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Breaking Bad


Homer J Pimpin

Im still confused as to weather gus got shot or it was just residual poision that made him keel over then the video game seaquence where jessie shot the dude who shot mike was pretty cool rapid fire on a moving target the camera angle was what did it.

so which is it?


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
good old HANK is on the history channel right now pretty much hosting "The Stoned Ages"........

Homer J Pimpin

so can anyone confirm it was a bullet that made gus keel over I did not see blood I saw him grab his stomach and keel over.I did hear a shot though hence my confusion.little help please ?


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
gus had stomach pains it looked like to me.... mike was the one shot in the abdoman..... mike is in serious pain in the very last scene....
Gus drank some of the poisoned tequila, then threw it up in the bathroom. He also took a pill or two by the pool beforehand...maybe some kind of antidote. Whatever was in the booze still f'd him up a bit.


the shit spoon
I think the necklace's significance is for Gus' confrontation with the old man... a trophy.

If so, Mike knew to grab it, therefore Gus has let Mike in on a lot, at least that this is more than a business power play -- its vengence. Maybe Mike knows who Gus really is... all Mike said in that dept is "if I can't find anything on you before 1989 then neither can he (hank)"

I bet Gus has it set up that the nursing home thinks Gus is the dudes son... ha...

BTW rewatch the last episode just to appreciate Don Eladio's fine taste in whootie -- white girls with a bootie.

First its like daaaaaaamn... then its like daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmnnn


Gus drank some of the poisoned tequila, then threw it up in the bathroom. He also took a pill or two by the pool beforehand...maybe some kind of antidote. Whatever was in the booze still f'd him up a bit.

my guess on the pills is simple charcoal to absorb as much of the poison as possible. they actually have bottles of it in emergency rooms...you should see peoples faces when it gets blown down their throat.

Jesse now has the perfect chance to do in both Gus and Mike. if he has any sense at all he will shoot em in the head and chunk em out of the car...they may need him but they are not his friends.

John Deere

Active member
Alright! I'm caught up! I started watching this a couple weeks ago online. I'd watch an episode and then read the discussion here. I'd try to stop when the talk switched to the next episode but sometimes I'd read a bit before I realized it. It's gonna be tough waiting between episodes now.

Aren't they still in Mexico? No way Jesse should kill Gus and Mike now, especially after having the remains of the Cartel after them.

The Beneke situation could get interesting.

Hank's a wild card--rapidly approaching his crossroads.

There's just so many angles this could go. It's awesome.


the shit spoon
From previews looks like Gus gets carried in by hospital staff, and Jesse is helping Mike through a hospital setting, a large amount of blood is pouring down Mike's leg... I don't think he could survive that rate of bloodloss, at that age too.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor



the shit spoon
Hank is going to dig into Gustavo Fring's background and find the dead end Mike found.

Then he is going to get the idea to look into the namesake of the scholarship.. the other pollo hermanos.


Gus was a General, watch beginning of s03e07

Find it strange they still give him respect, he must have been one bad ass doctor death types who commited mass murders, and it was all endorsed by the states who helped cover up the evil.

Why does a Mexican cartel respect an ex General from Chile or wherever, he could be from anywhere?

Another thing mentioned here b4 but thought i would throw it out again. Gus was gay, that was his lover that was killed by the pool and bellman is the one who killed him so Gus definately has a visit planned for that old fuker.

Lookin foward to the ride home Jesse is the man and i think now has some respekt for Gus, mostly because he does believe the part about Gus seeing something in him and once again he stepped up, this time fe real.

maybe Gus has a hardon for Jesse?

Jesse won't kill Gus now they, have a mutual respekt and trust that he needs badly.

As Hemphut mentioned Walt mumbled Jesse and Jr. was like wtf poor kid took some abuse lately, enough ta start tweakin? ohhh messy messy.



Agreed on the Gus being gay and then taking out the old man is in his long term plan.

also, anyone else realize just before the gunfight mike pulled out his gun just before getting into the drivers seat as if to shoot jesse in the back (who was walking towards the front of the car to get into the passenger seat), and then his window was shot out, surprising mike and him and then when they drive away, mike almost has a look of disgust and frustration he fucked it up and says 'get us out of here kid'

cant wait for tonight!


Agreed on the Gus being gay and then taking out the old man is in his long term plan.

also, anyone else realize just before the gunfight mike pulled out his gun just before getting into the drivers seat as if to shoot jesse in the back (who was walking towards the front of the car to get into the passenger seat), and then his window was shot out, surprising mike and him and then when they drive away, mike almost has a look of disgust and frustration he fucked it up and says 'get us out of here kid'

cant wait for tonight!

Good catch it sure does look like Mike was gonna do Jesse.

don't seem right, but it sure as hell looks that way.

Mike could have seen the guy comin and been drawing on him but got shot first, could have, but it did look like he was focused on Jesse and not the 3rd guy?

We will find out but i'm still stickin with Gus has Respekt and maybe even "love" for Jesse haha that would be funny, he won't kill him unless he must.