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Bubble Hash From Vaped Weed?

i am a proud vaporizing enthusiast, and i save all my vaped weed and make damn good butter! and with the butter i make the 'fuck your face goo balls'. VAPED WEED WORKS!!!

master shake

Active member
YEAH eat that shit. One day I made some firecrackers out of about a 1.5 grams of vaped weed. I split it to 3 firecrackers. It was late afternoon and I had a 6:30 class so thought hey why not. I ate 1 and after 20min felt pretty good. Another 20min later I had to leave to class and said fuck it and ate the other 2 on the way. Big mistake. About half an hour into class I started trippin, I was high as hell! I timed my heart rate at about 120bpm and had to go the bathroom to straighten up. I mellowed out eventually but I definitely underestimated that vaped weed!

If you make hash use a solvent (iso, bho...)
I make great cannabutter from vape material (and I vape my stuff on high)
The vape goes in brown, the butter comes out green.

you need about half an ounce of vaped material per stick of butter.

poor in a good amount of water (at least enough so that the material doesn't stick or burn to the pot.

simmer not boil at the lowest temp possible. About 2-3 hours (stir every 10-20 minutes)

Here is the hard part. Because so much vape material is required, It holds a lot of the butter.

The cheapest way is to get some latex gloves and cheesecloth and ring all the cannabutter/water out of the vape material. The water comes out easy, the butter takes some work. Try and ring every last drop out into your material. You can also use some sort of food press (makes the job a lot less messy and easier)

Now chemistry takes over and the job becomes easy.

you should see dark brown butter at the top(Will turn green soon don't worry) and the lighter brown water at the bottom. (this contains all the nasty chlorophyll and other unwanted flavors).

Now simply put the container in the fridge for several hours (overnight is best)

Now the butter will have hardened and turned green. remove the butter, and drain the water.

There will be a little white sludge on the bottom of the sheet of cannabutter. Just scrape this off or wash away with warm water. This is just residue.

You now will have a lump of extremely potent cannabutter.

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