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Breeding Landrace vs. modern methods.



Im mostly a outdoor grower far north, latitude 60 + -...
I have done somecrosses between som landraces and some modern strains and are getting something pretty nice now.

I have tried to find documentions about how the landraces and people i afganistan, india and so on have done their breeding.

Some modern breeders says its very importent to select the right males. For a Guerilla grower who doesnt want to spend to much time in the patches its a hard time to choose right males and to be onest I havent found a got rule to find them! Except to steer away from the early ones because they are most prone to lead towards hemp or rub the stems and smell which one realese most aroma.

Does the people in lets say afganistan or India select between the males? Or do they ONLY select from the FEMALES? That would be great for me and people in my situations!

Of course i get it that its faster to reach the goal of potent strains if you select potent mothers AND fathers. But is it just that, time and fewer generations between less and more potent lines?

So my breeding program if its good enough:
multi cross of potent and climate suitable plants for me.
Sowing with a broadcasting method and then come back in the fall for harvest.
After its dry and cured selection between females

Hope someone can help me out on this one..!


Right train bro, coming from the top of the mountain! :smoke:

Patience as medecine! Inbreeding for crosses F1s needs to select propers males of course but it is just a human and smoker kind of view. Let the Nature breed with hermies outdoor is another kind of view but not without interests in absolute and for smokers, just longer breed to inbreed tima... Faster acclimated or land raced? Unknown potency development? Who knows...


Dr. Narrowleaf
Hejssan! (Just assuming you probably know what that means)

In the hash producing areas they don't even test the females per se. Ganja producers continuosly select the strongest female plants for future seeds. I think male selection is mainly done by western breeders.

Some smoke test their males prior to pollination and discard the weaker ones. That's what I would do as well, assuming I can actually feel the differences and not having a high tolerance to sensi. Just cut off the tops of the best looking/smelling males, mark them carefully, dry them and smoke test one plant per day. Only pollinate using the stronger males, then go through all the females when the buds are done and only use seeds from the best buds for future generations.


Well-known member
Quote Thule: In the hash producing areas they don't even test the females per se. Ganja producers continuosly select the strongest female plants for future seeds. I think male selection is mainly done by western breeders. Unquote.

^ That.


Offthehook: That was also i was thinking. Since its not only western breeders who have good smoke, then i guess it would work ok. Just thinking about this landraces around the world, some of them are quite potent and if they primarly select on females it would also hopefully work for me;)

Roms: Inbreeding for crosses F1s needs to select propers males of course but it is just a human and smoker kind of view.
That is done and I also have used different types of males for various reasons. Some are very potents, some are more mold resistent and so on... The crossing is now hopefully done on some of the lines, now i want them going, and stay potent as they are at the moment. or more just not decline to much... I have also let plants cross freely for a few generations.
yes, I think Im gonna see the strains faster land raced.
Unknown potency development? hopefully not... Im graduated in agriculture and in one seminar we had at school we where talking about milking cows. The breeders of the cow talked a lot about not to breed to fast for the goal. Couse then you would end up with an inbreed cow variety than cannot develop no more and most likely have health issues or other problems. So if select potent females, I wil for sure get the potent genes from them.If the males pollinate freely then i would also insure variation on other genes, also the lower potent genes.

So Potent females X potent and less potent males= 75% potent gene carrying plants and 25% less potent carrying plants. Then this would say its a 25% progress in the development? Of course if the start point have 50% "potent" enough plants for my potent goal...

Thale: yes have actually heard about that smoke test for males also. The problem with that one is: nr1 Dont want to be in my breeding plot so often.
nr2 I want many males to contribute to the genepool. A landrace needs alot of individuals in the gene pool for lots of reasons. Also a healhty variety that can go on and on for generations needs a decent amount of indiviuals. The problem with many males and selection, how can i select between 20,50 or probably more males in the short time frame of the male blooming time? Yes, i dont want to be completly stoned all day every day around that time of year or any other time of year;)

Think I have it all for now... Have a good day every one:)


Discard the males that flower really early, as they supposedly tend to be low in THC. Some breeders believe that really fast vegging/flowering plants don't put much energy in producing THC and are thus not an ideal choice.
Also discard the ones that don't have a good structure: strong stems, even internode distance, good branching, etc also pull the ones with mutations, small flower clusters, weak resin production, weak smell etc. There are a lot of things you could look at... You could take clones and flower them inside only picking the ones that start flowering between 15-13 hours of sunlight or whatever you need for your climate.
Though you can only really know the value of a male by testing the offspring, and the F2's...
It is a good idea to use multiple males and a few selected females, to stay away from inbreeding depression if you want to preserve and improve lines to be better suited to your climate. Testing males thoroughly and only using the best one would be better for inbreeding with the goal to make true F1 hybrids... 99% of the stuff available on the market is from unstable strains being hybridized and thus not really getting us anywhere... Pheno hunting and using clones is the norm while any true or even halfdecent F1 hybrid would yield 90% elite plants.


Hei, sprinkl!

Not sure if your really got where i was going.
I have no intesions on producing F1 hybrids. Execpt when im making new lines and also then im not doing 1:1 crossing. All i want to do is after i have done the crossing is to keep it potent, and then let nature decide how the plants is goint to look... Of course i will do some overall health selection to, not much, but thats not the point of the thread.....

quote:Though you can only really know the value of a male by testing the offspring, and the F2's...

Well, that is exatly what is was thinking. If you cant know the the "true" value of a male with out doing test crosses that use lots of time and others stuff im probably not going to do it.

That is why i was thinking about just to select on females. If it takes some more generations to reach the breeding goals its ok for me so long it work ...?