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Bubba Kushed


Hey guys these ladies are at 27 days into 12/12, Im not sure which cut of the bub this is, was gifted by my friend and this is my first run with her indoors. Under a 600w d igi hps. 3 gallons of soil, bein fed ej bloom and cat at the moment.

Also must mention, a couple days ago, foliar sprayed purple maxx at 5ml a gallon, and only one gallon for all six ladies and definalty changing to some pretty colors but only the leafs so far. I've seen this strain run before and I know it purples the last couple weeks anyways tho. Heres a few pics


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
those are looking tight! Nice nugs for 27 day bubba. I have one thats just behind yours, i think today is 25.

How are you liking purple maxx? do you think that is what is bringing the color out so early?


Ya man I know without a doubt, Im no expert on either the bubba or purple maxx, however I've seen this bubba run by my buddy many times and it only turns purple the last couple weeks esp if you drop the temps. and temps in the room are the mid 70ss, so I mean its gotta be the purple maxx and maybe its makin the bud a little thicker too? Thanks tho man


update for you haters

update for you haters

Heres the bubba at day 43 12/12, gonna take her at 65.
The smell is well....bubba! so redankulous you need smellovison for suree
and sorry i really dont know how to use my cam but i did my best


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
you're looking real good. 65 seems about right for the bubba. I'm not positive but it seems like it could go longer but 65 would be plenty... thats my plan anyway, but i'm watching you!

keep up the good work. I'll be stopping in..



One more update before harvest in a couple weeks, think Im gonna start flushing now what do you guys think?

Heres some other shots I got and like


Thanks man you should smell them they smell even better. Im probably gonna use just straight ro water cause I've never tried using molases, but it will make my bud sweeter no?


Describe the plant's aroma, we might be able to give you an idea of which cut. Coffee? fruity? earthy? skunky? fuel? sour? Just hit us with some descriptors like that.

On molasses/carbs:

"Sweeter taste"? arguable. More resinous and/or larger? If used earlier, probably yes.
I would not flush with molasses. Ph'd water only.

The point of molasses, carbo boost, and all the other specialty products is to get a carbohydrate source to the beneficial bacteria that live in your soil, allowing them to do their thang in a symbiotic relationship with your roots. In soil alot of the nutes aren't in an available form to the plant until bacteria chelate them. Speeding the activity and size of the bacteria herd is like upping the nute concentration in a way. This is a a good, and even essential thing during normal growth and flowering.

But not during flushing, imo. The excess nutrients will flush out regardless whether they're chelated or not. And chelation only makes more nutes available to the plant, which is the opposite of what you're trying to achieve with a flush. So there's no need to feed/grow the bacteria at this point.

Read up on what goes on with your roots soil between now and your next grow, and figure out why, when, and how you want to supplement carbs to the soil. Lots of threads here on molasses and specialty products.


Well its definatly not fruity or anything like that.

The smell is a deep musky, coffee, and a unusual smell that i guess you could say is earthy, because i havnt been able to place my finger on what it is. Veeeery stanky strain tho, can smell up your whole house in seconds when fondling the buds. And the buds are just oosing resin, their like grease when you touch them, it leaves sticky goodness all over your fingers.

Think Green

Active member
The bubba looks great. Im running some hybrid bubba's. (Bubba X sour bubble X blueberry)
they look similiar. Makes me eager to get to flower. Great job kushed!

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