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Breaking Bad


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ugh i was with you until season 4-5 man. Then walt went off the deep end. My fav show of all time. All my opinion but walt changed. Hes a demon now.


doesnt matter what the rest of them do. lol walt took the new identidy and bounced. like he shouold have to began with.. should of just made the money.. took family on a vacation and never returned.

and WALT is the fuckin MAN.. i dont care wat anyone says. JESSE is a snitch loser that deserves everything he got. remember that walt saved his life for like 3 seasons. anyone and everyone wanted him dead and walt took him under his wing.. and made him rich. and jesse is just a week minded fuck who shoulda been killed wen Gus wanted him dead;


$$ ALONE $$
Now Jessie sees that Walt was not a demon and right all along!!!!!
He seen that Walt was willing to give up everything to save Hanks life, even after Hank was obsessed with destroying Walt and his family.
Now Jessie is a prisoner chained up in a Meth Lab until they get it blue. Then Jessie is either dead, or a permanent employee working as a prisoner/slave.
Its too bad that he didnt see that Walt truly loved him until it was to late.
Walt only rubbed the death of his girlfriend in his face because Jessie spit in Walts face , ratted him out, took the cowards way out, and sought revenge, even at the cost of Walts family., and made him loose 70 million dollars. I dont think what Walt said to Jessie makes up for the loss of Walts entire family, life, and Empire money.
Breaking in pooring gas on Walts familys living room?!?!? Anyone wouldve been a dead man at that point.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Just got done watching Ozymandias.
Throughout this show, a big part of the narrative has been Walt=good/bad, and him flipping back and forth between family man doing what he has to do and straight up scumbag. Now he has finally, and irreversibly put the scumbag hat on.

Who wants to bet that October 31st will see fuckloads of people going out in yellow Tychem, baldie wigs and respirators. I was going to do it, but the yellow tychem seems to be quite hard to find over here and I'm not paying more than the price of the suit in postage from the US.

I think the moral of the tale is that nice people do not prosper in the high level trade of heavy drugs, and no matter how nice you start out, you will become Scarface eventually.
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Don`t know what you are talking about man :D
Ozymandias was one of the best episodes of the show...

All that damn emotional crap, after all Walt, Jesse and Skylar been through, all the cold blooded scores they settled, witty thinking, risky stuff they pulled off and cold calculations, now suddenly they can't make rational and smart decisions anymore because they are so busy crying like little biytches.

I'm not into all that snotting and crying like you guys that like that soap opera emotional breakdown shyt. Jesse is a total BIYTCH and he was to hitting his stride with intelligent decisions and showed a cold blooded side but it turns out he's just another little punk ass snitching, biytch.

And Walt, how in the hell after all what he's been through you gonna give away 5/6 of 80 million away because he was having a fukking emotional break down, crying like a little biytch over that gd Hank, FUK Hank, he was a dead man anyway after those Nazi guys showed up! What a fuk up that was. They may as well sit on the toilet when they take a piss from here on out, like the drama queen biytches the writers turn them into.

It's good that some liked Ozymandias but for me it sucked. Hopefully the writers will turn these snotting and crying little biytches back into men.

Breaking Bad, nah, Breaking Puss!
I'm hoping the writers will somehow save the ending for guys like me.

Lydia will be left over to do what needs to be done, picking up the pieces and making it work and beating the system that fans like me want to see!


Jessie was a weak link and should have been fitted with cement boots long ago lol.:tiphat: when those Nazi tough girls lol showed up that fuked the show for me, Christ how piss weak .


Placed in Hank's shoes, my words woulda been, "So what island we buying?"

Arrogant pigs always choose the hard way.


Active member
Such a great show....these last episodes have me hanging off my couch with my mouth wide open.

I hate to see Jesse and Walt like this. They could have lived the dream....but as usual....shit usually doesn't work out that way.

Best show of the past 10 years IMHO


Andinismo Hierbatero
Walt is obviously an individual with a fucked-up moral compass, from the start, there's no question about it.

the fact you are willing to cook meth, which we know as a fact is a very unhealthy drug in all aspects, physical and mental, is testimony of that.

there's really no way around it.

the show kicks ass as well as Walt's character regardless, it is a tv show so it is very entertaining, if it were reality, I dunno if I could enjoy it like I do the show.

breaking bad is far from the reality of a cannabis home grower or even a commercial grower with no affiliation to gangs or cartels.

just saying...


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I never watched it on TV but it's on Netflix now. The first episode has him making a big tray of crank and it looks like glass. Good friggin show and sadly this goes on in America.


no fuckin way. walt is providing a chemicaly safe METH.. unlike the scum who make it in there trailers and shit.. like people gotta realize with drugs.. is DEMAND.. if theres a demand for a product.. and ur making the safest most potent drug.. then who cares if its morally wrong.. our morals come from the GOVERNMENT planting religion and shit in our heads.. religion.. a man made set of rules .. that believe jesus was a miracle baby.. instead of mary being a cheating whore? .. comeon.. thats such bullshit.. and people who believe that religions were created for any other reason then to scare the world into not doing things that they say R IMMORAL.. just think for a minute.. has anyone had a baby without getting a vag full of cum? really? nope.. so she either cheated.. was raped... making a baby she couldnt tell her husband the truth over because back then if u cheated or were raped it was always ur fault.. and she would have been known for it forever.. so the best way out is to say. GOD DID IT . haha sorry to religious people. but honestly.. the only thing we need is spirituality.


Andinismo Hierbatero
no fuckin way. walt is providing a chemicaly safe METH.. unlike the scum who make it in there trailers and shit.. like people gotta realize with drugs.. is DEMAND.. if theres a demand for a product.. and ur making the safest most potent drug.. then who cares if its morally wrong.. our morals come from the GOVERNMENT planting religion and shit in our heads.. religion.. a man made set of rules .. that believe jesus was a miracle baby.. instead of mary being a cheating whore? .. comeon.. thats such bullshit.. and people who believe that religions were created for any other reason then to scare the world into not doing things that they say R IMMORAL.. just think for a minute.. has anyone had a baby without getting a vag full of cum? really? nope.. so she either cheated.. was raped... making a baby she couldnt tell her husband the truth over because back then if u cheated or were raped it was always ur fault.. and she would have been known for it forever.. so the best way out is to say. GOD DID IT . haha sorry to religious people. but honestly.. the only thing we need is spirituality.

we are talking science here, son. as in, Science Bitch! you know?

it has nothing to do with religious morals; it is a scientific fact that meth will fuck your body up as well as mind, regardless of the quality of the product.

there's no "magic" Walt meth that can be consumed safely.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
The trailer for this last part of season 5 of Breaking Bad had Walter White reciting the poem Ozymandias. At the time I saw it, I didn't know about the poem, and didn't realize the significance of it. Now that the episode has happened, I googled the episode/poem title, and now the poem recited below has much more meaning to me. It's all about the collapse of empire, and how "greatness" will most certainly dissolve as time marches on.

Here is the trailer:


Here is the poem:


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
SPOILER ALERT...if you haven't seen the last episode

SPOILER ALERT...if you haven't seen the last episode

I just read a real good analysis of the last episode. Much of it touches on that phone call that Walt made to Skylar. I'll post a youtube video of the phone call (not the greatest quality) and then a link to the analysis if you care to read it.




If drugs were 100% legal in this day and age, the people who want to kill themselves using drugs would do so very quickly, and from that point forward the problem would be minimal.