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Breaking Bad


the shit spoon
Anybody remember Ganja Lawyer on OG?

Man he would be so awesome to have in this thread... he's a Saul type kinda..


Active member
lol is it just me , or is skyler the most annoying character EVER in a TV show

It gets so bad that often when there is a skyler fragment , i just fast forward till her scenes are done

GOD she annoys me, this is for me the typical nightmare wife/ woman

Thank god most women arent like that(in the beginning:D)

I hope she gets killed by gus or something like that

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She may be annoying but shes saving Walt's ass.. and the familys.. well.... trying.
If walt had never said a thing to her I think he would be way better off, and for sure have a lot more money.

Skylars a know it all, godzilla sized piece of crap.
At least we haven't had to endure anymore sex scenes with her, that one with her sweaty buffalo ass on top of walt almost made me vomit.


Active member
i was wondering..... you know how gilligan ALWAYS shows clips of walts tan Buick Rendezvous? well anyways, what if hank put a gps tracker on it and knows whats up with walt? cuz walt drives that mother fucker right to the laundromat every damn day... I REALLY believe that hank knows whats up.........................

I think it's a Pontiac Aztec... one of the ugliest cars ever, lol.


High Grade Specialist
yesss dudes bring on the skylar hate!!!
this bitch is fucking annoying and on top of that is a risk for walt and blowing his money. since day one she has been giving him nothing but shit and not a tiny bit of respect i hope walt kills her in the next episode haha.

/edit: she has a psychotic clown face too

/edit2: i just looked up some pix of her to prove my point and i hate her even more now!


lol is it just me , or is skyler the most annoying character EVER in a TV show

I hope she gets killed by gus or something like that

If walt had never said a thing to her I think he would be way better off, and for sure have a lot more money.

Skylars a know it all, godzilla sized piece of crap.
At least we haven't had to endure anymore sex scenes with her, that one with her sweaty buffalo ass on top of walt almost made me vomit.
yesss dudes bring on the skylar hate!!!
this bitch is fucking annoying and on top of that is a risk for walt and blowing his money. since day one she has been giving him nothing but shit and not a tiny bit of respect i hope walt kills her in the next episode haha.

/edit: she has a psychotic clown face too

/edit2: i just looked up some pix of her to prove my point and i hate her even more now!


Could not agree more.


wasn't some dude wantin ta bang skylar

wtf i agree no more walrus sex

Want to see Heizenberg get messy on her, the controling bitch.


large member
ICMag Donor
Is it me, or does the new henchman seem a little fruity?

I definetly think walt was better off living seperately to skylar, although she does have some clever plays of her own..so valuable in some circumstances

Maybe it's just the continued beatings walk seems to get but it sounds to me in that last episode like his cancer cough is coming back?


Did I miss something? Is Gus gay? He is a great dresser. But was there a scene that revealed it?

The first pool scene when the dude pissed in the pool he made a comment about them liking what they see.

plus have you ever seen Gus upset about the loss of life apart from that guy?


Lot of Skylar hate here.
I bet she will be forced to kill someone inorder to save Walt.
I thought she sent those guys to kill ted at first, and I would hated her less if she did something gangster like that, plus it would have solved the tax bill problem too without having to pay the 600K, dead guy, no bill.


Active member
The first pool scene when the dude pissed in the pool he made a comment about them liking what they see.

plus have you ever seen Gus upset about the loss of life apart from that guy?

I thought he was just busting the guys balls. typical guy stuff.

I felt that the death of his cook affected Gus so deeply because he was new to the game.

His partner getting shot point blank without warning can be traumatizing.


Maybe that's what i LUV about this show everything isn't so obvious.

and he likes to keep us un sure like how many people were pissed off about all that lab shit in that hole with no other way in than that door it didn't make sense then when we finally give up being pissed about that little flaw...

up rolls the lift door and out comes the laundry cart with a dead body i was off the sofa shoutin and i don't even know why but i really loved that bit.

Vince is the man i have a feeling the gay thing is gonna come up but my money is gay and he likes em young jus like Jesse...


Active member
Yeah, I'm still not convinced on the Gus is gay thing: I actually see his relationship to that cook more like the Walt/Jesse relationship -- Gus was like a father figure to that guy, so when he was killed it was like his own son was killed.

We know Gus set up the scholarship later on which produced Gale, so I think we can see a bit of a pattern in Gus as someone who takes interest in people for his own ends, but also perhaps values some people beyond that end -- remains to be seen.

Also, Gus is a super meticulous guy who seeks excellence/perfection -- for example, he could have run his operation with Gale just fine, but it was that extra couple percentage points of purity that Gale said he couldn't deliver that lured Gus away from a perfectly solid plan and to risk a relationship with Walt.

Losing his first cook really messed with his plan at that time which he no doubt had worked out to every detail -- except, of course, the possible murder of his cook. Given his character, having a well laid plan fucked with like that is something I think he would take very hard.

On the subject of Skylar: her purpose is to piss you off. ;) She's the reminder where Walt comes from and that he broke to become Heisenberg -- she's the reminder of his domestic values, job and life that he has lived for the vast majority of his life. She's also part of the reason Walt broke -- because he wanted to provide for his family before he died.

Walt's cough: yeah, I noticed that too after they took the bag off his head. Hard to say, could just be from dust and the bag. Also, last time he had the cough it was from the treatment and not the cancer. Still, we haven't really heard much about the cancer lately -- could be a foreshadow.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
the pool scene when all of the g-string divas were walking around gus wanted nothing to do with them....obviously he probably had other things on his mind, but hell you could at least peep out some broads while you wait out the poison.......he looked down to the pool the whole time.... very questionable scene which may also be gilligans way of showing that gus is in fact gay and gets down on his knees like a top knotch hoe, but who knows....

and even if gus IS gay, i dont understand how that has any significant effect on the outcome of the storyline? are we just being typical americans being more concerned with whether or not he sucks dick or eats pussy rather then focusing on other things about him such as how he REALLY is a horribly bad and evil person? The guy runs a highly illegal business producing meth which in reality destroys millions of lives each day...........................will walt flock to hank and attempt to break gus of being bad? who knows? either way, i really think that eventually one way or another the bad (gus) will be broken.............

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