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Bud that burns you out, I hate it


Active member
you're spot on about ignorant folks thinking a good sativa doesn't get them high. many people do not distinguish between 'high' and
'stone', let alone sativa vs. indica. thing is, the average consumer doesn't have enough of an educated palate to tell the difference.
just like wine. 2 buck chuck gets the job done for 85% of wine drinkers; they don't need opus one and they never heard of it to begin with.

Another thing that people don't take into consideration is the state of mind of the individual giving you their opinion.
When I was a kid and young adult I was pissed off every morning that I woke up and was still alive. The stoniest indica was what I went for. Didn't know it at the time, just went for the stoniest bud I could find. Lock you to the couch stuff.

Now that I'm older, wiser (and more physically broken).... I value my productivity and can't stand indicas anymore. Found out that they decrease my mental productivity at a greater rate than my physical. They leave me feeling foggy and, some strains, even leave me with a hangover the next morning. Wow... talk about what I "Don't" want from my meds... gah!

Definitely looking to replace my sativa dominant hybrids with some 100% sativas A.S.A.P. Have some 'African Haze' I still haven't had time to play with as the first contender.

Time, space and equipment is all that's holding me back.... and prohibition. Heh.

Stay Safe! :tree: