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Bubble Hash Storage



Hello everyone, Thanks to all of you i have resolved my hash making problems. Now I have a few questions about storage.

Here's my current situation: I have a nice log of hash i pressed together that is very pure (from the last three bags). The log is pressed from powered bubble. The powder was not quite dust like but very, very small grains. I let it dry for about 2 days on cardboard. When I pressed the log it came together somewhat nicley but still crumbles a bit if tampered with a lot. This leads me to believe that it is not FULLY 100% dry. I then placed it in the freezer inside an airtight jar. I plan on keeping it there for 2 months or so. Do i have to worry about mold or a degrade in potency? If anyone can help me a reply would be much appreciated.

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I dont think you will have to worry about mold or quality degradation.
Also I wouldn't come to the conclusion, that beacause it is still crumbly, that it's not fully dry.
Actually the opposite is usually true. if you want your log to stay together better, i would have used a little bit more heat while you were pressing.
don't know about freezer burn.
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Just made a new run of bubble? Congratulations.....

the best place to store the 190 is down the drain, as for the 160, you can put that in a cigi plastic and trash it, as it ain't for shit anyway. the 120 needs a nice and expensive glass jar. the 73 should also be kept in a glass jar only this one needs to be full gong (glass on glass) as well as having the numbers and letters "73u" engraved in gold on the jar lid. the 45 will be ok in the same jar as the 73 only use silver engravings instead of gold, haha. last and nearly least comes the 25, now this stuff needs to be shaped into a bullet form and then coated with butter, now you can put it in any one of two places where the sun don't shine.....hehe up to you....just kidding around.

lol...Bwahahaha...man i'm stoned!

p.s.: disclaimer, gaiusmarius denies all responsibility for any consequences from following the above instructions.


Active member
hahahahah your nuts gaiusmarius, that truly got me laughing,
mainly because it wasnt till you to to the bullet part that your were actualy joking lol

bubble man


Active member
:laughing: ROFL - GM, you nutty as a fruit cake. :crazy: That's OK, yer in good company. :friends: Here, have some hash.


Good one GM, I laughed out loud!! We are spoiled aren't we?))))
Peace and Good Karma