"
YOU MUST know what was a forum in ancient Rome( or greece?lol) : a place where people came to talk and debate...right?...well seeing we are not even together physically i found it really weird not to even speak your mind ,"publicly" and in a straight manner, in your post and that you'd rather leave me a red message in my locker instead...
You know before i saw that i gave you a thumbs up on your post 'cause you say "hey if there's a problem let us know" and it's cool ...but in fact it's closer to " i don't like this thread , you're too green to talk and we fix the rest anyway" and you give me a a frowny face ...run along kids.
and it's ok I guess , you try not to get publicly involved in topics seeing you're a Supermod' as well as a regular member but obviously you got an opinion you want to share ...so share it with everybody not just me...otherwise what's the point???

So what are you saying ?That i haven't been here long enough to open my mouth...and that if i write a 100posts /month for 7 years i'll read between the lines more easily???
Like The Coota rightly said : i didn't get my first pc and net connection in March 2010 , i didn't first discovered IC in March 2010 , i even knew IC before i registered !!! in short i didn't come out of a freezer in March 2010!:laughing:
what i can tell you is that i've been here long enough to see that the rep. system is Bullcrap as far as representing the real credibility of a member...IMO...maybe that's why you switched your options to cancel you rep.system too...

and finally : should i take it as a warning or a 1st stike ?What happens with the second post you "don't approve" ?...really...i'm just asking in case you're more Supermod' than "fellow member"...and sorry if i seem confrontationnal or if you see me as some kind of "troublemaker" or "loudmouth" or whatever...just speaking my mind even if i'm not right i try to be straight so i hope you won't take offense...and maybe i take the subject more at heart 'cause i'm not in Holland or the US with a med.card...


edit : and i know there're lots of good people and growers here! don't want to paint it all black ;)

And i'd be curious to know what El Presidente Gypsie Nirvana ( for an obvious example) thinks when he sees someone registered 1 month ago having more + Karma than him...Haha!
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