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Breaking Bad


Active member
I have read several articles that mention how much detail VG has gone to great lengths to recreate.

So is the blue meth actually able to be produces ? I am not asking how to do it just if it is possible or is there already blue meth out there ?

Yes Blue meth does indeed exist, maybe not with the methods Walter used though. And just to clarify the method used in the show, does not produce the highest quality/sought meth, AFAIK it is the most stable but not the highest of qualities.

My guess is "Zero"-- But this show, in a world of Emo, Rap...and Facebook...is bringing the World of Outlaw Bikers back to the forefront of Americana Folk-- People want to be bad...this is a good vessel for that--:tiphat:
I have a couple of biker buddies and they too watch this show, which they think is hilarious, and I think what they think is hilarious, to them its a comedy. In no way is it real at all...

Me and a couple of my buddies have also noticed a increasing trend of younger dudes (in their 20's) pretending to be macho biker dudes, mostly in the more "hip" areas of town( complete with DIY ratbikes/choppers,bobbers) which seems to coincide with the show, either the show is increasing the image or they just have good timing.

We even have a faux 1% club in a "hip neighborhood". I know some of those guys, good dudes, and earnest about their love, but def should not be playing. My friends in the AOA have not seen these cats, but would have not so kind words with them flying a 3 patch cut and not clearing it with them...


Yeah...either weigh it...or spend 200 on a counting machine!!:tiphat:
It's not as hard as you would think.
It has already been counted and banded, you don't need to count every single bill again, only banded stacks.
A banded stack of hundreds is $10'000
A banded stack of fifties is $5000
A banded stack of twenties is $2000

Count all the stacks of 100's, and multiply the final total by 10'000
That's the total of 100 dollar bills you have, now do the same to the 50's and 20's, after you've done that, add the 3 totals together and you have the room total, simple.
Like I said, 3 hours to count.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
check out this kickass shirt on teefury today!!



Guest 349079

Posts: n/a
i also got eastbound and down anyone watch this!!

I have this as the last post !?

What dates the final series ? ;)


last year I checked out a film production website forum with a Breaking Bad thread, I'm not sure how I got there, maybe the link to it was posted in this thread?? .....anyway, what was so good about this thread was that one of the show's location scout was answering questions all about what he did for the show, answered details about locations on the show, how he got the job etc etc...it was excellent to be shown a "behind the scenes" point of view of the show . If anyone has the link to this, please post it here.
BEST SHOW EVER!!! It's ruined the rest of TV for me......

Can't wait till the 11th!

Also excited to read that there is likely to be a spinnoff "Better Call Saul"! Vince Gilligan is working on it and I couldn't see AMC passing it up....

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