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Breeding project oz style 2011 & beyond


Hi guys,after a disasterfull season(weather),all my plans went to shit and i lost alot of raere Aussie and imported lines,my plans were to save these rare lines,but as ned said..such is life!
aywa,after much soul searching and talking to other growers and breeders,i have come to the disission to start again....INDOORS,and a little bit of outdoors aswell ;)
I have a few projects up my sleve,let me first explain.
We had a crop of Elephant killer seeded and pulled early,we thought the seeds were gonners,then a few weeks back,my mate did a germ test,and they germed,so we have a shit load of them to work with.
I have also recently received some Pure santa marta columbian gold seed,man,they are old,but i am getting some to germ,i wont go into detail here,as i already explained it on another forum,i do have all the info on them and where they originate from,and will post all the notes as the thread gets going.
I also have some pure old mother sativa seed,not M.M,or any other old mother hybrid,but pure unadulturated O.M.S,i used to post about it alot in the overgrow days,all agreed it was pure O.M.S,if anyone has any of my pictures saved from then,or thinks they may have,p.m me for my old handle(security reasons,or i,d post it here),that would be great,anyway,i have pure O.M.S seed,old but some will germ and i have enough to play with!
THE PROJECT:I test germed 12 of the S.M.C.G seed,i ended up with 4.They are all healthy and going well,all going well they should give me a fair idear of what i am looking at.
Now,regarding the oms,i have a freind who is helping with the project and has land and indoor grow space.We will be evealuating the old mother both indoors and out when the season comes around.
We have 2 goals with the oms project,to produce produce pure oms seed,and to hopefully isolate some exceptional specimens for use as breeding stock in our projects.
Once we see the results of the 4 santa martas,they will give us enough idear wether to go ahead with it,if yes,we will grow it out in simular fashion as described above,we will hopefully isolate some breeding stock.
Once all is donewe will then produce a hybrid between the two lines,as well as hybrids with the elephant killer.
In my estimations if all goes right,these will be outstanding hybrid lines,i am planning on working with many more Aussie lines,this is just the beggining,watch this space..Sensient:gday:


Well-known member
Good luck to you mate....that pure OMS sounds sensational...I have a few myself, but unfortunately hermi prone and not enough to share around. Let us know when you cross the SMCG to OMS, b'cos that's just about Haze right there.


Good luck to you mate....that pure OMS sounds sensational...I have a few myself, but unfortunately hermi prone and not enough to share around. Let us know when you cross the SMCG to OMS, b'cos that's just about Haze right there.

Hi mate,thanks for the reply,i appreciate it.
yes i have high hopes for the santa x oms,it should propduce some intresting results.
Over the years of working with the pure oms i have a thorough understanding of the line,and am hoping the santas are what i am looking for,i am also seeking out some pure lum,bo lines as wee speak,so hope fully i come up with some thing usefull!
I have come to a point in my life where i am ready to dedicate all my time to cannabis.This will be a major project for many years,and i hope my dreams will become a reality,i now have the full meens at my disposal to acheive my goals,so nothing is stoping me!
Thans guys...Sensient


nice one mate good to see more crew getting amongst it
i have alot of the pics you posted on overgrow on a hard drive
stored in the garage some where ill have a look and see if it will still boot up

ive just started turning my hand at breeding in the last few years
it was a bit haphazard F1's at best,
have a few good crew around me now that are justas keen as me
the next few years are looking good :biggrin:

Good luck with it all Sensient, good to see some strains on the go, the aussie breeding part on IC here seems to be a little quiet, be good to see some results of your crosses. I myself dont know much about it, but did get a few seeds a while back which to my surprise turned out ok, so watching the pro's will be interesting thats for true.



Doing what we do because we are who we are
nothing but good karma for you mate :)

OMS is a magic line to work with... anything it touches turns to gold :)

used it in an on going auto project of mine and well to say I am impressed is an understatement :)

keen to see how this turns out :)


Hi guys,thanks for all the replys,i really appreciate it.
it will be great to see some pure old mother out there again.
I have seen alot of threads of late,some nice m.m specimens,old mother x,s,and one great old mother pheno,but unfortunatly not pure old mother.
Around 2002-03 alot of seed was passed around a few sites,and alot of M.M seeds were passed around,although some great sativas,they wre not O.M.S
if all goes well we will have plenty of fresh O.M.S very soon!


Well-known member
Hello everybody

This is a very interesting project, to save and preserve such wonderful strains.

I think that even hermie prone, some genetics worth the effort.



Well-known member
I'm very excited by this, particularly with regards to OMS (OMS is Old Mother Sativa - Thai dominant strain thats been held in oz for 30 years or more). I contacted Kog a while back to see if he had some seed left, but he passed his last seeds (which had been stored for years in an old shed) to Mullum Madman, and these may or may not have been sold on the market, and ultimately taken off because they produced hermies.

Then 20'Thai reappears and gifted Kangativa some real gems, but OMS wasn't among these, and when asked, he said with the MM Kanga had, he shouldn't worry about OMS.

I wasn't satisfied with this story so I pried further, and 20' was gracious enough to direct me to a friend (a top european breeder who held some of the last pure ones). So he sent me what he had - 40 seeds or so. I passed most of these onto Kanga and Nevil, but germinated the rest, which were old - and only ended up with 4 females and 1 male - the male showing female characteristics.

Nevertheless I collected 20 or 30 seeds from this and am thinking of planting them this coming season. Nevil believes hermies can be selected out of a line, but not sure I'm the man for the job. I know he is, but he has other irons in the fire.

I also crossed OMS to Kanga's MMxWW and MMx SkHz.

So now I'm really glad for all the OZ Bush enthusiasts out there - some of the regulars here for instance - that sensient is on the job. YA fucken Hoo!

I was lucky enough to get some OMS x Shit (Afghan leaning Skunk from Shanti) in Nimbin early last year, which some months later I find out was bred by sensient. I've been calling it Nimbin Purple. This is a wicked early flowering, multi-branching, high yielding strain that is very hardy and can hold her own in any company...my shortest one was 9-10 foot, but that was the central branch, it also had two 8 foot side branches and yielded 6 pounds!!





The smoke from these girls stacks up nicely to any 50% Haze hybrid, perhaps not as long lasting, but IMO a higher quality buzz than most - very positively motivating and a nice touch of trippiness.

I've crossed OMS x Shit to Mango Haze, Oaxacan, MMxWW - and will probably run some of these this year.

Now back to the pure OMS - One thing I noticed about these OMS is the incredible fruit salad aroma they let off, which is surprising considering that Thai strains are often more citrus, leathery, woody etc.

So any thoughts on the fruit aromas sensient? I know these are pure from 20'Thai, but upon smelling them Kanga reckons some Afghan was bred in at some point.

Anyway very glad for all the OZ blokes you're on the job mate.:gday:
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Well-known member
The Nimbin Purples started flowering 4 weeks before the next quickest I was working on - Mango Haze - and were finished in 8-10 weeks. The best one finished earliest, which was the beginning of April. This is normal because when I scored the buds that held the seeds - it was also April. In comparison, I still have at least a pound left on a Mullum Widow 3 months later - mid July:)


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Im taggin along for this, would love to see what some pure OMS looks like :D,

I love all of these outdoor aussie projects that get going on, one day hopefully i want my own outdoor going on, when the time is right.

Peace Afro.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor

Good luck mate!

I am very interested in any fast finishers.

Awesome pics especially that 2nd one... wowzers! :smoke: