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Breaking Bad


Oh ok I get it. Let's just dumb the subject down to the lowest common denominator, accept the completely negative stereotypes it conveys to uneducated viewers, and call it a day, then later complain when weed continues to be demonized in the media and by lawmakers and then we can ask incredulously, "Why don't people get it?!" After all, when you like the show anything goes, right?

That makes a lot of sense to me!

Ive always enjoyed Breaking Bad but I can't help but wonder how these types of shows influence the uneducated viewer. You just said yourself that meth and pot are the same to the uneducated. That scares the shit out of me! Now I know why every day Im looking at 5 years in jail for growing a plant.

I would watch it too! Maybe medical growers in Cali or something? Somewhere "legal" at least. It would show the uneducated that pot isn't a never-ending story of shootouts, divorces, etc. It's about time the POSITIVE side of the underground economy was put on display.

You have the money to change it? Money in this society talks everything else walks!


gets some
You have the money to change it? Money in this society talks everything else walks!

Removing your money tends to have similar effects, such as notifying sponsors of your thoughts. The absence of money is as powerful as the presence of it.


trust SAUL

trust SAUL

Hey people!!!!! Did i saw some SAUL'aficionados here????

He is on IC anytime-ALL TIME/ALL DAY LONG!

i just quoted one of his posts and he post very rarely............


Horse-toothed Jackass
Breaking Bad is back, and I'm happier for it...

1. The Mexican Terminators, or Mexi-nators, are some cold-blooded cartel killers. Seems like they're from a lower class background, what with their gaudy clothes and reverence for pagan gods. I think that's why Mexico has such a problem with cartel violence: not enough of a middle class to sustain a law-abiding society. The drug money is just too good; it corrupts everyone, politicians, police, army, etc.

2. But why are they after Walter? Is it because of Tuco? Did he have cartel connections south of the border? Probably.
Or is it because Walter's product is so good it's pushing the Mexi meth out of the market? Maybe it's a combination of both.

3. Skylar knows. Smart of her to figure out that it was probably drug money that Walter used to pay for his treatment. I agree with the earlier poster that even though she initially thought it was just mj, she knew it had to be substantial quantities of mj if the profits were enough to pay a six-figure medical bill. This was no 600w grow or dealing eighths to college kids kind of deal.
Being told it was meth makes it even worse. She said she won't tell if he signs the divorce papers. Another dilemma for Walt.

4. Gus wants to pay Walt 3 mil for 3 months of service. Walt turns him down, says he's got more money than he can spend. Didn't tell Gus that the drug money also ruined his life but Gus doesn't need to know that.
I have a feeling that Walt will be doing business with Gus soon enough, especially when the Mexi-nators show up. Gus is a big-time player and will have the muscle to deal with them, but will even Gus want to mess with the Mexican cartels?

5. Good to see Jesse not using anymore. We'll see if it sticks, but if there's one good thing that came about because of his GF's OD and the plane crash, is that he's absolutely sick of himself using. He still seems open to the idea of distributing, though, so hopefully Walt and him get back to cooking (I know that's a bad thing to say, but it's a TV show and I think they make an interesting partnership).

Green Smoke

He still seems open to the idea of distributing, though, so hopefully Walt and him get back to cooking (I know that's a bad thing to say, but it's a TV show and I think they make an interesting partnership).

That's the basis of the whole show, you'll see plenty of it. Saul will make everything right. I think we will see more Saul this season.

Green Smoke

I remember that video, good catch. I think you are dead on about Skylar. Kidnapping is a cartel favorite so it's certainly a viable option. Maybe a bit too predictable for Breaking Bad, but...

Green Smoke

Through 2 seasons they've done a good job of not foreshadowing too much. I like that, that punch in the gut suprise when you thought you had it figured out.

According to the latest trailers, the Mexican hitmen already know(or find out) Walts real name. I don't see them lasting the full season. Killing off peripheral charactors is kinda normal for the show i.e. Crazy Eight and his cousin Emilio, Tucco, Gonzo and No Doze, Combo, Jane. These guys are not going to last long.


Active member
Through 2 seasons they've done a good job of not foreshadowing too much. I like that, that punch in the gut suprise when you thought you had it figured out.

According to the latest trailers, the Mexican hitmen already know(or find out) Walts real name. I don't see them lasting the full season. Killing off peripheral charactors is kinda normal for the show i.e. Crazy Eight and his cousin, Tucco, Combo, Jane. These guys are not going to last long.

You're right. They wont deviate from the Breaking Bad pattern.

Green Smoke

After thinking about it, I agree that Walt Jr. would be kidnapped before Skylar. That would leave Skylar free to hook up with her boss that she is helping cook the books.


Active member
After thinking about it, I agree that Walt Jr. would be kidnapped before Skylar. That would leave Skylar free to hook up with her boss that she is helping cook the books.

That would be sweet. Breaking bad went straight to the hood. Now thats real life.


Horse-toothed Jackass
1. Walt is losing any semblance of a normal life he had. Skylar is not coming back but he's refusing to see it.
'this is america, i can get out of my car if i want to'
Walt blowing up at the cop was understandable but out of character for him. He's losing his respect for authority, perhaps easing his transition back into the meth business...

2. Jesse sticking it to his parents was classic. Good for him. I half-expected him to give them the finger as he was closing the door. Only negative is now they know he made or is making a crapload of money in the meth game. This might not be the last we see of them.

3. Apparently Gus has cartel connections. Surprising, but I guess we really shouldn't be. No one who deals meth on a large scale so close to the border does it without the help of a cartel.
So the Mexi-nators have been called off, for now.

4. Good to see Saul back. He's interesting and makes for good comic relief.
What does the PI hope to find? If he finds out that Skylar is having an affair, and that gets back to Walter, what does Walter do?

5. Walt Jr (no more 'Flynn') is firmly on his dad's side. Does he find out eventually what's going on? Does he become more involved in Walter's activities? Something tells me that even if he finds out what his dad was up to, that wouldn't be a dealbreaker for him. I doubt Walt Sr would ever let his son get caught up in that, though...

Green Smoke

Skylar, ever so descretely pointed out to the boss where his book cooking needed repair. She is on her own path to criminal activity, and once Sauls PI finds out, she'll be in the same boat that Walt's in. By the end of the season the meth business may just be a family affair.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
1. Walt is losing any semblance of a normal life he had. Skylar is not coming back but he's refusing to see it.
'this is america, i can get out of my car if i want to'
Walt blowing up at the cop was understandable but out of character for him. He's losing his respect for authority, perhaps easing his transition back into the meth business...

2. Jesse sticking it to his parents was classic. Good for him. I half-expected him to give them the finger as he was closing the door. Only negative is now they know he made or is making a crapload of money in the meth game. This might not be the last we see of them.

3. Apparently Gus has cartel connections. Surprising, but I guess we really shouldn't be. No one who deals meth on a large scale so close to the border does it without the help of a cartel.
So the Mexi-nators have been called off, for now.

4. Good to see Saul back. He's interesting and makes for good comic relief.
What does the PI hope to find? If he finds out that Skylar is having an affair, and that gets back to Walter, what does Walter do?

5. Walt Jr (no more 'Flynn') is firmly on his dad's side. Does he find out eventually what's going on? Does he become more involved in Walter's activities? Something tells me that even if he finds out what his dad was up to, that wouldn't be a dealbreaker for him. I doubt Walt Sr would ever let his son get caught up in that, though...

yeah pretty much :joint:

only thing i see differently is walt jr...i dont think this show will ever go "there". the kids will/should be left out of it.

i think the PI is looking for something on Skylar so that walt can see the kids. if she's cheating, or doing something illegal, or whatever, saul will use it :joint:

i think jesse is brilliant lol...he walks up and checks the place out while they're working on it, gets an idea of how much time/cash/work they put into it, etc etc.. it looked like he would have been willing to help them out and been part of the family again, but his dad shut him down, so he probably made up his mind right there "yeah fuck this guy, i'm gonna buy this shit" lol.

when the PI was sitting outside walt/skylar's house and he saw the hitmen go in, i thought for sure that gus was gonna tell him to put a hit on THEM lol..i dont know i was stoned. i really liked that scene though, very creepy...and their faces when they saw the text was priceless...i can only imagine what the director was telling those actors for motivation haha.. "ok, look cool...like TOO cool! ok perfect! now look at the phone, keep looking cool! right, perfect! ok, now look sort of confused, sort of amused, but still very cool! no, cooler! ok a little more confused..oookkk, perfect!"

great episode :joint:


ICMag Donor
Jesse's move on the parents house was great, but he blew his wad. He'll need to start cooking soon to pay for the upkeep on his new digs.

Skyler is hot for her boss. It seemed like it was just a few days after the baby was born that she started dressing sexy. She digs the plunging neck line so she can shoot him boob shots.

Walt will probably end up spilling the beans to Walt Jr. Really, what option does he have? The kid will not rest until someone tells him what's going on.

Great series indeed!


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
i think the PI is looking for something on Skylar so that walt can see the kids. if she's cheating, or doing something illegal, or whatever, saul will use it :joint:
is the PI working for saul or for gus?
didn't he call gus, and that's how gus canceled the hitmen?
i knew when walt started screaming about constitutional rights that he was gonna get maced, beaten, pepper sprayed or tazed.
Cops hate freedom!