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breeding hermies???


Active member
well im in a heck of a dilema, i have 2 white rhino plants that are f4s, i have no other rhino seedstock, and i have a female and a male, and he showed pistils... all the way through the grow i knew he would be a male (taller,thicker stem, lanky) and after sexed him he showed a few hairs on top of pollen sacks..(my cab had light leaks) i hate to lose this beloved strain, and was hoping to incross another generation, if i use this male what will happen?? i have been growing this strain for 5 years outdoors and never have had one f...ing hermie on me..please help .. sativa92


Active member
you'd be better of if the female hermied. then you could seperate it and let it pollenate itself in turn making fem seeds. but this might be possible with the male.


I reckon you'd be better off not using hermaphroditic plants for breeding at all.
If you start with hermies, you end up with hermies. It is as simple as that.
Personally, I would get some more seeds, or use a different true male for the cross.


Active member
thanks for the quick replies , do you think it matters that it was forced to hermie, by light leaks does that make a difference?
i really dont want to outcross it to something else, i was in the process of trying to stabilize the afghani leaning pheno and i was afraid if i used this male that the offspring would have hermie tendacies... thanks

also this plant screams...male except for a few hairs.


Active member
A male which turns female..
can sometimes be used to remove hermie traits in a crossing..
Might work with your WR, but use the male pollen on a regular female...
It really depends on the male, I believe the type hermied male nessessary goes full on female at the tips....This is a dj short trick and it works...
You can produce a 70 to 90% female ratio from this kinda work..
Good luck


reaperz said:
to make fem seeds dont you use a hermied female to pollinate other females???
There is a difference between an hermaphrodite and a 'sex reversed' plant. ;)

sativa92, I think that outcrossing is the only way to preserve your project.
In all honesty, 2 plants simply isn't enough to select from, especially when one is a hermaphrodite.
If you aquire some more rhino seeds and select afghani phenotype males to dust your remaining f4 female, and then carry on with your project, I reckon you should be able to get a reasonable amount of stability pretty quickly.
However if, for whatever reason, none of the above is possible, then just make the seeds and see what happens! What have you got to lose?:D
Take care,


A male which turns female..
can sometimes be used to remove hermie traits in a crossing..
You learn something new everyday! Interesting stuff! Nice post tiedye420.


hey gurus, i'm realy interested in this... i have a dreamgoddess male. very male, sacs all over. but, he has recently showed his fem side... can this plant be used for breeding, or should i scrap it?this is the first time i've seen a male go hermie...


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I read in an article by DJ Short that stated that it was fine to breed with a male plant that has a few pistols - even beneficial. The other way around is bad news. I know it sounds strange but thats what I read. It was a long time ago and I can't remember where I found it. If any one knows please let me know as I'd like to back up what I stated.

I have bred before with a male that had a couple hairs and the resulting seeds exibited no hermaphrodite tendencies and a better than normal female to male ratio. Don't know if this was just a fluke, but it turned out well for me.

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Active member
I have a few works done this way, some have been taken to f4 from the f1 of high female ratio..
REMOVE all first flowering males in subsequent generations, you should be able to keep any hidden traits from re-occurring...
USE a fast or first flowering male, and it can increase the likelyhood of locking in hermie traits from hidden genes...It's all in the males you chose in the subsequent generations...
I have a few of the f1 and a grip of f3 in one of these works now..

The BX of the filial third males to a few chosen females from the 90% female f1 (I like to represent each phenotype) will be up for freebies when i finish them..
Stinky reborn is the thread on her here...
ALSO: I was bummed when my pure G-13 male went female during reversion to veg.
But I'm keeping him around because I got old works with bad tendecys.
That kick some old school butt in the taste and potency dept..
Wonder what outcrossing to the g will do to margerita? Besides work the hermies out.. Margerita is a lemon gasoline sativa dom which has no equal I have found..
Herbal opium dream state high...The G-13 should add a bit of pick me up to it! L.O.L.
Stinky f4 will be released as freebies this summer sometime... She has been my training ground, my first true strain..
The f3 is already gaining a reputation as being very stable and unique..
The f4 will have increased strawberry and Ch.H.P. pheno's...


Active member
I had some NYCD hermie wildly.. I been afraid to run her because of breeding projects... But I have a large amount of "NYseedyD" beans..
It's like f3 or something?
But now I have the g reversal vegging ...Might have to bust out a few of them anyways.. See how they do outdoors in summer 'a la natural.'
I'll be sure to Gack attack the diesel with the g and make beans...
you guys got me thinkin- good one!


Active member
tiedye..the female i have was in a different chamber than the male.. so if what youre saying is right the offspring should have a higher fem ratio?

long shot-i think what i have is a sex reversed plant... i have been growing this strain for 5 years and have never seen one even slightly hermie..

TgT-i think i have read that somewhere also but it's been a while since i read it,and cant rember where..

hey thanks everyone for posting i think im going to try it , but before i seed it im going too cut some clones off her, and if the cross has hermie tendicies, ill scrap them and buy another pack of rhino and find the most afghie leaning male and cross to one of the f4 clones, as long shot recomended.. thanks again everyone ..


Active member
yeah man I been playing with hermies since 1999.. ;)
I am going to get out some of my "put away because it's likely to hermie" gear this year. I also have other crosses made with the first reversed male from 2004, I'll be testing a coulple of those also... I have been so busy on stinky, and then testing the g-13....I got lots of stuff to sort through...Interesting diploid mutation work also.
Sativa92 please do continue your work, we need a few more people who aren't afraid to work hermies out here.. With people clamoring for feminised seed- the species itself is IMHO in danger... We need trouble shooters for the future my friend. Also people not afraid of pathogens and building plant resistance in a slightly negative enviroment (indoor basically)
And if you get a nice landrace thai be sure to use the male pollen there also..
I have a few things to pull out and if i get hermies- bang with the reversed g male....
The oxacan i have hermies quite a bit, I just may have the quick fix for her...
also other phenotytpes related to my choclate hashplant including margerita, and the hogsbreath pheno... (christmas tree) Other avenues on the "stinky" trail...and the nycd also...(nycd was f2 and seeded itself badly)
I must pull out these things while the g male is in veg...It kind of changes the years schedule a bit... Not much though... I just have to bump numbers higher than i would have... many strains to find good males to. I will need one fully filtered room for just vegging males.. Might do another small room, just for flipping males i plan to use next..And keep many males in veg not producing pollen. every 3 weeks or so I may flip another genotype /subtype of males..
How else could one man do all that i do...Lots to bring back this year for "phoenix seeds" ( my "alter Ego"- ROFLMAO)


soo, let me get this confirmed... it IS good to have a male that turns female? is it normal for them to autoflower? is it normal for them to produce an enormous amount of trichs?

just checking... i've been growing for near to fifteen years now, and i've never seen anything like this. pix later...


i have a plant which is outback /nycd i have a good contact he he , and it 1st showed pollen balls and the week after it has tips filled with lovely white hairs would you breed it to the other family members????????????? and if my interpritation of this thread is correct the seeds off this duel sexer plant will be female?????


New member
I have the same issue, a very nice hand selected male of my own variety that started showing hairs in about the third week or so of bloom. I collected plenty of pollen before I cut him/her down due to the fact that I did not want to contaminate my main room.
Is this worthy pollen or should I just find another true male from the same seed stock?


Active member
i didnt want to ruin, the time i put into it, (5 years of growing and selecting)
so what i did is cut 6 clones off my white rhino female, grew them out and pollinated 3 with the hermie pollen..bought another pack of WR..grew out all ten and found a killer male and pollinated the other 3 girls.. that way if becomes hermie prone.. i didnt waste my time and effort... im also working the new batch of seeds i bought towards the sativa side.. so ill be busy with this project running 3 lines of white rhino..sativa..

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