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Brothers & Sisters...I need you


A foot without a sock...
My 23 y.o. nephew is gravely ill, he attempted to take his own life this morning.

Please send good vibes to him, PFC, Christopher *****, Stryker Brigade.

My heart is broken :badday:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Very sorry to hear this SSM. Positive, healing vibes and much K+ to Christopher and your entire family my friend :angelshug:


High Class Grass
Thinking of Christopher and your entire family. All the positivity i can send is being sent.

Stay Safe


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Is he terminally ill? Being someone that deals with extreme pain everyday I can relate to this. I dont want to just waste away in a bed with someone wiping my ass. When it's time for me to go It will be on my terms and no one else's..

My Mother died of cancer and I watched her waste away while everyone tried to prolong here misery in my mind this is wrong.

I hope he is not terminal and he can be helped and makes a speedy recovery


Active member
Ouch, SSM, i wish you, Chris and his family all the best wishes.
I was about to burn down a couple bongs of double d, this is for you and your family!

- SubN


man you know I am here for you gonna be burning some urkxheadband in his honor right quick here brother :joint:
get at me whenever you need to Super.


A foot without a sock...
Thanks guys :ying:

This is what I know:

He was 3 weeks into a 30-day leave, back from a second tour, one in Iraq, another in Afghanistan.

He was scheduled to go on his 3rd tour, hadn't gotten his orders yet but was expecting that call anyday.

We're on opposite coasts, he has no family out there with him yet, so accurate information is very difficult to ascertain atm.

I believe there was alcohol involved when he put the gun in his mouth.

He's on a ventilator, in a coma.

He's a very sensitive kid with a tough as nails exterior....I love him very much.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart :ying:

turtle farmer

many,many prayers for you,Christopher,and your family.
dont underestimate the power of prayer


ICMag Donor
Ohh SSM Im so sorry about your nephew, he will be in my prayers. Be strong, he will need you now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
when your nephew pulls through, you make sure he knows he is part of every veterans' family...there is help, and its worth getting...one vet is down, we are all down...much love and respect...

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