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Brewing beer anyone.?


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I have some porter stashed with a friend.

I have some porter stashed with a friend.

Sorry Brah, should have offered you a brew.
Out of homebrew, but I have some Sam Adams and some P-B Wine.
I appear to be a stoner, :joint:next time remind me, yah?

A hui hou



Active member
No worries Weeze. Believe me if i wanted a drink i would have tried some of your new wine that i missed out on last night at the brew club meeting.. besides.. I'm still recovering.. hehehe.

Next week when i bring your new girls I'll try.:joint:


Active member
You have quite the homebrew set up mang :joint: That It's almost Lambic Season and was wondering if you tried your hand at any brett yeast cultures? I see your into the belgian beers. I have been wanting to try my hand at making a Lambic. I dunno about souring the wort though. That can get a little hairy.....literally.
I use a "keggle" myself. Half kegs get the job done but they stink like hell when you plasma cut the top off of one! :joint:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Holy good sweet Jesus on a stick with a pinwheel whistlin Dixie!!!

I haven't seen you since the dinosaurs had pogo sticks!!!


I would recommend that you sour your mash and not your wort.... but obviously you are talking to Issack.... hence the whole Belgian thing.. :D


Active member
Hey MMM My friend. It has been a long time... I have been great and as you can see I am picking up new hobbies!!
Thanks for correcting me I meant sour my mash to get my wort..:joint:
I'm back cruisin through the boards so I will be talking with you bro.
I'm gettin a little too buzzed to be typing up a bunch of stuff so Tomorrow or sunday I will be posting up my Lambic Ale.
Be Safe today !!! its holloween, no telling what I am going to up to :witch2:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That's awesome that you grow your own hops.!! What kind are you growing.? I have my list of favorites.. hehe.

No.. Hops hate life here. it must be the latitude or something. Me and everyone in our brew club here are baffled. We have all tried to grow them, but it's all the same.. grows fast in the beginning. and then just dies all the sudden. it might also be the sulfuric acid in the air too.. we do have a huge volcano that is emitting gas. and is fully active.

Oh well.. I just have to suffer the consequences of paying for it.. lol. it's like 3 bucks an oz i think at my friends shop down the street.. I really don't know the exact price. i will check tomorrow. I usually just pay the bill and then go brew. lol it's all about the fun and enjoyment of it..

I hear if you make tea out of hops instead of beer it gets you high instead of drunk. you all should try this. I looked up hops, it is closely related too cannbis lemme know how it goes.


I have seen those around...Those would be fun to play around with...You can get a beer pig for much cheaper and achieve the same results....I'll stick with my Keggles and car boys!! :joint:

How about LARGE cars?
