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Bringing herb back from jamaica?

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New member
I will be traveling with friends to Jamaica next month and my one buddy insists that we bring at least an ounce of tree back to the states with us. Im pretty sure this is crazy, but he assured us that if he put the herb in vaccuum sealed bags and then put it in shampoo bottles, it would be next to impossible to get caught, as long as he checked his luggage.

Does this actually work? I don't want to be guilty by association and get arrested in jamaica or the USA.


not smart don't do it. There is a lot of security once you get back in the states, when I came back there was a drug dog at customs sniffing everyone that came back.
They will be looking for drugs, bring back some seeds and grow your own...


New member
not smart don't do it. There is a lot of security once you get back in the states, when I came back there was a drug dog at customs sniffing everyone that came back.
They will be looking for drugs, bring back some seeds and grow your own...

yeah i figured, the kid is an idiot, but ive known him forever, swears up he brought herb back from punta cana that way, but I don't want to have to deal with his risk-taking, especialy coming back into the states.
When your still in jamaica ship a "package" to a safe addy in the states. When I mean package I mean like a teddy bear with a duck taped oz stuffed inside then sewed back up. Ive personally done it a few times while in mexico.


Weed Robot
not a good idea..as if good herb not around already..xrays will see the bags in the bottles
use carbon paper to wrap..this way xray can see and do what lvclosetgrower said send it via mail


if you find some local weed you like just ask for some seeds and post them back much safer !
just my 2 cent's



Well-known member

yeah listen to your irie man brova... him done know the dealings wid kinston and police, ruff neck boy fe life sopn... best, bring back a pound and a pound of chemz and some ak's and girlz loool

forget it dude... better smoke there, go home safe and show your bro a pic of the herbz, if he is like that, tell HIM to go there and bring some home...
AND if you really like the smoke, save some seeds...

ps.: no disrespect meant, but COME ON!!!


ICMag Donor
If it were me, I would just go to Cali for the weed (better quality and safer), and then go to Jamaica to party down and vacation.


If your intentions are to get arrested at the airport then its a great idea, go for it.
Otherwise, don't even think about. All the leagal trouble for an ounce of weed is not worth it, ever.


sure ya might get away with it, but is it worth the risk for an O?? i go there every year and have smoked some damn fine weed (some as close to tripping as good blotter), but not so good as to take the risk.


You just need to wear a skirt, with a specially designed apron, like this woman smuggling fish.

Story here

At least an Oz wont make 'flipping' noises.


I will be traveling with friends to Jamaica next month and my one buddy insists that we bring at least an ounce of tree back to the states with us. Im pretty sure this is crazy, but he assured us that if he put the herb in vaccuum sealed bags and then put it in shampoo bottles, it would be next to impossible to get caught, as long as he checked his luggage.

Does this actually work? I don't want to be guilty by association and get arrested in jamaica or the USA.

As ^


Jamaica is very much on the cocaine route to the USA and their customs have DEA assistance. If you got away with it, you should run out and buy a lottery ticket as you would be the luckiest man alive.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
^^^^ Agreed.... my first concern would be getting out of Jamaica .... I fly there regularly and the luggage is reallychecked before you get out of JA ..... as for it being a major coke route, well the guy who was supposed to be sat next to me didn't make it to the plane as one of the condoms burst and within 20 minutes he was dead .... they don't exactly make a big thing about helping drug mules survive, more a case of 'let 'em die, it's easier'

If you think you'll get that into the USA then I guess you must be Clark Kent by day


Watch a few episodes of "Locked Up Abroad". Then watch "Maria full of Grace". Then watch "Midnight Express".

Then don't even fucking try such a hare brained scheme.

Honestly, risking your freedom for weed? That's idiotic.




Are there any direct flights from Jamaica to SFO (San Francisco)?

If you have a Cali Med Card I wonder if you flew back to SFO if they would let you have your 'prescribed' amount?

I have read that 'TSA' agents at Oakland & SFO were instructed to be 'pot friendly'.:joint:


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
A Cali Med card don't mean shit to a Jamaican Customs Officer .... Croissant is right .. Just no

You do realise that if caught and convicted in either country you'll never be allowed to fly again once you get back to the USA, I think your passport is siezed

Transporting drugs into America will get you new job as your present employer instantly disposes of a (pension less), smuggler employee and takes on someone for less $$

If you're at college, expect that to end ..... actually your whole life as you know it ... all for some Jamaican hybrid you can buy in New York
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