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Breaking Bad

I think Walter is going to fake his death. That's why carol the neighbor was so shocked to see him. And Jesse won't take him down. And hank dyes.that is my guess.


How big a fan am i eh!? Watched that Episode 3 TIMES! Already :D

Jesse gets Funnier Everytime.RE when his mate starts talking About Star Wars...

Looks SOOO Bored :D)))))))


4 Times !!! And Epi 08 as well :D:bigeye: (at Intervals of Course)

Always something new
And not a Show of Arrogance "hence".

Have to draw a line Somewhere so Finished :)
I love Breaking Bad and I have no idea what direction they going to take the show but the way it left the last episode its going to get crazy. I think Walt is gonna go all the way gangsta and become the Kingpin he wants to be but he is going to get set up by his FBI brother in law. But Walt is really smart and may use the set up to actually get out without proof of who he is and get a away clean. Walt's wife will come around and side with him she can't keep up the hate forever she will have to choose to be totally without Walt or embrace the lifestyle. She is already pretty deep washing the money but I think she will convince Walt to come up with some kind of safe parachute out of the whole situation.

That's my stab in the dark!


Active member
I just fist pumped and gave Skyler a few atta girls when she said those oh so important four words (no spoilers!) to hank in the restaurant! Way to go!


natural medicator
that was an intense episode. All kinds of things could go down in that room at the end. I'll hold back the real comments til everyone's had a chance to watch.


Active member
I think those dudes that worked for his lawyer took most of that money they put in the car Walter was driven. Just the way they looked at each other.

P.S.> got my self a breaking bad shirt from Wal-Mart cheap with 97 cents shipping if you want one off their web site.:laughing:


I think they looked at each other that way because they knew they could have taken some after they see that hes not going to count it.


natural medicator
Was also thinking about the barrels being filled with sandbags or something right under the money. The look between the two could have been either of the things you guys mentioned, But what Walt said seemed pretty straightforward about knowing they swiped some with the 'close enough.' That was his nice way of saying he wasn't going to take them out for stealing from him and they could live.



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
walt doesnt HAVE cancer... he IS cancer....

....slowly killing everyone who comes into contact with him in one way or another