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British Company Submits Cannabis Medicine For Approval


Active member
GW Pharmaceuticals, the only company in the UK permitted to grow cannabis for medical research has submitted its latest cannabis drug, Sativex for approval in the UK and Spain. The company believes Sativex will be a boon for those suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Clinical trials have shown GW's drug Sativex, which is sprayed under the tongue, reduces spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients who do not respond adequately to existing therapies.

The drug will require further clinical trials before it can be approved for use in the USA.



It takes a pharmaceutical company to tell us the benefits of MJ that everyone already knew.... and you can bet your ass they arent gonna try to help MS patients with something that you can grow on your own.

Everyone has got their hand out to be greased with a bit o' cash


Good News Sufferers......ERHH WHATSUP DOC?

Good News Sufferers......ERHH WHATSUP DOC?

Hey is there any doctors in the house? I found this on the G.W Pharmaceuticals website. If anyone knows a doc let him-her know that this is out there now! Oh and ask them if could i have a years worth of savitex prescriptions in one go please lol! On a serious note this is good news for sufferers!

Sativex® remains an unlicensed medicine in the UK and, as a cannabis-based medicine, is currently a Schedule 1 Controlled Drug. Previously doctors were required to obtain a licence to prescribe Sativex® from the Home Office but this is no longer a requirement as the Home Office has issued an open general licence permitting any doctor wishing to prescribe Sativex® to do so under the Misuse of Drugs Act. This licence also permits pharmacists to dispense Sativex® and permits patients to possess Sativex® if dispensed in accordance with a bona fide prescription.

As an unlicensed medicine, the decision to prescribe Sativex® for a patient is entirely at the discretion of the prescribing doctor and at their direct responsibility.

If you are a doctor in the UK and would like further information on Sativex® please contact either GW Pharmaceuticals or Bayer Healthcare using the details below:

GW Pharmaceuticals
Tel: 01980 557026
Fax: 01980 557027
Email: [email protected]<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


Active member
How ironic that Schedule 1 drugs have no medical use, yet here's a Pharmeceutical company hawking cannabis remedies as medicine...

It's WAY PAST Time for our LAWS to face REALITY.


saw their grow facility on a british tv doc, they grow somthing like 30,000 plants a year i think.

rediculous that they can make the medicine in the uk and it isnt available to brits


saw their grow facility on a british tv doc, they grow somthing like 30,000 plants a year i think.

rediculous that they can make the medicine in the uk and it isnt available to brits

Hey Cork did you see the plants too-they were shit lol they should get some of the big boys like jorge cervantes,ed rosenthal etc etc growing it for em! You would think theyd be growin some big huge buds,but i didnt see much!
They should look for tips on here lol!



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
It's messed up that one company is handed a charter, err...a monopoly by the king so that they can corner the market on cannabis prescriptions. But at the same time, I'm rather impressed by what GW is doing (I've been following them for many years). I say ANY legitimate research on cannabis is a GOOD thing. But imagine how much more would be done, and how much more we'd know, if there were many thousands of companies doing research?

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