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Bubble bags- do you really need all 4?

Scotch Mist

New member
I really wanted to get some bubble bags for this seasons harvest, but they're a lot more expensive than I thought. I've never made any real hashish so I want to do it clean and properly.

The 1 gallon/4 bag set is the cheapest at $95. In one of Jorge Cervantes videos he makes some hash with bubble bags. He says that each bag basically makes a slightly different hash, and that one of them (can't remember what size screen) would have the best hash.

So I was wondering could I just buy a couple of the 1 gallon bags and use them with a 5 gallon bucket? I suppose I'd need the "work" bag too


Well-known member
If you want to go cheap then buy 160u and 73u, you will get Full melt if your material is good enough.
You will catch the best quality on the 73 screen, the remaining part can be collected using the gravity method. Member Noreason among others did a nice pic review on this method. Thread called: "noreason makes hash with the gravity method"

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You can do it without any bags, using the Gumby gravity method.

You can do it with one bag and have one grade of hash. If you start with premium material, it will produce smokable, tasty hash. It will however have a harsh background to it, from plant matter.

If you don't use a large enough sieve size, you leave a lot of trichomes behind, but alas if you do use one large enough, you pick up fragments of plant material in that size range.

There will also be plant material the size of the primo mature heads that we covet for full melt, but if we can filter out those larger and those smaller, it reduces the overall amount of plant material in our end product.

I filter at 160, 110, 73 and 25. The product that went through the 160 and 110, but was stopped by the 73 micron filter is the best. I normally extract the oil out of the 160 to 110 micron filtrate, as well as the 73 to submicron material that passes the last filter.

I have filtered again with a 50 micron bag, which would be a fifth bag, but it didn't appear worthwhile and I don't anymore.

PS: I use a 5 gallon 250 micron, paint strainer bag for the working bag, with a wire tie closure in a washing machine.

PPS: I just realized that I forgot about my 25 micron gleaning filter, and corrected the above to reflect that.
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So I was wondering could I just buy a couple of the 1 gallon bags and use them with a 5 gallon bucket? I suppose I'd need the "work" bag too

if you want the really melty shit, ur gonna want all 8 bags actually...

if you are growing enough/well enough to supply the trim for the 5 gal set, u should be able to afford the 5 gal 8 bag kit...

my .02


Active member
Why not 160 and 25 micron? With the 25 you´ll catch most of the goodies and no need for gravity?
PS My expierience is nil, just trying to be logical.


work bag 220
filter large crap bag 160
get the best stuff 73
catch the rests 25

that will work extremely well and no waste plus your 73 will be pretty darn clean. specially if you use fresh frozen material.


personally i always find the best stuff in the 73 bag, but the 120 is always really nice too, then comes the 45, then the 25, 160, 190. if you use the 90 bag it will make the second grade, but i normally don't bother using the 90 as both the 73 and the 120 are so good, there is no need for a third quality between those two imo. although i do use the 90 some times, just not always, specially not when in a hurry.
90u is usually the best on most strains...

followed by 73...

45 and 120 are comparable at times, both still usually pretty good.

i do save the 25 for cooking with... but u could give it to friends also

p.s. i'd love to see some vids of this "melty hash" that u use only 3 bags total to separate with... i just don't see it


Active member
work bag 220
filter large crap bag 160
get the best stuff 73
catch the rests 25

that will work extremely well and no waste plus your 73 will be pretty darn clean. specially if you use fresh frozen material.
after 2 years of trial and error. this FTW.


before you rush to buy some crapy bags from ebay, make sure that they are the correct size mesh. some bbags have very bad mesh sizes that will likely produce very crappy stuff or even let you pour it down the drain. there is a thread in this section that talks about this. some of these bags had mesh sizes that were duble as big as they were labeled at. let me find the link: not all cheap bags are crap, you just need the right ones.


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