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"buddy" is effectively raping me on prices


When I was growing I used to hook up a buddy pretty well. Oversized sacks, priced below market value, (looking back I could have done better on that but he would always buy small quantities, and often be late on payments or not show up with cash at all), and I always had chunks of bubble thrown in, etc..

Eventually he seemed to get discouraged or pissed that he was buying "home grown", and not the stuff from "california" and he stopped coming around and found a connection that got him weed from out west that he calls "the real deal".

To top it off I played some music with this guy for several years, not as a favor but because i liked jamming with him.

Stopped by a few times recently as my stash is dwindling and I wanted to re-up and was hoping to get the friends and family discount. Everything was priced at the retarded market level for me. quarters were 100, maybe a little more (I would hook him up for what was effectively 250 a zip once the extra weight and bubble hash was thrown in), and would I really wanted to get from him was a bag of shrooms..400/zip for those...Last I was getting them for was roughly 200 a zip.

Pretty disappointing...I just might have to start growing again.


Yeah it's time to break out the lights again.

I can't do that.. I just can't live that lifestyle of being paranoid and not having people over all the time..Not to mention I don't have the bandwidth.

Its the shrooms im interested in mainly anyway. I
e found they help a lot in terms of me getting out and socializing more. Microdosing i think they call it. they can't be that hard to propagate can they?


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I can't do that.. I just can't live that lifestyle of being paranoid and not having people over all the time..Not to mention I don't have the bandwidth.

Its the shrooms im interested in mainly anyway. I
e found they help a lot in terms of me getting out and socializing more. Microdosing i think they call it. they can't be that hard to propagate can they?

Sounds to me like you have too good of a heart to be a drug dealer, and that your "buddy" is a bit of an asshole.

You could grow somewhere else than where your living, if you can afford it. Or go outdoor guerilla, ain't no rent to be paid there, mang. Or go meet people somewhere other than your place while the grow is on. Or, find other dealers with better bang for your buck. I wouldn't shop from a guy with shitty prices. Even less so, if I had been nice to the guy in the past and he doesn't return the favour.

Shroom spores you can order online and grow in small containers or even plastic bags, should be easy enough to hide even if your mom comes over.


I don't where you live but I used to get mushroom kits. They're super simple. Just soak the block in water for 30 seconds then place it in bag in a warm room.
Spray inside the bag once a day.
Around 10 to 14 days later I had some massive mushrooms.
Harvest and repeat and I would get 2 or 3 more harvests from the same block of mycelium.