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Bubble Buckets a Cheap Alternative to Bubble Bags Pic by Pic



Should be a sticky...

Bumpin for fun.... waitin on my screens to arrive!


I've beat my bubblebags to a painful death and was considering ordering new ones... but the thought of just letting the ole washing machine do its job into a bucket that drains all by itself seems fucking brilliant!!!! The question is how do I build a bucket system that will allow me to just stack it, pour in the washers juice and let it drain?

I'm thinking you could stack the buckets on top of eachother if the bottoms were cut off and the screens were firmly attached, but how to do it? Of course I could just let the screens remain loose and just make them oversized so that they get pinched in the sides of the next bucket up, but I'm hoping someone has better ideas?
I will definetely message you later on smily (cant do it yet) but I will try your tech out this year, its great that you are bringing it out so we the people dont have to spend so much money on plastic and fabrics, its ok if the inventors and copiers of the system want to make money but they are not gonna get mine as I consider the bags to be extremely overpriced, shit their profit margins must be HUGE. anyway if you ever come to Mexico I will smoke you out.


strainwhore said:
I've beat my bubblebags to a painful death and was considering ordering new ones... but the thought of just letting the ole washing machine do its job into a bucket that drains all by itself seems fucking brilliant!!!! The question is how do I build a bucket system that will allow me to just stack it, pour in the washers juice and let it drain?

I'm thinking you could stack the buckets on top of eachother if the bottoms were cut off and the screens were firmly attached, but how to do it? Of course I could just let the screens remain loose and just make them oversized so that they get pinched in the sides of the next bucket up, but I'm hoping someone has better ideas?

if ya got spent BAGS can the screen be used that would be the best recycle and somthing allways wanted to do.

i was gonna cut the ring that compressed the screen into just its section and then stack those im to busy but think it would work you try ill coach LOLOLOL


hashisherooo said:
I will definetely message you later on smily (cant do it yet) but I will try your tech out this year, its great that you are bringing it out so we the people dont have to spend so much money on plastic and fabrics, its ok if the inventors and copiers of the system want to make money but they are not gonna get mine as I consider the bags to be extremely overpriced, shit their profit margins must be HUGE. anyway if you ever come to Mexico I will smoke you out.

ahhhhhhhhh south of de border that would be a hoot ........... :wave:


Another source for mesh

Another source for mesh

I found a place called Schilling Graphics (www.schillinggraphics.com). They have an online catalog with 9 pages of monofilament mesh in various bolt sizes, and comes in orange, yellow, and white. I ordered the 86, 140, 196, and 230. For a yard of each (they have different bolt sizes for each thread count) I came in under $40 US. I'll let y'all know when it arrives!!!



No, bro. You rock! I've been totally inspired since reading this thread about a week ago. Didn't wanna post anything until I had anything to add. I've been on a complete tangent ever since. I've got about 12 gallons of water in the garage that's been run through about a 200 micron or so cloth. Now I gotta wait until the rest arrives. (My local DickBlick had nothing useful, so, well, I took it personally and went off on said tangent) so I've got the rig ready and I'm waiting on some mesh. I hope it works out! I'll let you guys know when everything arrives!! :)


Well I've already got a 200+ micron screen. But I think theirs would be around 6 or $7 for a yard.


Bumpin this puppy as it's just too good to let fall.... Also just got my screens today so it's bubble time! Woohoo! My first hash making/smoking experience! Should prove to be interesting!


Right on, Klutter!

Just want everyone to know that my screens arrived from Schilling- safely, intact, and nicely packaged with no markings of any sort. Looked like I ordered some super-big poster or wallpaper or something. I have enough screen to make at least 10 sets! I think I'm set until the next hashmaking tech revolution occurs.

Made an initial run using a large fine-mesh strainer as a first stage, and then the screens I ordered. Nice results with some frozen dry trim from last year that's been in my freezer forever! Didn't take any pics this time (I'm a little shy about showing off completely new territory) but I've still got a couple ounces of trim to process. Maybe this weekend?

I want to say that this thread kicks butt, and I've gotten to experience a new facet of this awesome lifetime we're all living! Thanks to all that have contributed here!

PS---By the way, if you start some bubble, make sure you process everything through the screens in a reasonable amount of time. I let a few gallons sit in my garage for several days while I waited for my screens to arrive, and then went out of town for a few too. When I got home, I saw my package, cut the screens, set everything up and then went to fetch my pail 'o trichs. The water had totally went rancid. What a stench, and what a letdown. But I cleaned the bucket and started over and everything went well.



I may have some time to make a run or two with some trim. Some old, some dried fresh from over the last several weeks of a lame attempt of a perpetual run....Still learning, and loving it all.

Thanks everyone for all your contributions!


Lazy Sunday Bubble Run

Lazy Sunday Bubble Run

Hey Smily and friends!

Here are some pics from my bubble run earlier today:

Start with the buckets and lid I cut up

Got Ice?

A jar of old Blueberry popcorn buds. All cured nicely :yummy:

A shot of the screens to use:

Add ice and budz. Stir it up!

After sitting, I strain out the ice and plant matter




And now we wait for things to dry and cure!

Thanks all for contributing!

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