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Breaking Bad


the shit spoon
Skylar was probably checking for women's clothing or a box of condoms or meth maybe.. and just getting invasive into Walt's intimates.. which was the point being illustrated, she feels entitled but walls him out, she cheats on him but is worried about him having a chick. Or maybe she's just missing his tubesteak.

The eyeball.. that is from the pool filter... where the airplanes collided over Walt's neighborhood..

It glares at him.. reminding him of his guilt in letting Jesse's addict extortionist girlfriend choke on her own vomit.. who's father was the Air Traffic Controller.. who he had a beer with.. Poor Walt..

But Jesse.. he wont be able to handle blood on his hands. the writing has made a point of showing his humanity, taking care of his aunt when she had cancer, the scenes with the child of the tweakers...


The eyeball thing -
I dunno if it is from the pool. It could be. But I remember him having the glass eye when the mexican terminators went into walts house with axes. I am pretty sure that was before the plain crash .

I could be wrong.


the shit spoon
re: becoming the new Gus

How are they going to take over Gus' property? I doubt Gus has been open about his distribution network with Mike.

So becoming the New Gus means building your own front business, new lab, new distribution network, dealing with inevitable bullshit and drama, violence... all the reasons why they got into bed with Gus in the first place


Active member
It glares at him.. reminding him of his guilt in letting Jesse's addict extortionist girlfriend choke on her own vomit.. who's father was the Air Traffic Controller.. who he had a beer with.. Poor Walt..

That's pretty spot on I think. I have been telling my girl about the eye thing and how it's a reminder of walt's past and she just doesn't get it. She's a little slow, it may be too deep for her.


ICMag Donor
The eyeball, imho, keeps the santa muerta effect going (even though teddy bears have flat eye insets). Thought the same thing with the fly...

I had expected the opening scene to be of Walt, in dress shirt and tie, managing the chicken shop, then flashback scenes showing how it happened.

Victor being slashed could have been some leftover housekeeping for Gus. If he was mexi cartel, he may have been a loose end.

Skyler may not be such a tuna afterall, seems she's got a bit o' Heisenberg in her as well...

With no more reruns I'm going thru BB withdrawl lol, forgot how it was with only one epi/week.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Over at Grantland.com they have interview with the creator of BB. Here's an excerpt regarding why Gus killed Victor the henchman:

Q: At first viewing, slashing Victor’s throat seems strictly like Gus making a brutal point to Jesse and Walt, but Victor wasn’t totally undeserving of punishment.
A: The audience has every bit as valid an opinion as I do, but for what it's worth, I think what happened was that Victor made two mistakes: He let himself get seen at the house, and we can tell from the early going that that seems to worry Mike. The other thing is, it's a bit of an affront to Gus that Victor added insult to injury by thinking he could cook Walt's formula. This is a guy, we learned from the teaser, who wants the best. He doesn't want just some well-intentioned schmo who's not a chemist cooking the formula.

So, Vince Gilligan's opinion, while he's saying people can interpret Gus's action in diff ways, in his opinion Gus killed Victor for being seen at Gale's apt and for presuming to think he could cook as well as a master chemist.

Also, the whole 99 v. 96 percent thing is not based in reality, i think. If a chemist got 96% pure product, they could easily make it 99% pure by doing another reaction. But you know, its a show and they want to pump up Walt as the master of meth.


The eyeball thing -
I dunno if it is from the pool. It could be. But I remember him having the glass eye when the mexican terminators went into walts house with axes. I am pretty sure that was before the plain crash .

I could be wrong.
its from the teddy bear that fell in his pool from the plane that jessie's girlfriends dad caused to crash,,,


Active member
Over at Grantland.com they have interview with the creator of BB. Here's an excerpt regarding why Gus killed Victor the henchman:

Q: At first viewing, slashing Victor’s throat seems strictly like Gus making a brutal point to Jesse and Walt, but Victor wasn’t totally undeserving of punishment.
A: The audience has every bit as valid an opinion as I do, but for what it's worth, I think what happened was that Victor made two mistakes: He let himself get seen at the house, and we can tell from the early going that that seems to worry Mike. The other thing is, it's a bit of an affront to Gus that Victor added insult to injury by thinking he could cook Walt's formula. This is a guy, we learned from the teaser, who wants the best. He doesn't want just some well-intentioned schmo who's not a chemist cooking the formula.

So, Vince Gilligan's opinion, while he's saying people can interpret Gus's action in diff ways, in his opinion Gus killed Victor for being seen at Gale's apt and for presuming to think he could cook as well as a master chemist.

That's what I was thinking, good to read it from the horses mouth.

Also, the whole 99 v. 96 percent thing is not based in reality, i think. If a chemist got 96% pure product, they could easily make it 99% pure by doing another reaction. But you know, its a show and they want to pump up Walt as the master of meth.

The difference is quite large, between 96% and 99%, in most cases (irrespective of meth). Sometimes it's not as simple as "doing another reaction", and in many cases getting 99% pure (and even greater as Gale suggested) is far from simple.


Active member
So ... how many people in this thread have partaken in the shows' namesake? ;) (if the topic is taboo just ignore this post)

I have been "ice" skating on more than one occasion when I was younger living in Hawaii, and it's not my cup of tea ...

(in a nutshell)
'Regular' meth = lower purity methamphetamine
"Ice" meth = higher purity methamphetamine (that is really what they cook on Breaking Bad, not regular meth ... "crystal meth" and "ice" are not the same final product)


the shit spoon
Nah fuck meth I can't stand to be around it, it destroys everything it touches. Can't stand tweakers. Can barely tolerate ex-tweakers, I think it changes the brain to increase general douchery for a long long time. I once kicked a fine blonde stripper out of my apartment for sparking up her tweakerpipe in my kitchen. Meth is poison.


Active member
i was involved with meth heavilly for 2 years. till we got raided. beat the case and never looked back. wouldnt ever touch that stuff again . i do miss the extra cash tho

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Will Walt become the new Gus?

i truly believe walt will become the new gus....

t seemed to me the entire episode that they were setting everything up for jesse and walt being the new leaders, with walt calling the shots, and jesse doing the "dirty work"...

if you noticed how jesse was acting when gus walked around him with the razor blade, and also how jesse was acting towards gus after gus killed victor, it seems as if they are portraying jesse as a man who is becoming tough and "un-afraid" of people, which makes him the perfect right hand man (or hit man) for walt...

also the fact that jesse and walt were wearing matching clothing at the dennys table at the end of the episode, that tells me that they are on their own "team" by wearing matching "uniforms"....it shows that they are a force to be reckon'd with...

or when mike goes to grab walt, and walt nudges him off, that shows me that walt seems to have the "watch who you fuck with" attitude...

all in all, this fucking show is great...

it seems as if every angle was carefully thought out...

the gus character rocks.... anyone of us growers can relate to him in the sense that we have to somewhat live double lives, going from whatever we do in our day job, to growing lots of weed illegally (most of us grow illegally, even you med growers are illegal federally).... im sure none of us have people wacked, or wack people ourselves, but the double life, good guy bad guy persona is cool in my opinon...

this show is excellent.... a 2-3 hour movie couldnt even be made to come remotely close to matching the greatness of this show... i dont mind at all that i have to wait 168 hours to watch another episode that lasts an hour long every sunday... how many weeks is this show by the way? i have to look into that..

as of now, only about 100 hours remaining till i get super fucking high and watch someone die.....


Active member
Skylar was probably checking for women's clothing or a box of condoms or meth maybe.. and just getting invasive into Walt's intimates.. which was the point being illustrated, she feels entitled but walls him out, she cheats on him but is worried about him having a chick. Or maybe she's just missing his tubesteak.

The eyeball.. that is from the pool filter... where the airplanes collided over Walt's neighborhood..

It glares at him.. reminding him of his guilt in letting Jesse's addict extortionist girlfriend choke on her own vomit.. who's father was the Air Traffic Controller.. who he had a beer with.. Poor Walt..

But Jesse.. he wont be able to handle blood on his hands. the writing has made a point of showing his humanity, taking care of his aunt when she had cancer, the scenes with the child of the tweakers...

I don't know about walt, he seems remorseless. But honorable in his own way. But your angle on jesse I think is totally spot on. Like you say, everything weighs on him and I wonder if this is the last straw for him.


I must have the episodes out of order in my memory.

-I like watching the episodes again, you catch things that foreshadow whats about to happen. Like the scene that opens up to the guys legs hanging like from a gallows pole/ noose. Mike eventually helping them w/ the barrel of dead guy, and jessie telling mike to "trust us" when he asked if the acid would really work. Mike actually raises his gun towards gus when gus cuts that guys neck -


It looked like mike was kind of irked to see victor get cut like that, because it shows that gus would deem mike disposable too.

I think we see mike pop gus for walt.

walt becomes meth/laser tag mogul??


I do see Mike playing a key part in the Gus downfall so maybe we'll see some more minor disagreements between them. Family is definitely Mikes soft spot. Jesse is intense now too, he totally leaned towards Gus with a tough look while Victor bled out.

I think Walt will become the guy as well. Not clean like Gus though. Its gonna be all messed up. Also, Skylar is bound to be the bookkeeper for the meth/laser tag thing. She has to since her character has no where to go, developmentally speaking, and Walt basically owns her because he pays for her families medical bills. Once she's in, she won't have the luxury of threatening Walt with turning him in.


Active member
To see if he could flee to thailand with him! haha

Saul, being the typical slime-ball he is, figures/realizes that Walt is in trouble (which he is) and wants to jump ship like a PUSSSAY!

What am I forgetting from last season?! - was Saul threatened or made aware that he was in danger? He was buggin' out trying to find a bug in his office....