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Luther: Cannabis Ethnobotany is on the top of my book list! I might even buy the kindle version just first, so I have it on the go. Rob Clarke is the man, and I am very intrigued by your mention of BLD/NLD vs Indica/Sativa classification. I cannot argue, but am surprised, I will most definitely do some reading on the topic.

Kind of off topic but very cool to ponder, the biggest advance I wait for with Cannabis, is the day we can do DNA tests on any sample we come across. Then logically the next step would be to assemble the family tree of our favorite plant. My what a glorious day it will be when we can sit back and look at the Cannabis family tree, right back to the plant that all modern Cannabis evolved from.

I think seeing it on that scale might help everyone see, we don't "own" any of this plant! 99.999% of the work was done by nature before you ever got the seeds/clones you breed with!

Luther Burbank

Go for the physical copy! You won't regret it. Rob Clarke is the one who started the indica/sativa dichotomy. It's fitting he should fix his mistake with the new Broad Lead - Narrow Leaf dichotomy.

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