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New member
I live in an illegal pot state so brickweed is relevent here though there is plenty of good green around. I buy the best brickweed because usually there is some decent reddish brown hashy smelling stuff almost no seeds for $120 - $130 for a big oz. Sometimes I give in and get some kush or trainwreck etc. $280 - $320 for an ok damp oz. I love the taste of the different types of kush with the spellbounding
Buzz but for me the high is short so for my headaches it isn't right but good for listening to music or watching Tv. Of course trainwreck is a different story. I can buy 2 bigger bags of this better brick. And have money left over to buy food. I just smoke more and I cant tell you haw awful that is especially when I have so much more of it. Plus it gives you a good buzz and the high lasts 3-4 + hrs. I do spend more on papers though.:biggrin:
There is also some truly awful scwag weed too easier to get a little cheaper smells like moldy mud. Seedy.
The better brickweed is available usually- it reminds me a little of the pot I used to get in the 70s- 80s called " commercial " more like that than Mexican but I know not.
Years ago a guy from here was busted with 500lbs. Of weed and the cops said he had connections to Panama and Arizona. I guessed he was supplying Indy
and half of Indiana at the time.
Has anyone else in Midwest seen any of this or anyone know where it comes from?


Well-known member
Yeah im from the midwest and most of what your saying is true but i dont see any kind of trainwhreck for 300.
I sell my no name outdoor for 350 an O and 20 a gram when i get a crop once a year.might sound high but my prices are the cheapest


New member
decent brickweed - Yes you read it correctly !

decent brickweed - Yes you read it correctly !

I don't know where the good green comes from around here - I live pretty close to Michigan so---
I bought a half oz of trainwreck last November for 165. Not a great bag but super stinky fuel hash smell. Psycodelic and catatonic at the same time. But no it isn't always available. Diff. Strains come around in smaller amounts but I cant afford it. The other kush etc. Is usually around.
I cant grow right now so I mainly buy this other which is ok and much better than Mexican I have seen from other areas like Chicago. That's why I wondered if anyone else knows anything about it.
I recall seeing a map online showing the general routes pot gets moved along. From south but I don't remember where it was.
Big site here someone surely would know this stuff.


Active member
wow...ur paying more for brick weed that most people pay here for quality bud...and with the exchange rate....it is more like double...



New member
You pay less than $130.00 oz for quality bud? Did you read the other reply to my post? Actually the prices here are lower than some legal States recreational.
Anyway- I find it hard to find relevent info or even a discussion that is on topic on this site. Here that is different qualitiy levels of real brickweed and where it comes from.
I do thank the 2 of you for you're replies.
I wonder if this whole site is really just 3 or 4 college kids posing and that's why the hard questions cant be answered.
Things are different here- extreme penalties for weed unless you pay up.
Indiana still has the death penalty for large weights of pot even if it is ditchweed.
I will try to keep my posts simple and see if that makes a difference.


Well-known member
Brick weed is from Mexico you do get great stuff from time to time but most is more lower potency or average potency. You do get some real scrap sometimes. I bought 5 oz for 125 recently it's average strength. I live next to Mexico so it's cheap here. I love it when I get the strong brick weed its rare but it happens.

Walt Jabsco

It is not my place to judge you or how you live your life but the people here are mostly connoisseurs of cannabis and do not support cartel or terrorist weed. If you don't know where your meds are coming from more than likely you are supporting violence of some dimension around the world.
I assure you that part of the problem of people responding to you are your comments about prices which is discouraged here at ICmag. Combined with your 24 posts makes you sound like LEO. The fact that you dismissed one of the best canna sites in the world by saying it is 3-4 college posers probably didn't help matters either. Just saying.

But since you asked I thought I would type for a bit about the questions that you asked. Considering where you say you are located in the Midwest and watching the news documentaries on MSNBC and Nat Geo about the subject I have come to the following conclusions.
There are other countries importing brick but almost all of the brick in the States comes from Mexico. Where the different varieties comes from largely depends on what is traditionally grown in the particular region of Mexico and how much interbreeding has gone on in local strains with outside sources over the years. A lot of places have had the same kind of weed for many generations. That is why it reminds you of the weed from the 70's and 80's because it mostly is.
Margins on brick are low and increased prices for the seedless dictates that nowadays they go into the fields and cull the males from the plants that they intend to export. It is debatable, but generally understood as fact, that the fermenting that occurs through the bricking process contributes to the sometimes nuanced buzz that you get from Mexi brick weed. It also gives it the distinct look and smell. Tests anywhere around 5% to up to maybe 10% thc.
I suspect the stuff you call "kush or trainwreck for 280 or 320" is commercial buds from Canada. I put the names in quotes because the likelihood that is actually what strain that is extremely small. Heavy, dense ,narcotic Indica buds travel well, have good bag appeal, and are compact to grow in commercial operations. By the time it gets to the States it is usually just called "Kush" regardless of strain . I suspect that if you say this weed is damp it is being spayed or steamed sometime right before you get it. The fuel smell is more than likely actual fuel as it was transported in a fuel tank of some sort. A fair amount is mailed but it is unlikely that the weed was transported wet, as it molds quickly if damp.
This weed usually ends up coming into the Midwest through Detroit and a smaller amount in through New York crossings. It is believed that a majority is brought in from Canada by organized crime with ultimate money going all the way back to terrorist organizations in middle eastern countries. These gangs also deal in other smuggled and counterfeit goods.
The expensive stuff that looks real good that you say you can't afford is not coming from very far away. These are mostly the local growers that you should support. Even if it costs more.
We support ideals by how we spend our money. Like I said I am not here to judge you but supporting brick weed or BC bud is frowned on here because of what it does to the cannabis movement and who it empowers.
As always,


New member
Thanks for the reply even though you are incorrect on 90% of you're answer.
As for the crime etc. do you really know what every person and dispensory owners are doing with their profits? How do you know organized crime hasn't already infiltrated the legal rec. market with all that money to be made? I think maybe they they have in some cases.
No matter where or who you are, owning , growing and selling flower is a federal crime. even in co. Just 1 seed is illegal federally.
I doubt violence will stop if I stop buying the cheaper weed, some other reason for crime will pop up.
Maybe you have never smelled trainwreck - try it and get back to me.
When I say damp it means grown not too far away and not dryed all the way- either in a hurry to sell or greedy to boost weight.
Not a great bag meant poorly trimmed, too much stem and again not dried all the way, but still whacko weed, very hard buds etc. just not enuf of it! But that is rare, sometimes girlcookies, mkultra , la conf. these higher end strains come up in smaller batches ( get while you can ). Usually the green is called " kush" real or no. I dont care fresh green citrisy piney odor but the buzz doesnt last that long. It's almost always around. But again I cant afford it on my workmans comp. disability and ssdi.
As far as me dissing you, the best weed sit in the world, yes, look back at my 24 posts just getting started and the replies and help I received and maybe you will get an inkling
( Indiana word? ) of what I was feeling when I typed that.
Only 24 posts and mentioning prices offends you? I did not realize you all were that sensitive. That makes me a cop to? HA ha he he he he! How do you pass 24 posts without actually landing on 24 at one point? No leo here, how about you? what do you do?
I do Apologize to the part of icmag community that might be offended by my posts, i did not realize this site is only for those that are in a situation where you can smoke only the best always, that leaves me out. I've grown plenty just cant right now so I do the best I can. I'll admit I am more of an old ( honest ) redneck type hippy than what the younger (honest )people are today. I think it and say it.


New member
Thanks for the reply even though you are incorrect on 90% of you're answer.
As for the crime etc. do you really know what every person and dispensory owners are doing with their profits? How do you know organized crime hasn't already infiltrated the legal rec. market with all that money to be made? I think maybe they they have in some cases.
No matter where or who you are, owning , growing and selling flower is a federal crime. even in co. Just 1 seed is illegal federally.
I doubt violence will stop if I stop buying the cheaper weed, some other reason for crime will pop up.
Maybe you have never smelled trainwreck - try it and get back to me.
When I say damp it means grown not too far away and not dryed all the way- either in a hurry to sell or greedy to boost weight.
Not a great bag meant poorly trimmed, too much stem and again not dried all the way, but still whacko weed, very hard buds etc. just not enuf of it! But that is rare, sometimes girlcookies, mkultra , la conf. these higher end strains come up in smaller batches ( get while you can ). Usually the green is called " kush" real or no. I dont care fresh green citrisy piney odor but the buzz doesnt last that long. It's almost always around. But again I cant afford it on my workmans comp. disability and ssdi.
As far as me dissing you, the best weed sit in the world, yes, look back at my 24 posts just getting started and the replies and help I received and maybe you will get an inkling
( Indiana word? ) of what I was feeling when I typed that.
Only 24 posts and mentioning prices offends you? I did not realize you all were that sensitive. That makes me a cop to? HA ha he he he he! How do you pass 24 posts without actually landing on 24 at one point? No leo here, how about you? what do you do?
I do Apologize to the part of icmag community that might be offended by my posts, i did not realize this site is only for those that are in a situation where you can smoke only the best always, that leaves me out. I've grown plenty just cant right now so I do the best I can. I'll admit I am more of an old ( honest ) redneck type hippy than what the younger (honest )people are today. I think it and say it.


if it smells like fish
take your brick weed and make a concentrate from it....yeehaw..alcohol is cheap ,easy and fairly safe unless your an idiot...


Active member
The high from brick weed, you couldn't pay me to smoke it anymore. Not elevating at all, just puts me down.


if it smells like fish
I can get good brick weed here in sd....my friend has a good connects and at one time was a huge dealer with contacts directly in mexico..he even visited the farms several times a year...depends on your source..the stuff I can get the seeds aint crushed....yeehaw..I still prefer my own tho....but ya most is crap unless you got the hookup ..and the old school stuff has all been hybridized for the most part...


Active member
You pay less than $130.00 oz for quality bud? .

Don't u....well mine is damn near free as I grow....

but most people I know don't pay more than $2k a lb....

People are cheap here in MB.

by the oz... most of the older stoners wont pay more than 150 for a single.. but most people i know don't buy by the oz...

Diff circles i guess.

As for college kids....bwhahah.....been over 20yrs since i graduated univ....


Active member
Brickweed is a big subject covering a lot of territory, no doubt, always has been. I could probably get it if I wanted it even here in Denver if I tapped some old Latino friends. It's rare, however. Some oldtimers still prefer it.

What a lot of people don't realize is that there are some really poor people living back in the hills in Mexico & other parts of the world who need a high value cash crop & corn ain't it. They grow cannabis or poppies or coca, depending. In Mexico, they've had to go from cannabis to poppies because the price they can get for cannabis has fallen tremendously. That's a big part of the current heroin epidemic. The cartels prefer heroin for a lot of reasons, obviously, chiefly because it's easier to smuggle for big money & because the demand is there.

It would be a very good thing if America could figure out a way for those farmers to profit from legalization, too, because they'll grow drugs regardless. It's how they survive in large part, how they get shoes for the kids & a lot of other stuff they need.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The high from brick weed, you couldn't pay me to smoke it anymore. Not elevating at all, just puts me down.

That depends on the strain. I bought some awesome sativa brick weed in Florida in the 90s before I started growing. The problem is that you don't know what you're getting.

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