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Broholmer attacked by 2 Pitbulls


Just read an article in the local paper, about 2 texas rednose APBT that roamed town and jumped the fence into the danish broholmer dogs yard. Broholmer is an old original danish dog of the molosse/mastiff type dating back to the viking age.

They apparantly attacked him, but he fought back with all he got and mauled one of the PB so much it died from the injuries, lower leg bitten clean off among other severe damages. The other PB had only minor injuries but both PB´s were exhausted,submissive and docile when picked up by the police later.

The Danish broholmer had minor damages to the skin around the neck but otherwise unhurt. The surviving PB were put to sleep.


Makes one wonder if APBT has been bred to big for its original purpose. A real PB should never weigh more than 40 ponds if used for dogfighting.

Still I detest dogfighting even though I own a supposed dogfighting breed and what it shows is that all dogs are potentially dogkillers race aside. And that you should make sure your dogs does not roam around freely.

Care for your pet.


Active member
glad the dog properly defended its charges.

thats what my dogs are bred to do and do it well....and would have made dinner out of 2 pitbulls as well.

i hate dog fighting, but i hate irresponsible dog owners more.

if 2 pits came into my yard they would be in for it between the border collie herding them (and there is no way they could even touch the BC..."sierra" is faaaaaaaaast even by border collie standards)(she is a champion at flyball if that tells you anything)

....and the great pyrenees breaking their neck with his strength...they would be done. (tho yukon would rather cuddle with them)

my last dog (a komondor) would have just outright killed them the way this story went down. (i seriously doubt there would have been a survivor), or an unhurt human who tried to get involved.

...even me me and the GF have many many scars today from that dog (and only from trying to halt her strong will to protect us)....yes she would try to hurt us to kill for us if she thought necessary....and she felt that way a few times, and she did save our lives once at least(another loooong story)

thats why we are getting another komondor

we will have quite the herd w/ a komondor, great pyerenees, and border collie hehe.

i love pit bulls and im sad to hear they got it in the situation, but i blame the owner.

i dont like dogs that run loose, if an owner can control their dog off-leash (most cant) i dont have a problem, but stray dogs do bother me.

i never heard of a broholmer...ill have to look that up

here is our komondor w/ short fur....she usually had dreads, but this pic shows her when you wouldent wanna fuk w/ her hehe.



Mother Nature's Son
Bit a leg off!!?? That is pretty cool.
I have heard of Broholmers but thought it was spelled different.

I hear ya nokuy, I hate how the average idiot thinks they can control their dog. I am about to adopt the habit of hitting owners when they let their dog climb all over me. I love dogs so much, but it pisses me off big time when some big "tuff" guy lets his 3 Chihuahuas walk up to me (growling, or at least looking like they wanna bite...cuz lets face it, they ALL suck) and start walking all over my feet.

And what is the deal with jock looking guys owning Beagles, Chihuahuas and weiner dogs????


Pretty cool...do you have a lot of coyotes around where you live ? Just read a bit about the komondor......

what kind of weight is a komondor, i see its related to the South Russian Ovtcharka thats a badboy for sure. They had some 700 dogs guarding the east german border, a real maneater.....

If people have dangerous dogs, they should treat them as such when around other people or animals. And dont get a dog you dont have the time for....


Active member
wow those are awesome dogs...they look happy and friendly around their peeps...nice!!

here is a komondor link on wikipedia if your interested (most peeps recognize them from dog shows)

trust me this is the last dog u wanna fuk with...(not the show dog version)

this is "milla" or old kom before she got her dreads cut off

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Active member
satyr said:
Pretty cool...do you have a lot of coyotes around where you live ? Just read a bit about the komondor......

what kind of weight is a komondor, i see its related to the South Russian Ovtcharka thats a badboy for sure. They had some 700 dogs guarding the east german border, a real maneater.....

If people have dangerous dogs, they should treat them as such when around other people or animals. And dont get a dog you dont have the time for....

not coyotes...where i live now is mostly mtn lions and bears, but they dont pose a threat....(i dont have livestock tho) ....i got my komondor when i lived in the city to do guard work against humans actually.

my kom was a female, and she weighed about 130pounds..which is pretty big for a female kom.

my next kom will be male....i seem to get along better w/ boy dogs for some reason.

glad u looked them up...they are actually illegal in germany, and a few other european countries (komondors) are.


Active member
those broholmer dogs are pretty elite to the danish...thats cool...(it's good for the breed no doubt)..."butcher dogs"

i have 2 great friends from denmark...one can rap (like freestyle rap) fluently in danish and english at the same time and would blow your mind! (have any of you heard danish hip hop)...maybe ill make a thread about it.

steffen actually has pitbulls.

and mikkel is just a road bike junkie, cooool ass kid....

ill have to ask them about them dogs tho


German ****s.......They have banned a lot of dogs...guess that the trend is banning everything thats stirred up in the press.

Fun thing,tragic really,is that the dog that has most humanlives on its conscience over here is the golden retriever. Childkiller #1.

With regard to the APBT it seems as if, it has lost its edge when fighting other dogs since it has been bred to incredible sizes, for other purposes than dogfighting.

Read an old piece, that claimed, that size mattered in dogfighting, that a small, agile dog with at monsterjaw and teeth would outmanouver the big ones and just hang in to the end. Seemed thats why they did not really change the breeding standard of the SBT for 300 years. If it aint broke.....

Nokuy are you going to breed those guys ? I am quite fascinated with those Koms. Read that WW2 almost killed them of, as the germans and russians had to kill the to sleep in the farms in hungary......thats a dog....

Where did you get wind of them by the way ?

Vol Funk

Not all dogs can fight, just like people. They have to be PROPERLY TRAINED.

My boxer(a trained guard dog) was attacked by rottweiler and and this other little dog (Jack Daniel terrier or something). He fucked them both up, jaw clammed on rottweiler's neck and hold little dog down with his paw till the owner came and claim them.

None of them got hurt badly.

I don't support dog-fighting, but in situation like this one, they must know how to fight. Because when dog fights, they fight to the death.


Active member
satyr said:
Nokuy are you going to breed those guys ? I am quite fascinated with those Koms. Read that WW2 almost killed them of, as the germans and russians had to kill the to sleep in the farms in hungary......thats a dog....

Where did you get wind of them by the way ?

first from going to dog shows....(like i said i fukin love dogs)...more than people even

...and im a dreadlock fanatic, so i of course was drawn to them and puli (tho puli wouldent work cuz i like big dogs)...i was only a fan at that point. (tho im gettin old and i might like a puli too)

anyway... i needed a "guard dog" i looked up the best ones, and komondor always came up best.

and it sort of fit me....w/ the dreads and all.

then we found a breeder in "la juanta colorado" (sp?)

i did consider breeding her, especially since they are so rare here in the US and still do, (consider breeding komondor) i wont breed a dog if i dont do it right tho, wont do it wrong.....and i have never had the time to do it right.

there are a few komondor breeders in the US.

just be careful with the breed if u decide on one...i can give you real world honest advice if u seriously consider one.

they are a "no joke" breed...and i mean that seriously and honestly...they will try every inch of you!

i havent seen the "dog whisper"guy try to deal w/ one yet, but i bet he'd have a tuff time. (i cant usually watch it cuz my dogs hear it)

i actually promise he'd have a tuff time.

my gf's brother who has trained wolf hybrids wont go near a komondor.


I trust you man. *LOL* I do go to the Czech republic regulary and I did go visit one of those places where they make dog wulf hybrids. I have same affinity for dogs as you do, so I had to go see them. They seemed pretty nice, given the proper respect and attention, and yeah, no bullshit or cuttling. But they did no really scare me shit compared to their Guarddog, as if they really needed one, an Ovtcharka it pretty closely related to your Kom I read. It was 200 pounds of aggression,violence and death as I have never seen in real life before.
I dont scare easily, but this was a new kind of dog to me and it scared me plenty.

I really respect your doghandling skills, knowing what you got over there.


Presas are nice dogs. My friend has two of them. Very calm and controlled dogs. Not really peopleloving, but not really hostile either.

I have a dogwalking partner whose granddad is a vet. The guy's just got a nice bigboned blue APBT, he also has a bandog, and a f***** brasiliero and thats a mean mother I tell you, but I rather face him than the othvarca.

Except the brasiliero we can walk them off leash in public parcs in urban areas. They are not really aggressive either towards dogs or people, but I am sure you could train them to be very different. They dont do Personal protection either.

Funny I had an idea that you did not really have a neighbour close by....one or two mountainlion territories away.


Active member
satyr said:
Funny I had an idea that you did not really have a neighbour close by....one or two mountainlion territories away.

i dont have neighbors close...i couldent, or id prolly run to where i didnt have one.

the closest neighbor who is a friend has pressas...he is a memebr here ill see if i can holler at him to post his dogs.

he has only come here to talk about dogs pretty much.


Active member
the irish one said:
If you really loved dogs then you would'nt think one dog biting anothers leg off was cool no matter what the situation was.

if my dog needs to bite off another dogs leg to protect then thats "cool'' to me ..

id rather the owner get his leg chomped off tho..cuz he's the reason for the problem.

this isnt my thread, but i'd hope u peeps see why we need protection dogs.


Mother Nature's Son
the irish one said:
If you really loved dogs then you would'nt think one dog biting anothers leg off was cool no matter what the situation was.

You know, you are right. I would have much rather the two pits (who ganged up on another dog) killed the broholmer. If it had been a beagle that they attacked, then the story would have been much sadder....beagle dies a horrible death. Instead, a dog was able to successfully defend itself and family. That is the cool part.

And yes, a dog having the jaw strength to sever another dogs leg is something I find cool. Not every dog can do that. Sure, sucks for the pit, but it got what it deserved. Wish I could have bit the leg off of some people that ganged up and picked on me....