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bud growing out of a fan leaf,WTF!!!



this is not a chinese strain..it's mostly skunk..by the way i wish i had some BOG strains..hear they were excellent..


New member
tell us the strain name!

Seriously, nobody is going to think your bashing a breeder.

Maybe after you tell us, someone can figure out the heritage and see what part of the linage could be more predesposed to this trait and thus finding a possible cause.

All that you would be doing is helping...


Its always the Chinese who gets the blame :laughing:
I must admit China is a very big country, but i asked my friend who lives in Jilin near the North Korean border.A lot of Cannabis is growing there in the wild and cultivated for seeds and a bit for hash.He also has never seen such weird growth of buds in the leafs.
This is very common for Chinese Cannabis, huge leaves but not little buds in the leaves


Namaste :canabis:


New member
Hehe, yeah .. mutations :)

I had one Double Gum plant (grown from seeds), purple, which had small buds on leaves ... very strange. This pheno was extremely weird to smoke, and had a very strong, but bad flavor.

See ya!
From Pg. 88 and Pg. 90 of Clarke's Marijuana Botany:


Sorry for the quality.

From Pg. 88

"A peculiar leaf mutation was reported from an F1 Colombian plant in which two leaves on the plant, at the time of flowering, developed floral clusters of 5-10 pistillate calyxes at the intersection of the leaflet array and the petiole attachment, on the adaxial (top) side of the leaf. One of these clusters developed a partial staminate flower, but fertilization was unsuccessful. It is unknown if this mutation is hereditary. "

"From Afghanistan, another example has been observed with several small floral clusters along the petioles of many of the large primary leaves."

Pg. 90 shows a drawing of the mutation, which many have already posted nice pictures of.
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Seems like a very fun trait hehe, never seen buds growing out of fan leaf before. But its cool, extra yeild !! wehu


In the interest of science I thought I'd share that I've had something similar happen to my Arjan's Haze #2, 2 out 5 plants grew with small budlets on many of the fanleaves.

They weren't buds like these but rather single calyxes, like a preflower, and I'd estimate that about 20% of the fanleaves came with these budlets, and like 90% of the smaller leaves in between the buds had them. But they all had just one calyx.


i'll post some more pics soon as the bud is growing into a nice little nug..but i want to know what breeders are doing as 3 mutants 2 totally useless in a 5 pack is hard to swallow..i mean damn seeds are pricey and to get frankenbuds well idk...peace


Active member
I think this is because some breeder's use that funny thing " dont remember the name", to make alot of mutations, then they do selective breeding in numbers..
Its the thing you pour on the seeds, and voila u have many different kinds of mutation.

I think whats seen is the traces of that..

Can someone clear that up?

canned abyss1

I think this is because some breeder's use that funny thing " dont remember the name", to make alot of mutations, then they do selective breeding in numbers..
Its the thing you pour on the seeds, and voila u have many different kinds of mutation.

I think whats seen is the traces of that..

Can someone clear that up?

I believe it is called colchicine, but I don't believe it is responsible for the budlets. Here is what it says on wikipedia

Botanical use

Since chromosome segregation is driven by microtubules, colchicine is also used for inducing polyploidy in plant cells during cellular division by inhibiting chromosome segregation during meiosis; half the resulting gametes therefore contain no chromosomes, while the other half contain double the usual number of chromosomes (i.e., diploid instead of haploid as gametes usually are), and lead to embryos with double the usual number of chromosomes (i.e. tetraploid instead of diploid). While this would be fatal in animal cells, in plant cells it is not only usually well tolerated, but in fact frequently results in plants which are larger, hardier, faster growing, and in general more desirable than the normally diploid parents; for this reason, this type of genetic manipulation is frequently used in breeding plants commercially. In addition, when such a tetraploid plant is crossed with a diploid plant, the triploid offspring will be sterile, which may be commercially useful in itself by requiring growers to buy seed from the supplier, but also can often be induced to create a "seedless" fruit if pollinated (usually the triploid will also not produce pollen, therefore a diploid parent is needed to provide the pollen). This is the method used to create seedless watermelons, for instance. On the other hand, colchicine's ability to induce polyploidy can be exploited to render infertile hybrids fertile, as is done when breeding triticale from wheat and rye. Wheat is typically tetraploid and rye diploid, with the triploid hybrid infertile. Treatment with colchicine of triploid triticale gives fertile hexaploid triticale.

When used to induce polyploidy in plants, colchicine is usually applied to the plant as a cream. It has to be applied to a growth point of the plant, such as an apical tip, shoot or sucker. Seeds can be presoaked in a colchicine solution before planting. As colchicine is so dangerous, it is worth noting that doubling of chromosome numbers can occur spontaneously in nature, and not infrequently. The best place to look is in regenerating tissue. One way to induce it is to chop off the tops of plants and carefully examine the lateral shoots and suckers to see if any look different.


..from what i've been told mutants are exteremly powerful..no experience with a mutant b4 though..honestly it's creepy but kinda beautiful...peace

Sorry to hijack but that just sounds funny as shit!

"take mah whittle hand, it stronga....gaaar..!" Sorry, too much wakenbake.

That is totally off, I think its neat though.