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Breeders Choice Dosanko and Obi


Hey IC,

I'm wondering if anyone ever bought/ran the landrace "dosanko" and "obi" varieties that breeders choice offered back in '07 and could give some info on the strains.

I'm extremely interested in them in terms of CBD content for a true medicinal application in a tincture form for a terminal leukemia patient/ damn good friend of mine.

These varieties peak my interest due to their isolation from hybridization which means they haven't been bred for high thc/ low cbd and stand a great chance at still having the higher CBD content which is where the real medicinal value is.

I don't think Zamalito has been around in years and breeders choice looks to be defunct.


Well-known member
They aren't defunct but it seems they stopped offering the Japanese varietals, just checked right now... You and I must have been reading that same thread haha.


oh nice man. Do you know what site/where they're selling from? I found some of their stuff through ******, but none of the landraces I used to pick up from them.


Well-known member
I Don't think BCO is still active, they've been silent for a while now.

but if you're looking for CBD look into what the real seed company is offering, they've got some cultivated hash lines.


Brand new oldschool
It's a shame that this kind of strains are becoming harder and harder to get with the time! I guess you could have some opportunities buying landraces from seveal seedbanks, specially the "wild" ones who offer interesting profiles. A medical company from Holland was using Parvati strains due to the CBD contents if I remember well... north indian and himalayan strains are interesting and easy to get.



Just checked origin organics site. Some of the same strains that BCO had for sure....

I'd sooner set my money on fire than send any more to HHF or anyone related to BCO. Not going to get ripped off twice.


if worse comes to worse you can always fly to japan

It is a very realistic possibility for me and I have already been putting some serious thought into it.

Just checked origin organics site. Some of the same strains that BCO had for sure....

I'd sooner set my money on fire than send any more to HHF or anyone related to BCO. Not going to get ripped off twice.

Agreed. I was burned once by them too. I just wish I had gotten these strains in my collection before it happened.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
If you need CBD, just get Cannatonic from Resin Seeds. The THC:CBD ratios are all over the place, so select a plant that works for you. If you get a simple TLC [like cannalytics or similar] test kit you can roughly determine the ratios and see what works for you. I am not convinced the 50/50 plants, seemingly the harder ratio to find [based on that Harbourside GC test of 25 odd Cannatonic plants posted here a year or two ago] are always the ones to go for. CBD is an anti euphoric, a THC antagonistic, so you could experiment with a CBD dominant Cannatonic and simply use it in ad hoc cocktails with other strains for patients who need to consume larger quantities of THC without being floored. For example, if one "normal" strain works for a patient, add in some high CBD Cannatonic manually, at time of ingestion, rather than attempting to breed something that may take far too long for your patient.

This is just my $0/01 worth, it is a quick hack solution, but my prove effective for some.

Cannatonic, is a great plant in it's own right, very good yield, smell/taste similar to the Tangerine NYCD. Friends who have a large stash of different weed to smoke, including Resin's famous 50/50 cut are almost always found smoking this in the daytime when they have work to do, it just leaves you chilled, relaxed, but not off your face stoned.