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BTTF Doc dead Marty missing forever.


Active member
The more I read this thread the more it reminds me of Schrodinger's cat for some reason.

For those not familiar with Schrodinger's cat I'll post a wiki link in a few minutes.

Maybe the dude waiting in front of the white house was handed a rose and wasn't handed a rose.

The future guy watching the film did see him self on tape handing the guy a rose and he didn't see himself handing him the rose.

Maybe we, humans are the odd balls. maybe the human brain at this point in time can not grasp the way the universe and time really works.

Right now we may be alive/dead
The lights are on/off

maybe the only way human society can be possible, is by creating a shared delusion that everything can only be in one state at a time. if not there would be chaos.

If a person fully grasped that they were single/married that could be harmfull to one's
marriage/single life.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
this thread cracks me up!

i feel like i'm back in the past when this movie 1st came out and every1 is discussing it then, over 20 years ago.

but today, in the present.

while we're at it, how can they call it back to the future?
clearly the future is in front of them, the past is back there.
and how can they call it bttf when they never visited the future to begin with? (obv in later sequels) so you can't go "back" somewhere if you never went there before.

and on top of everything else, way more important than all the issues and theories discussed in this thread..........
what if c-a-t really spelled dog?
THATS deep


Active member
Yeah! for Schrodinger's cat!

Although that is subtly different... nothing happens until it's observed to have happened. Until the box is opened there's an equal chance the cat is either alive or dead.

This really is an argument between multiple vs single dimensions and the ramifications of time travel therein. BTTF is clearly in the single dimension camp, if it wasn't marty would've only been able to return to 1985(A) where nothing had changed in that time-line, if he's switched time-lines and returned to 1985(B) there would be two of him (reference "The One" with Jet-Li)... even if Marty (B) goes back in time too... what does he change? where does he return to if Marty(A) is in 1985(B) time-line? does he go back to the pre-change 1985(A) and be all confused?

Also the question of setting up camera and waiting for someone in the future to hand you a rose. It's like in Bill & Ted's... when they say... "OK... remember to steal the jail key's from your dad and leave them here for us" (not verbatim, but you get the idea). In that example they're changing the past in the future... even though they haven't gone back in time yet to change the past (to change their present), his dad's key's went missing before he even culminated the idea of stealing them... this argues for the theory of destiny I think in Bill & Ted's... things were always going to work out right... because they already did... in the future.

I don't see the same idea of destiny in the theory of BTTF... there's a possibility it could of gone either way...


Active member
I'm bumping this thread because lately it seems that AMC has been playing part 1 on a loop.

Also There has been alot of traffic at southflorida's thread about reality.

Could the premise of reality being a complex simulation reconcile the paradoxes?


Active member
Ha ha ha... yea... I just posted over there and then saw this one pop up... looks like I was the last person to post here for awhile... guess I was boring...lol