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Brothers & Sisters...I need you


SSM my thoughts are with you and your whole family in this trying time..I hope and pray that your Nephew, Christopher makes it through... I would give you a hug man, if I could...
Love and prayers SSM! As a nephew of a lost uncle IC user with cancer and vet, I know your feelings be there for him friend he needs it sir.


Thinking of him and sending out best vibes I can. Also wishing for the hope and will to help your family deal with this. Take care, good luck Christopher


Thinking of him and sending out best vibes I can. Also wishing for the hope and will to help your family deal with this. Take care, good luck Christopher


3rd-Eye Jedi
i am so very very rarely at a loss for words, and now is one of those times

much love to you and him and all involved and I hope everyone blesses you with as much grace is humanly possible


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
hope he pull's thru this.....ssm like many stated before..you know where were at...sending love and light...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
You know we're all here for ya' bro. My thoughts are with you and your family.


Positive Vibe's, Thought's and so many well wish's on there way from AUS to you and your family at this troubling time, I hope that your Nephew has a speedy recovery.


My 23 y.o. nephew is gravely ill, he attempted to take his own life this morning.

Please send good vibes to him, PFC, Christopher *****, Stryker Brigade.

My heart is broken :badday:

Pfc.... the military I presume? If hes done a combat tour it does a number.... Just stay by his side and let him know theres someone close by.... I am a former marine done a tour in Iraq and afghan. When I got back from the stan I contemplated and attempted to take my life.... All I can say is the damn belt broke.... Ivs seen good men pass to the otherside and always wondered why not me. It takes time to heal..... Im still not over what ive seen and done however one day at a time. I respect those that have served and are currently serving and wish your nephew the best of luck.


I hold El Roacho's
My Prayers go out to Him & His Familia and to You as well Brotha, theirs power in prayers and Jesus will not walk along side him but lift him and carry him back to good health...


A foot without a sock...
There are no words to express my gratitude...

There are no words to express my gratitude...


My other nephew (U.S.M.C.) is there with his brother but only got to see him briefly in the I.C.U.

His wounds are severe, as would be expected, and he's scheduled for surgery 1200 EST.

We don't have any type of prognosis yet other than to say he's alive.It's still very much touch and go atm.

I'll update as soon as I get info...please keep sending him your good vibes :ying:

I can't tell you all how much the show of support & love means to me and my family...I'm overwhelmed :thank you:

Much Love