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Bubba Kush Vs Og kush


Active member
CaptainJack said:
generally speaking you DO NOT want to use any (bullshit) selfed seeds for breeding.

since selfing opens up a pandoras box of variation in the resulting progeny, higher yielders, lower yielders, higher potency, different flavored, weaker potency, less resistance, LOTS OF HERMS, et al
anythings possible when recessive traits are popping up out of the woodwork.
I have seen complaints of hermis and males in S1's. However, folks are always talking about picking bannas off of late flowering F1s. Stressed grows perhaps? I got no hermis from the OG S1's. I did get a male.
Loss of potency? Are you kidding? Not from the posts I have seen. Not from what I have smoked. The OG S1s are right up there with Rez's Sour Diesel. Outstanding says it all. These strains are special. . .
Increased variation? If all you ever grow are clones, I can see where one might complain about variation. However, S1s aren't clones. I saw no more variation than I would expect in any pack of F1s.
Over time, I have seen many good posts from folks who have actually grown the S1's. Like the BlackBerry S1s, (freebies, there is a big thread in this forum about their virtues), as well as, the OG Kush, which I have grown, and Bubba. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=15206
Mostly the grow and smoke reports I have seen about S1's are very good reports.
If I had access to elite clones I would grow them. Otherwise, thank gosh for S1's and breeders like Orgnkid and Cali Kush.
There I said His name. Now all of OrgnKid's detractors can come out and complain. Apparently Gypsy gave away OrgnKid's BlackBerry S1s because of vague reasons. All I can say about that, is, the BlackBerry S1 growers seem to be very pleased.:yummy:
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Cap Jack hit the nail on the head with that first post....

Get yer mits on as many "BK" and "OG" selections as you can and grow em all a few times then decide whats best for you.....

I'm finnaly at a point where I'm quite positive I have the originals and some exceptionaly selected S1's....and all would pass for some serious legitimate Dankness......

for me I still have to say BubbaKush is the "stronger" of the two.....in both stone/high and flavor.....yeild is considerable amount more than the orig OG....although I have Ghost's S1 OG and I can get it to yeild quite well.....

the OG high is strong and positive...quite heady...but I think when youve grown exceptionaly potent Hazes or Sativas, one realizes the OG high isnt actually "that" strong headwise.....where the Bubba is just plain Potent...mentaly and physicaly the BK takes you for a ride.....

in my garden only Two strains rank above the orig Bubba Kush for me......and thats the Albert Walker and the Wrigley.....if my nug jars are full of Bubba, Wrigley and AW...Life is Exceptional.....

but in the End its what you like that matters.....we can only give our own personal expierences....



fuck anyone who holds onto a clone and doesnt share. fuck em in the ass.

wait, let me please rephrase that, "Sharing is caring! :)"
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s420 :) :)

s420 :) :)

and the 'oger' selection you dun run is a higher yielder, no?

if so, by abouts how much? a considerable amount? or just a slightly better yielder?

be well 420 and nice to see your around and doing 'OK'

take care

edit: you too msm :) my words just mirror what i've picked up from you, regarding the shut the fuck up till youve grown it philosophy ;)
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highyas harpo...so since youve GROWN the ogers from seed, maybe you can tell us how the variation was amongst the female individuals you found in the lot..were they all identical? or was there variation such as that of an F2 generation?

i think you have your termin0logy screwed up here...lemme get this straight...

harpo said:
I have seen complaints of hermis and males in S1's. However, folks are always talking about picking bannas off of late flowering F1s. Stressed grows perhaps? I got no hermis from the OG S1's. I did get a male.
ok. so, you had no reversals, which is great- but how was the variation in the line?

most any variety of cannabis plant will throw nanners if stressed hard enough. its a natural life process and responsible for carrying on the genes in nature if no males are present for fertilization.

this is basic stuff, and can happen with ANY generation, dont have to be selfed (S1,S2,S3 etc) ,or properly BRED (F1,F2,F3,bx, et al) it can, and does happen to landrace, and old time ibl's..

who told you the F1 generation is known for a higher percentage of reversals? BULLSHIT!

harpo said:
Loss of potency? Are you kidding? Not from the posts I have seen. Not from what I have smoked.

you are referring to one selection out of a great deal of possible genetic combinations..

The OG S1s are right up there with Rez's Sour Diesel. Outstanding says it all. These strains are special. . .
now thats a bold statement...i totally see what you are saying about end-product being great smoke, these strains are special, this i do not doubt man, youve misinterpreted my post, and the results of a selfed population as a whole, as they relate to being used in a breeding program..!

do you still feel that S1 stock is well-suited for breeding?

unless its for strain preservation of an elite clone of unknown lineage, i cant see anyone purposely selfing for a long-term project.

to compare years of hard work inbreeding, to someone selling herm-born seed
off an elite clone is just crazy imo....but i think we're just not on the same page here..

i'd grow and bx ANY of rez's elite multi-hybrids to the mother if i had the clone, over crossing a selfed seed back to itself, all day long...............
.............twice on sundays

be well harpo
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Active member
Howdy Captain Jack,
CaptainJack said:
who told you the F1 generation is known for a higher percentage of reversals? BULLSHIT!
In response to your post about lots of S1 hermis. I posted that "stressed grows" produce hermis. It can happen in F1s and S1 grows.
I bet some S1's are suitible for breeding. I did set seed with the OG S1 male. With two of the frostier OG's and Reeferman's King's Kross.
Variation in the OG was from snowball buds to looking more like the Kings Kross. The KK varied more in yield than basic shape. Here are pics of early flower examples of each, OG first.
I've some Omega Diesel set aside. Maybe it is an S1. Perhaps that is why Rez said it was not suitible for breeding. I heard he privately emailed some folks. He spoke of "light senstive" hermis if the Omega is bred.
Everything got torn down after OverGrow. Someday the Omegas will be popped. It was a race to harvest, clean up and clear out.
Captain Jack, I'm sorry, but I will have to get back to you on the issue of breeding S1's. :canabis: Harpo

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rez says that about the sour diesel family o' his as a whole, particularly with the 2.5s, and pH, photoperiod disruptions, etc, causing sex reversals

your original posts clearly shows your in it for the end product, and thats a real good thng, just let us know if those recessive herm traits that made those seeds pop up in the resulting progeny, i, for one, am very intrested in how it turns out.

keep us updated. :)
I agree with you 90% Capt.

No doubt the S1s are great seeds, especially for the price when compared with Rez's strains.

These strains are NOT for breeding. I can't comment much cuz I only germed three beans...but I got 3 very different plants.

Plant1 - Very tall stretchy lanky plant with no stem scent when rubbed. I tossed this one before it ever got to flower

Plant2 - STINKY stem, somewhat stalky during veg. Turned MALE. I'm keeping this one around for POSSIBLE breeding projects.

Plant3 - somewhat similar to plant2, a little stinkier and slightly more sativa. This is the plant is my keeper. More sativa than the original clone IMO...produces a more sativa-like fruity smell than the original clone when done. Even if I obtained the original clone it would be hard for me to grow that over my selected S1. I just love it that much...

From my experiences with F1s I saw slightly more variation...but again I only popped 3 seeds.

I really hope rez comes back with his plans for the OG kush. I would love to see an OG kush IBL....and I would pay UP THE ASS for it because it would certainly have a place in my garden for life.

Side Note: Since we do not know the exact history of OG kush...it is possible that this strain has already been selectively bred by the creaters for years. Interesting thought...


Active member
I have been looking for the Og cut for a while and may have a cut coming but kinda doubt it... FOr us who have to buy seeds would you be looking to get a cali kush s1and be clueless about the origin or would you look into the pure kush company... I wish there where more selections of this variety for us to try as im getting addicted to smoking some of the kush i have and would love to find or trade for a cut... maybe rezdog will still come out with his cross soon.... time for me to go smoke some purple kush.... PeAcE


well og from cali kush is good but im not sure if its relly all in alll what they say i have smoke d it and well no kushyness in it ... and the purekushcompany nooone get me started on that shit. i swear talk talk talk talk... no show ..i even gave the chance to prove it and nothing... look bubba is good for flavor and smell. og is great for flavor smell and high. the hit will slam you like you been kicked in the head. if it doesnt do this it aint real. everyone knows i amfrom la and smoke that shit i ahve let others smoke it to prove my case and everyone understood the real thing....now rez's kush line im sure will be killer especially if he is coming out west... so other than that just like wrecked i will go back to my current purple kush. which by the way is freakin killer. so whos got a real og cutting and not a cali kush seed cuttings or a pk company crap.????the real deal.


Active member
yea i may just wait for rezs cause i know he allready has the cut and who doest want the real deal and the other two im still sceptical about... The purple kush is amazing smoke and at least i will know more about this kush cut so i am happy about that...So swerve do you like the high from the og cut of purple kush better since your the only one to smoke them both? PeAcE


hello there :joint:
ummm ya i'm gonna have to back my buddy swerve up on this issue, i had the pleasure recently to smoke some of the OGkush that swerve had/has and it was really really good.....i compared it to the oger kush i had just harvested, hes was stronger with better smell taste, BUT i have nothing bad to say about cali seed's oger kush it is some very very good smoke.....and man do i wish i had bought more seeds when they were getable.....i have some cali kush bubbas to try out next time, i also have some mk-ultra and some nl/leopard x pure kush and some black kush and some hindu kush and some master kush and some ninja kush i think you get the big piture here....
peace :wave:


captian jack he's talkign about the chemdog x (chemdog x norcali dog) herming

referring to the cut which the S1s were made from as the F1

and that the herm trait in the orig clone doesnt come through in his S1 version...

too much :dueling: over some stupid shit...


Active member
im high from a blut of mk ultra right now..

it aint no og, thats for sure, its good...

ive had really amazing bubba which had me high for a very long time, only got that bubba once, and it was the real.

og is always great, and when its done right, its off the chains, that San Franando Valley? ogers... some know..

people are forgetting about the deadly purple kush that is out there, that imo is way more devastating than og & bubba...

but at the top top top of the list, the deadlyest kush is; THE FACE OFF.

tastes like some bomb ass og, but the high is a step above, to say the least.

i love kush.


wrecked bro i really like the purple kush smoked reall nice and tasted great but man nothing and i mena no kush i ahve had soo far hits like my og ...there a re a few peeps out there that i ahve sent nugs to and man everyone of them likes it and understands why i say what i say..the purple kush we have is a nice heavy indica hitter and i think with some good cueing and good dryn the buds i will get off this gorgeous plant will be stellar.so far the only thing that hits like the og i get is dank ass sour diesel.... i smoked the mk ultra and didnt like it to ehh for me you know was good but not the best and i have the beans to grow out also. the kushage i dunno wasnt very tasty when i smoked it. and i ahd it in adam along with the mk ultra all from THSeeds...now i smoked some la confidential from DNA and let me say it smelled and tasted the most like any of the valleys bubba.all i know is the og i get and usually have is killer bomb and now with my purple kush plant i will make some serioiusly killer dank.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
you dont think the purple matches or surpasses the ogk? thats funny, the purple below the sour d! thats hilarious!! purple kush has been california's fav. kush since the 80's. ogk cant touch the socal purple kush, the norcal cut would be about equal though its more tastey to most than the socal beacuse it smells like rotten meat/dead skunk/and classic kush. the norcal is more fruity and noobs cant get enough of it.

dfa: representing the real kush, didnt think ANYONE would know of "the face off" seriously killer weed. listen to him he knows of the deadly socal pk :joint:

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