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bubble cloner??


i made a bubble cloner and my plants dont have roots yet its been 8 days or so
and i was wondering how often i should change the water once a week???

and i was also wondering if i should invest in trying to get a strain from over seas i live in the us.
one of my friends did and one of his Budda kush plants hermmied on him and i got some seed from that
should i just use them?
i would really like to work with some purple buds

thank you


Active member
dont use hermed seeds,
definately invest in genetics,if your room is ready, Gypsy for instance
dont know about bubble cloners but if there still green and standing up dont give up my clones in r/w can take 2 weeks or so for roots .if ur ph is good u just watch and wait,as far as water changes I beleive as long as u have an airstone theres no need just keep topped of with no air gap
IMO puples just pretty but it does get top dollar


i made a bubble cloner and my plants dont have roots yet its been 8 days or so
and i was wondering how often i should change the water once a week???

and i was also wondering if i should invest in trying to get a strain from over seas i live in the us.
one of my friends did and one of his Budda kush plants hermmied on him and i got some seed from that
should i just use them?
i would really like to work with some purple buds

thank you

Depending on the quality of your tap water....
I changed the res in my bubble cloner once a week. generally my clones root in 7 days flat, but i took a couple this time off of a flowering plant and they took 9 days.
Do you use a heater for your cloner? Warmer temps will tend to make the roots take faster, but the higher the temp the higher the risk of algea and such. I play it safe with a submersible aquarium heater set at 75 degrees, plain tap water, not even ph'd. 100% success rate.
If they are still green just let them be. When you start to see the leaves yellowing from the tips that usually means the clones are getting ready to throw roots. good luck.


Devil's Advocate
From my limited experience (3 bubble cloner runs), I think you're fine if you start with pHed RO water in the beginning and change it when they show root bumps. For that reup, I usually start with RO again but add 1/4 strength root stimulator.

I've also seen people talk about taking out a set amount of the water like every day (every other?) and replace it with fresh pHed RO water.

Check your temps.

Clean your bubble cloner and airstone with H2O2 before use.

I think those are the most important things.

Also, are you using any kind of root hormone before putting them in the cloner?

Order some seeds. Don't limit yourself to purple strains, it is a useless trait other than the cool factor (which I like, myself) and there are lots of worthy strains out there that you'd be missing out on. That's straight, unadulterated opinion though!

Later man, good luck.


Walmart has this stuff in the aquarium section for like $3.89, its called Aquasafe by Tetra Aqua, not only does it prevent green slime from forming it also neutralizes the water eliminating any harmful chemicals and/or heavy metals. Basically, you dont need to change the water nearly as often, and never have to worry about slime choking your plants out of oxygen. If all you can find is Easybalance by Tetra Aqua that works the same, not sure which one works better but i use Aquasafe, others have reported using Easybalance with no problems.