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Bubblin for roots.

-I just put together a 5 gallon bubble bucket. -I stuck an airstone in the bottom of a 5 gal bucket, drilled eight 3 inch holes in the top of it and stuck 3 inch net pots with gro rocks in them. -I placed a cuttin in each pot without anything elce. -I stuck them rite in there amongst the rocks, a piece of aluminum foil with a hole poked in it for the cutting not only blocks light but also gives the 2 - 3 inch cuttings support. -I used some root powder on the cuttings and I adjusted the ph in my bucket down to 6.4 . -I wanna see if I can grow roots like this. -I just finished it today and stuck my cuttings in it around noon. -I currently got a cloning tekneek goin that aint workin real good so Im real interested to see how this tekneek dose! -Im gonna post the progress of the cuttings and if anyones interested in postin some wizzdom or anything, -please do!


I'm currently growing in 8 5 gallon bubblers, mediumless style. No netcups, no rox, no nothing. Just a piece of foam in the lid to hold the plant up. If I were you, I'd ditch the netcup and dangle them above the solution with a piece of foam. Put rooting solution on the cuttings, and make sure they're just high enough the poppin bubbles get the stems wet. Without the netcups they'll prolly root twice as fast.

I grow mediumless, but the idea is not mine at all. I must give credit to my friend and mentor on overgrow.com that goes by the name of Joecrowe. Just thought I'd share this method as it's so simple and works SO good!!

Good luck man!
-Hey Stoned2Death! -Thanks for the input! -Damn! -Ya get threw a hole grow without any medium?!?! =Pretty wild! -I bet hangenem like you said would getem to root faster. -Thing is, -Im only rootin like this. -After they root Im putinem in an aeroponic flower room where theyl need to be in 3 inch net pots. -This is kinda my attempt to get them to root rite into the net pots. I used to have to get them to root in a rockwool cube and then put the cube into my net pots with my grow rocks and then Id have to wait till I got roots hangin a fyew inches down from the pots in a sprinkleponics machine. --THEN I could putem in my flowerroom. -Im really hopin this bubble cloner works. Thanks again and Happy Easter!
--Oh yea.. -While this threads at the top I mite as well say that this bubbler's doin great! -I didnt do anything to it at all and its been a week. -The clones look fresher today than they did on theyr mom. -I did take a couple pots out to check for roots but I couldnt clearly see the stems from amongst the rocks. -The water level was about the same as it was a week ago. >-So--> -No changes, -I didnt touch it except to check it and everything looks great! --I'l post if anything happens or anything. TF-


Aeroponic eh? Why not mediumless aeroponic? You could still put them in net cups with no medium and a foam top if you wanted the roots to have some more stability. That's the only real drawback is the plants get heavy and eventually need tied up to stay up, but with a netcup underneath that wouldn't be a problem either. Not that netcups don't just tip over half the time anyway...

Either way, the bubbler is an awesome thing. I've only done a couple soil grows before this and these things are blowing me away!! Growth is phenomenal. The only problems I've had (which have been numerous this time around) I've pretty much caused myself, and if that's the worst it gets that's great!
-- Hello ! -Well its been 10 days now and everything looks great! -Just no sighn of roots! -Think I autta put a couple of teaspoons of rooting powder in there? -I was thinkin about stikin a couple of tsp's of root powder into a cup of water and dumpin it into my clone bucket. -Think it mite helpem root a little faster?


You could also try giving them a mile nute solution 300-400ppm....also try something like Thrive Alive (BC Technaflora) dunk the stem in that for a couple minutes then put back in bubbler, or just add some to the mix...
--Hey!! -Far fukin out! -I checked last night and I got root goin on in at least one of my net pots! -I didnt pull any more ofem out but the one I checked had some root startin out of the stick! -It took 14 days but I got root! -Im smokin! -Im goin to the grow shop today and gettin some ff 3/2/6 for my mom and I guess Il give the bubblin clone bucket some too,-but at about 1/4 strength. -SWEET!
-I checked yesterday and I got root in all my net pots! -I dumped 2.5 tsp of FF 3/2/6 in there and Im gonna stick some from there in my sprimkler root/veg machine to get them used to the open air tomorow. -The sprinkle machine is at 1/4 strength FF too. -I should have 8 fresh flowers in my flower room in a week! -I'l finaly be able to get my 8 every other week as planed with this tekneek! -Im gettin me a bigger pump more suited for 3 bukets so Ill keep up with my flower room! -wWWWHHHOOOO HHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
--Hey!! -I was just wonderin if anyone had any thoughts on how these cuttings that have rooted in a bubbler are gonna make the transition from bubbler to aeroponic flower system condition? -I have a sprinkleponic system that might be a good way to aclimate the roots to a air atmosphere instead of a water atmosphere like theyr in. -Or maby I wont need to do anything?? -Like -yas think I could just stick the clones rite in the aero flower room rite from the bubble buket? -I was just wonderin if anyone had any opinions on what to try first, -Ive never bubble rooted and Im not shure how to make the transition from bubbler to aeroponics. -Any opinions?
-I called the folks at The Grow Room. -Their the folks I get my nutes from. -I spoke to a new lady that was very nice and she said I wont have any problem stikin my bubbler rooted clones into my aero flower room. -Their is no need for an aclimation perod at all. -straight from bubbler to aero! --The BUBBLER BUCKET works! -SWEET! -Diggity and Stoned2.... -Thanks for the support! -Im hookin up 2 more of these buckets!


Hey Thing!! Here's an idea for you. As they start showing roots, slowly drop the water back an inch at a time or something until they're ready to go into the aero system. When you drop the water, alot more air roots start forming around the root collar. I've seen roots explode on me because I let the water drop for a few days once...
--Sweet idea Bro! -I think I will drop the water level in my bubles. -I went and got all the stuff to get 4 of these bukets runnin! -Thats 5 in all! -I spoke to a couple of guys that bubble grow and flower and they said Id have no problem sustanin a mom in a big 10 inck bubble buket net insert joint. -I got this all set up and runnin the day before yesterday with 32 fresh clones. -I added a li'l bit of root stuff to the bukets and I ran some 80 weight sand paper over where I want root to grow before I made my final cut, diped it and stuk it in my buket. -I think Im gonna stickem in a sprinkleponic machine I made to veg for a week or 2 at close to full strength ff 3/2/6. -Theyl be ready for the kill floor then! -Thanks for the good words Bro!




Stoned to death..what-z up glad to see ya around...

Fish Mediumless is great I use it for cloneing but for growing full mature plant's you'll need to tie them up.

Also your clones should show roots with a 7 to 10 day time frame however hear are some thing's that may help. DO NOT add any nutrience to your res to help them root faster it will kill them!

When adding a cutting into your system dont use any rooting powder becouse they are not water salutible to be honest I am suprised they did not die. Rooting hormones have a slight nutrient content wich will couse your cutting's to rot. BC Technaflora's rootec and Olivia's offer a gel that is water salutible that can be added to a cutting then to water also Olivia's has a solution you can add directly to a res.

On the other hand I don't use any rooting suplaments I place my cutting's directly into a dwc system with 1" of the stem into the water and 7 to 10 root's pop out. You can use a mediumless or grow rock either one works well. Plain simple system 5 galon bucket or stirlite container air pump, air line and air stones. Run the pump 24/7 and dont need to add anything till roots pop out and then I wait a few more days after root's pop out then add a low 200 ppms about 7 day's after root's pop out.

hope this helps
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-Shure dose Syko2! -Thanks alot for input! -Im enjoyin nothin but success wth thee bukets! -I got 5 ofem now and a 100% success rate with my clones! -Im gonna take your advice about the hormones in the buket and I figure I'l enjoy some more success. -What do you keep your ph at? ~TF><>'




Well I use tap water wich has a starting ppm of 50 and a nutral ph of 7.0 for my cutting's and seedling's. After cutting's show root's I wait about 7 day's befor adding any nutrience as well as for seedling's. So I keep my ph at 7.0

Also I keep my ph at 7.0 the first week of adding nutrience to help them adjust to the feeding the next res change I lowwer the PH down to 6.5 then 6.2 the following week till I find the correct PH leavel for a strain. I will go all the way down to 5.2 if the plant can handle it I keep it the PH as low as 5.5 or 5.2 all threw the plant's life..Veg and flower. I do frequent flushes threw out a plant's life also, well not realy a flush but every 7 to 10 day's I dump, wash and refill my bucket's with fresh water and allow them to sit for a few day's at a PH of 7.0 to help rince away salt build up and allow the plant to use stored nutrience to help prevent nutrience lock up or toxcity. I do this every other res change.

Hope that help's. I have never had any problems as far as lock up or over ferting, under ferting....doing this it's a good system and I have tried other way's but this work's the best for me.

Have fun growing and if you need any more help feel free to ask!!!

-Hey Syko2! -Thanks Dude! -Your the best! -Give a holla if Ican help you with anything! -I flower aero, sustain my mom hydro, clone with a bubbler and veg sprinkleponicly! ~TF><>'